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This is a test metadata collection record. This is only a test. This is more text to see if updating works. This is even more text that means nothing to see if further updating still works.
This collection of files contains temperature data files (.ttd files) downloaded directly from Tiny Tag devices, as well exported temperature data as .csv files for each nest monitored with Tiny Tags by year. File names include Tiny Tag number, site, year, and nest ID..ttd files can be viewed using Tinytag Explorer. Note, however, that the times displayed by Tinytag Explorer are calculated when the data is displayed and depend on the daylight saving settings of the PC at that time. For example, if a .ttd file is opened before and after DST settings change, then all times displayed by Tinytag Explorer will go forward or back. All .csv files were exported using the Tinytag Explorer during the same daylight savings...
This contain a zip folder of comma delimited (CSV) files for each of the 19 tables in the report. It is produced automatically upon compiling the R Quarto code. Column headers are difference than in the tables in the report but order is exactly the same. Refer to the report to understand meaning of the columns. Each cell of the tables contain a management index estimate or the standard error of the estimate.
This pilot project has initiated a long-term integrated modeling project that aims todevelop a dynamically linked model framework focused on climate driven changes tovegetation, disturbance, hydrology, and permafrost, and their interactions and feedbacks.This pilot phase has developed a conceptual framework for linking current state-of-thesciencemodels of ecosystem processes in Alaska – ALFRESCO, TEM, GIPL-1 – and theprimary processes of vegetation, disturbance, hydrology, and permafrost that theysimulate. A framework that dynamically links these models has been defined and primaryinput datasets required by the models have been developed.
This collection consists of Western Interior Upper Cretaceous ammonites and Inoceramids fossils with stratigraphic and spatial data largely from the Rocky Mountain region of North America. Data is primarily type fossils from the USGS Denver Mesozoic Invertebrate Catalog created and maintained by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) that as of March 2020 has been transferred to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Samples collected by paleontologist William A. Cobban during his sixty years of service within the USGS Paleontology And Stratigraphy Branch and Geologic Mapping Team. Approximately 14,595 fossil localities are represented in this collection. In a career that spanned almost 75 years, Cobban fundamentally...
The Northwest Boreal Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NWB LCC) is a partnership between agencies involved in land management across Alaska, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and British Columbia. The NWB LCC aims to coordinate science and support to decision makers for improving land management decisions. Knowledge gaps have been identified by the NWB LCC and are beginning to be filled. One of the priority information gaps is knowledge of the anthropogenic footprint currently on the landscape.The anthropogenic footprint is all the disturbance types made by various human activities, usually through some form of industrial development. Examples include roads, power lines, pipelines, and clear cuts among many others....
Categories: Collection, Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Academics & scientific researchers, BUILDINGS, BUILDINGS, BUILDINGS, BUILDINGS, All tags...
These raster datasets are output from the Geophysical Institute Permafrost Lab (GIPL) model and represents simulated mean annual ground temperature (MAGT) in Celsius, averaged across a decade, at the base of active layer or at the base of the seasonally frozen soil column. These data were generated by driving the GIPL model with a composite of five GCM model outputs for the A1B emissions scenario. The file name specifies the decade the raster represents. For example, a file named MAGT_1980_1989.tif represents the decade spanning 1980-1989. Cell values represent simulated mean annual ground temperature (degree C) at the base of the active layer (for areas with permafrost) or at the base of the soil column that is...
This project is an annual communicating memo explicitly designed to inform the Pacific Flyway Representative of waterfowl survey results for incorporation of the data into harvest management reports and regulatory processes. This memorandum is additionally shared widely with partners outside the USFWS. The major products are an annual reporting memo–automatically generated from an R Quarto document, and 19 species-specific comma delimited table files that appear in the memo, and the generating R (.rmd) code.
New version for 2023. This collection consolidates the IGS Oil and Gas database, documents, logs, and LAS files, superseding collections “Collection of Well logs from Idaho” and “Idaho oil and gas well data.” These files include information on current and historical oil and gas exploration wells in Idaho provided by companies to the Oil and Gas Commission from 1903-2022. This data was transferred to the Idaho Geological Survey in 2009 from the Idaho Department of Lands, who regulates and maintains data for recent/current oil and gas exploration in Idaho. The Idaho Geological Survey maintains files on two hundred fourteen oil and gas wells in the state. Some files contain drilling service reports, geophysical logs,...
These catalogs serve to identify known locations of mineral extraction and exploration activities discussed for the purpose of eventually discovering these data through the Mines web map application. These tables of information will reduce data entry time through use of queries to generate records. They also help identify properties without a clear location for efficient discussion with the original authors.
