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This data set consists of monthly averages of soil and litter properties. Rows are grouped in the following order: year, month, vegetation type, plot ID. Within a single month five plots were sampled within each of the 2 vegetation types (10 plots total). Columns F+ represent individual measurements.
To help determine whether Hg had a causal effect on corticosterone, we investigated the impact of experimental Hg intake on the corticosterone stress response in captive juvenile loons. Juveniles were subjected to three different feeding regimes: 0, 0.4 and 1.2 µg Hg (as MeHgCL)/g wet weight (ww) fish. We then measured baseline and 30 min post-solitary confinement stressor corticosterone concentrations. The data set consists of times of blood draws and dietary Hg levels. Blood samples and data set were provided to the senior author for analysis.
The table provides all fish collected using two different electrofishing methods at Illinois River sites in 2012 and 2013. Length and weights were taken on most species and gender was taken from Silver Carp. Fishes were categorized whether they were netters (caught by nets) or jumpers (jumped in the boat while sampling) and only netters were used in analyses. Large numbers of shad were collected in 2013 and an additional spreadsheet includes abundance data in an aggregated form for those sites. The data is not sensitive/classified and there are no legal restrictions on who may obtain or use the data.
Intracoelomic implantation of electronic tags has become a common method in fishery research, but rarely are fish examined by scientists after release to understand the extent that surgical incisions have healed. Walleye (Sander vitreus) are a valuable, highly-exploited fishery resource in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Here, fishery capture of walleye with internal acoustic transmitters combined with a high reward program provided multiple opportunities to examine photographs and quantify the status of surgical incisions. Walleye (n=926) from reef and river spawning populations in Lake Erie and Lake Huron were implanted with acoustic transmitters during spring spawning events from 2011 to 2016. Incisions were closed...
The spring 2017 mainland sea otter count began on April 30, and although the shore-based counts were completed by May 12, 2017, the aerial counts were not completed until July 12, 2017. Overall viewing conditions this year were good, although not as good as conditions experienced during the 2016 spring census (View Score 2.4 versus 3.1, where 0=poor, 1=fair, 2=good, 3=very good, and 4=excellent). The surface canopies of kelp (Macrocystis sp.) were considered by most participants to be considerably below normal for this time of year in most areas of the mainland range. Sea otters along the mainland coast were surveyed from Pillar Point in San Mateo County in the north to Rincon Point in the south at the Santa Barbara/Ventura...
Radio-collared wolves in the Superior National Forest that were killed by other wolves or probably killed by wolves between 1968 and 2014
This collection of GIS layers was prepared for the report Alaska Arctic Marine Fish Ecology Catalog (U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016–5038). The layers display geographic distribution and sampling locations for Arctic marine fish species in the region of United States sectors of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Certain diadromous species (for example, Pacific salmon, char, and whitefishes) are treated as marine fishes (McDowall, 1987) because much of their life cycle is in marine and brackish environments. This synthesis of information is meant to provide current information and understanding of this fauna and its relative vulnerability to changing Arctic conditions. There are 104 species...
The data set contains results for nine serum biochemistries in molting Pacific black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans). These data were used to calculate reference intervals (sometimes referred to as normal values) for the nine serum biochemistries. All brant were after-hatch year. All samples were collected in 2006 and 2007 in the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area, Alaska.
On an island largely devoid of native vertebrate seed dispersers, we monitored forest succession for seven years following ungulate exclusion from a 5-hectare area and adjacent plots with ungulates still present. The study site was in northern Guam on Andersen Air Force Base (13°37’N, 144°51’E) and situated on a coralline limestone plateau. We established 22 plots and six 0.25-m2 subplots to measure trees and understory canopy. Data were collected in February or March, during the dry season from 2005-2011.
Data on gold deposits are extracted from an existing publication to enable analysis. The data comprise selected portions of a data set that are published by C.J. Hodgson in "Preliminary Report on the Timmins-Kirkland Lake Area Gold Deposits File," which is available online as a digital image of a report. As an image, the data set cannot be analyzed. Consequently, selected portions of the data set are re-published here in a text file. The datum for the latitude and longitude is not specified in the report and is assumed to be the North American Datum of 1927 (NAD27). The Ontario Geological Survey, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, Ontario, Canada kindly granted permission to re-publish these data. Hodgson,...
