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Publicly available geospatial data were identified, collated, and analyzed for a region of karst terrain extending from Albany to Buffalo, New York. A series of geospatial datasets were assembled to determine the location and extent of karstic rock; bedrock geology and depth to bedrock; average water-table configuration; surficial geology; soil type, thickness, and hydraulic conductivity; land cover; and closed depressions in the land surface First release: 2021 Revised: July 2022 (ver. 2.0) Revised: October 2022 (ver. 3.0) Revised: January 2024 (ver. 4.0)
From August 2018 to October 2019, the U.S. Geological Survey collected spatially high-resolution water quality data as part of five shoreline synoptic surveys around the perimeters of Owasco, Seneca, and Skaneateles Lakes within the Finger Lakes Region of New York. Water-quality data were collected just below water surface utilizing YSI EXO2 multiparameter sondes and portable nitrate sensors paired with real-time GPS data as part of a HABs monitoring program in the Finger Lakes. In October 2019, water-quality data collection was paired with discrete phytoplankton grab samples on Owasco Lake and Seneca Lake. Phytoplankton grab samples were collected just below water surface with a peristaltic pump at twelve locations...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Aquatic Biology, Contaminants, HABS, Finger Lakes, Limnology, New York, All tags...
This data release contains motorboat-towed floating transient electromagnetic data collected from the Columbia River near Hanford WA. Data were collected using a ~16 foot (4.9 meters) outboard motorboat during two field campaigns: July 2021 and April 2022. In total, several hundred linear kilometers of data were collected from a reach of the Columbia that extends from approximately Vernita Bridge to Richland, WA with some additional data collected in the Horn area north of White Bluffs in April 2022. An Aarhus Geoinstruments FloaTEM system was used to collect these data. The depth of investigation of the FloaTEM system is variable but ranged from approximately 50 to 100 meters. Previously collected high-resolution...
In cooperation with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYC DEP), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected water and bed sediment samples along Alley Creek (Queens, New York) to help determine likely sources of fecal bacteria to the creek and Little Neck Bay. Potential terrestrial sources include stormwater, sewage via combined sewer overflow (CSO) and compromised infrastructure, bed-sediment resuspension, and groundwater discharge. Host sources that were targeted using microbial source tracking (MST) techniques included human, canine, waterfowl, and general Bacteroides. Routine water samples were collected and analyzed for the fecal indicator bacteria enterococci and fecal coliform, along...
Fish tissue from 203 samples collected at five locations in the Niagara River Area of Concern in 2018 were analyzed for a wide range of analytes including Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides (E1 and E2), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), organochlorine and other persistent organic compounds, metals, lipid and moisture. Over 230 analytes were analyzed in the tissue samples, including 160 PCB congeners. Fish tissues from a subset of the sites (n=40) were also analyzed for Dioxins and Furans. The data set includes a variety of laboratory quality assurance data including sample replicates, laboratory blank data, laboratory spike data, matrix spike recoveries, and replicate matrix spike recoveries.
From April through September of 2018, water-quality data were collected at 35 locations from select tributaries, embayments, and nearshore lake locations along New York's portion of Lake Ontario in support of the 2018 Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, and the Lakewide Action Management Plan. These data include environmental, replicate, and blank samples of nutrients, suspended solids, sodium, and chloride, as well as field measurements of physical parameters (temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, phycocyanin relative fluorescence, chlorophyll relative fluorescence, photosynthetically active radiation, and phycocyanin:cholorphyll...
Macroinvertebrate samples were collected from streams tributary to Honnedaga Lake and from the Middle Branch of the Black River during 2012-2016 and analyzed for methylmercury concentrations and for stable isotope ratios of nitrogen and carbon. Macroinvertebrates were identified in the field, and the level of taxonomic resolution varied from order to species; most taxa were identified to the family level. Specimens were field-processed into composite samples, field-frozen, and submitted to the mercury laboratory for freeze-drying and analysis. Subsamples were then submitted to the stable isotope laboratory for analysis of nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios. This database contains the resulting data and associated...