In 1967 and 1968 the USGS, in partnership with NASA and the National Park Service, extracted rock core from 13 locations in Yellowstone National Park. Depths of the holes ranged from 215 ft to 1,088 ft and the total drilled footage was 6,802 ft. The deepest hole was drilled in Norris Basin. Research on these cores provided critical understanding of complex geothermal systems that would inform the potential development of other systems, external to the park, as energy sources. These cores are extremely rare due to the many restrictions on sampling in the park. Years later, the cores were used to investigate the origin of some of Yellowstone supervolcano’s lavas using techniques that did not even exist when the cores...
The maps show baseline (1961-1990) average air temperature and projected air temperature for the decades spanning 2010-2039, 2040-2069, and 2070-2099. Temperature is expressed in both Celsius (у) and Fahrenheit (ц). Baseline results for 1961-1990 are derived from Climate Research Unit (CRU) TS 3.1. data and maps for future time periods are based on a composite of projections from five GCMs (CCSM4, GFDL-CM3, GISS-E2-R, IPSL-CM5A-LR, and MRI-CGCM3) under the AR5-RCP 6.0. Data courtesy of Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning.
This is a collection of GIF-format animations and PNG images that are suitable for presentations. These products include images for the baseline period (1961-1990) and images for each decade between 2010 and 2090. Baseline values are derived from Climate Research Unit (CRU) TS 3.1. or TS 3.1.01 data; values for future time periods are based on the SNAP 5-GCM composite under the AR5-RCP 6.0 and AR5-RCP 8.5. CRU and GCM data are provided courtesy of Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP).Air temperature is expressed in units of Celsius (у) and Fahrenheit (ц) and precipitation is available in units of millimeters (mm) and inches (in). Special note about animations: The first image of the animation...
The daily flight tracks of the 1997-2002 aerial summer Southeast Alaska Nearshore Waterbird Survey were recorded to an onboard computer using the custom survey software RECORD (John I. Hodges, FWS-MBM-Alaska, retired). The tracks were recorded by capturing the plane’s location from a GPS every five seconds as long as the software was running. The software was started at some time between the aircraft’s engine start and the start of the survey, and was shut down at some time between the end of the survey and engine shut-down. The tracks thus include the aircraft’s flight to and from the airport base. The 29 track files are named TRMMDDYY_AIR.csv, where MM = month, DD = day, and YY = year.
This contain a zip folder of comma delimited (CSV) files for each of the 19 tables in the report. It is produced automatically upon compiling the R Quarto code. Column headers are difference than in the tables in the report but order is exactly the same. Refer to the report to understand meaning of the columns. Each cell of the tables contain a management index estimate or the standard error of the estimate.
This is a zip folder of printed emails (pdf) and Word (.docx) files that describe data issues used to during the quality control process. See the file wrangle_2022.R and comments within for actually quality control process.

map background search result map search result map Grasslands Inventory Simulated Mean Annual Ground Temperature Potential Evapotranspiration: CCCMA - A1B Scenario Integrated Ecosystem Model Reports Animations and Presentation Materials Temperature Projection Maps - RCP 6.0 Anthropogenic Footprint- Canada Report Baseline (1961-1990) Rasters Dan and Mikki's documentation example Test mdRecord USGS William A. Cobban Cretaceous Ammonite Collection USGS Yellowstone National Park Core Collection Database of oil and gas wells in Idaho 2023 2023 Alaska Goose, Swan, and Crane Population Indices Tabular Data 2023 Alaska Goose, Swan, and Crane Population Indices products Catalog of mine locations in Current and Historic Mining Activity documents for years 1993-2003 Southeast Alaska Nearshore Summer Flight Tracks 1997-2002 Utqiagvik Alaska Nest Tiny Tag Temperature data 2024 Alaska Goose, Swan, and Crane Population Indices Tabular Data Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Data Notes Utqiagvik Alaska Nest Tiny Tag Temperature data Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Data Notes USGS Yellowstone National Park Core Collection Database of oil and gas wells in Idaho 2023 Southeast Alaska Nearshore Summer Flight Tracks 1997-2002 Catalog of mine locations in Current and Historic Mining Activity documents for years 1993-2003 Dan and Mikki's documentation example Grasslands Inventory Anthropogenic Footprint- Canada Report Simulated Mean Annual Ground Temperature Potential Evapotranspiration: CCCMA - A1B Scenario Integrated Ecosystem Model Reports Test mdRecord USGS William A. Cobban Cretaceous Ammonite Collection 2023 Alaska Goose, Swan, and Crane Population Indices Tabular Data 2023 Alaska Goose, Swan, and Crane Population Indices products 2024 Alaska Goose, Swan, and Crane Population Indices Tabular Data Animations and Presentation Materials Temperature Projection Maps - RCP 6.0 Baseline (1961-1990) Rasters