In 2015, approximately 10 million acres of Federal lands across six western states were proposed for withdrawal from mineral entry by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in order to conserve habitat critical for the greater sage-grouse. As a result, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) launched the Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment (SaMiRA) project in late-2015 to provide BLM with an assessment of the locatable minerals and an evaluation of the leaseable and saleable minerals within the proposed withdrawal areas. BLM provided Legacy Rehost 2000 System (LR2000) spatial data to the USGS on March 6, 2016 to help identify areas containing mineral leases and claims. The LR2000 system reports BLM land and mineral-use...
This dataset provides information on the current status and various other habitat and descriptive attributes of the native coastal vegetation for seven of the main Hawaiian Islands (i.e., does not include Ni`ihau).
This data set includes bi-monthly data on submerged aquatic vegetation species composition, percent cover, above and below ground biomass and environmental data at coastal sites across the fresh to saline gradient in Barataria Bay, LA. This project was co-funded by the South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center and the Gulf Coast Prairie and the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperatives. An alternate reference to this product can be found here.
Digital elevation model outputs from wetland accreting rate model of ecosystem resilience (WARMER) at ten year intervals from 2010-2110. Baseline elevations were collected with RTK GPS units and LiDAR elevations in non-surveyed areas were also corrected using LEAN method. Historical accretion rates were collected at each salt marsh and used to parameterize WARMER, predicting future elevations. These data support the following publication: Rosencranz JA, Thorne KM, Buffington KJ, et al. Sea‐level rise, habitat loss, and potential extirpation of a salt marsh specialist bird in urbanized landscapes. Ecol Evol. 2018;00:1–11.
This USGS Data Release represents geospatial data sets that were created for the analysis of the effect of Hurricane Sandy on New Jersey Atlantic Coastal Marshes. The following listed image products were generated: 1) Fifteen marsh surface condition index (MSCI) data sets were calculated from yearly summer collections of ETM+ image data from 2000 to 2015. Three classes described the results of the MSCI mapping; classs1-severely impacted, class 2-moderately impacted, and class 3-intact marsh. 2) Marsh change data product using Landsat images of July 14, 2011 (before) and July 19, 2013 (after) Hurricane Sandy is based on the difference in the percentage of vegetation. It shows a pattern of an increasing loss of marsh...
The invasive sea lamprey poses a substantial threat to fish communities in the Great Lakes. Efforts to control sea lamprey populations typically involve treating tributary streams with lampricides on a recurring cycle. Elevated densities of sea lampreys in the aquatic corridor between Lakes Huron and Erie prompted managers to propose a treatment using Bayluscide®—a granular lampricide formulation that targets larval sea lamprey that reside in sediments. However, there was concern over the potential for adverse effects of this treatment on native freshwater mussels—imperiled animals that also reside in sediments. We estimated the risk of mortality and sub-lethal effects among eight species of adult and sub-adult...
Macrhybopsis reproduction and propagule traits were studied in the laboratory using two temperature regimes and three hormone treatments and which methods produced the most spawns. Only sicklefin chub (M. meeki) spawned successfully although sturgeon chub (M. gelida) released unfertilized eggs. All temperature and hormone treatments produced M. meeki spawns, but two treatments had similar success rates at 44 and 43%, consisting of a constant daily temperature with no hormone added, or daily temperature fluctuations with hormone added to the water. Spawns consisted of multiple successful demersal circular swimming spawning embraces interspersed with circular swims without embraces. The most spawns observed for one...
Water velocities were measured in the Calumet Harbor for 5 dates in 2015 and 2016 using Teledyne Rio Grande 600 kHz acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP). The data were georeferenced with differential Dlobal Positioning System (GPS) receivers with submeter accuracy. These velocity data were collected in cooperation with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. ADCP data were collected on the following dates and for the following purposes: May 12, 2015: Water velocities in the Calumet Harbor and Calumet River. Unsteady discharges in the Calumet River mouth. September 9, 2015: Water velocities in the Calumet Harbor and Calumet River mouth. October 5, 2015: Water velocities in the Calumet Harbor and Calumet...
A digital dataset of the geomorphology of the Lower Mississippi River Valley in Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Mississippi was developed from Roger T. Saucier’s “Geomorphology and Quaternary Geologic History of the Lower Mississippi Valley, Volumes I and II” (1994) as part of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) Regional Water Availability Study. The maps included in the 1994 reports provide a comprehensive overview of the previously misunderstood alluvial valley geology and characterize twenty-nine Pleistocene and Holocene alluvial deposits, such as point bars, abandoned channels, backswamps, and natural levees. Each map was georeferenced to North American Datum 1983 and projected to USA...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Citation, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: Alluvial Fan, Apron, Arkansas, Arkansas, Arkansas River, All tags...
This is a tabular data set that includes intensity and saturation measurements of benthic invertebrates, sample residue, and preservative from samples stained with three fluorescent dyes for the development of a fluorescent staining method to enhance picking efficiency. This data set also contains data evaluating a selected fluorescent method's effects on picking efficiency and comparison to standard non-fluorescent methods for sorting benthic invertebrates.

map background search result map search result map Bureau of Land Management's Land and Mineral Legacy Rehost System (LR2000) mineral use cases for the Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming Acoustic Doppler current profiler velocity data collected during 2015 and 2016 in the Calumet Harbor, Illinois Development of fluorescent staining method and effect of fluorescent staining on benthic invertebrate picking efficiency Analysis of the effect of Hurricane Sandy on New Jersey Atlantic coastal marshes based on landsat thematic mapper and operational land imager data: 2000-2015 Dataset for Alaska Marine Fish Ecology Catalog Submerged aquatic vegetation and environmental data along a salinity gradient in Barataria Bay, Louisiana (2015) Reproductive strategy, spawning induction, spawning temperatures and early life history of captive sicklefin chub Macrhybopsis meeki-Data Serum biochemistries of Pacific black brant Dataset: Forest growth in and around an ungulate enclosure on Northern Guam, 2005-2011 Condition of Surgical Acoustic Tag Incisions in Recaptured Lake Erie Walleye (2011-2016) Effects of Flood Inundation and Invasion by Phalaris arundinacea on Nitrogen Cycling in an Upper Mississippi River Floodplain Forest data Hawaiian Islands Coastal Vegetation Survey 2013-2015 Digital Dataset for the Geomorphology of the Lower Mississippi River Valley in Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Mississippi Annual California Sea Otter Census - 2017 Spring Census Summary Digital elevation model outputs from wetland accreting rate model of ecosystem resilience (WARMER) at ten year intervals from 2010-2110 Selected Data from Preliminary Report on the Timmins-Kirkland Lake Area Gold Deposits File Development of fluorescent staining method and effect of fluorescent staining on benthic invertebrate picking efficiency Dataset: Forest growth in and around an ungulate enclosure on Northern Guam, 2005-2011 Acoustic Doppler current profiler velocity data collected during 2015 and 2016 in the Calumet Harbor, Illinois Effects of Flood Inundation and Invasion by Phalaris arundinacea on Nitrogen Cycling in an Upper Mississippi River Floodplain Forest data Analysis of the effect of Hurricane Sandy on New Jersey Atlantic coastal marshes based on landsat thematic mapper and operational land imager data: 2000-2015 Selected Data from Preliminary Report on the Timmins-Kirkland Lake Area Gold Deposits File Condition of Surgical Acoustic Tag Incisions in Recaptured Lake Erie Walleye (2011-2016) Annual California Sea Otter Census - 2017 Spring Census Summary Digital elevation model outputs from wetland accreting rate model of ecosystem resilience (WARMER) at ten year intervals from 2010-2110 Hawaiian Islands Coastal Vegetation Survey 2013-2015 Submerged aquatic vegetation and environmental data along a salinity gradient in Barataria Bay, Louisiana (2015) Digital Dataset for the Geomorphology of the Lower Mississippi River Valley in Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Mississippi Serum biochemistries of Pacific black brant Bureau of Land Management's Land and Mineral Legacy Rehost System (LR2000) mineral use cases for the Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming Dataset for Alaska Marine Fish Ecology Catalog