In October and November 2016-2017, transient electromagnetic (TEM) data, also called time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) surveys, were acquired at 120 locations in the Genesee Valley, Livingston County, New York, in order to characterize the subsurface resistivity structure in support of a U.S. Geological Survey groundwater investigation. The TEM data were collected as part of a project to evaluate geophysical methods to characterize the valley-fill sediments, underlying bedrock, and salinity of the subsurface. TEM data were collected using an ABEM WalkTEM unit (acquisition software V 1.1.0 and newer) using two transmitter loop (Tx) sizes, 100 by 100 meter square and 40 by 40 meters square, a center-loop receiver...
An irrigation monitoring experiment was performed in Haddam Meadows State Park, Connecticut, on July 16, 2019. Prior to this experiment, ground penetrating radar (GPR), frequency domain electromagnetics (FDEM), and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) geophysical data were collected over a 20 meter by 10-meter grid to provide baseline information. A vertical soil moisture probe was installed in the center of this area that recorded volumetric water content, temperature, and electrical conductivity at 9 discrete depths down to 1 meter below land surface. Over the next 8 hours, 5,300 liters of irrigation water (with specific conductance of 1,000 microSiemens per centimeter) was sprayed as evenly as practical over...
State and local county health departments have detected per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in groundwater downgradient of airports and military and firefighting training areas in Long Island, New York. However, the occurrence and spatial distribution of PFAS throughout the surficial aquifer is not well established. Shallow groundwater samples were collected in 2018 from two observation well networks; the Sentinel network and Wastewater Treatment Plant groundwater (WTPGW) network. The Sentinel network is an island-wide group of wells screened within the shallow upper glacial (surficial, <100 feet deep) aquifer, which were sampled to assess the occurrence of PFAS in different land-use settings. The WTPGW network...
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides discretely measured cyanotoxin, chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacterial toxin genetic data for samples collected from eleven large river sites throughout the United States, from June through October 2018. Discrete water-quality samples were analyzed for cyanotoxins (anatoxin, cylindrospermopsin, microcystin, and saxitoxin), chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacterial toxin genetics as part of a National Water-Quality Assessment Project pilot study to describe cyanobacteria and cyanotoxin occurrence in the Nation's large rivers.
Categories: Data; Tags: Anatoxin, Aquatic Biology, California, Chattahoochee River near Whitesburg, GA, Chlorophyll-a, All tags...
This model archive makes available the Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model (Westenbroek and others, 2010) and input data used to estimate the potential amount of annual groundwater recharge to the Long Island aquifer system from 1900 to 2019 as described in U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2021-5143. Input data for two SWB simulations are included in the archive. The first simulation uses existing land-use/land-cover datasets to estimate changes in recharge with changing land use from 1900-2019 (referred to as the post-development simulation). The second simulation assumed a forested, undeveloped (pre-development simulation) condition across Long Island for the same period. The same soil coverages...
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release contains estimated daily mean streamflow for Broadstreet Hollow Brook at Highway 28 at Allaben NY (USGS station ID 01362232) and Bushnellsville Creek at State Highway 42 at Shandaken NY (USGS station ID 0136219702) based on methods in Gazoorian (2015) and available discharge data from West Kill near West Kill NY (USGS station ID 01349810). Instantaneous streamflow and estimated instantaneous suspended-sediment loads for Hollow Tree Brook at State Highway 214 at Lanesville NY (USGS station ID 01362345) were derived from streamflow data from Hollow Tree Brook at Lanesville (01362342), methods in Lumia and others (2006) and Rasmussen and others (2009), and available...
This data release contains meteorological sensor data (6-minute intervals) collected at Great South Bay at Watch Hill on Fire Island (USGS station number, 01305575), New York, from 2017 to 2022. Measured parameters include: air pressure, air temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind direction and speed, and wind-gust direction and speed. Data users are encouraged to review the metadata for information on data quality and screening prior to use.
This data release contains model simulation results of a particle tracking analysis to delineate areas that provide recharge to surface waters and public-supply wells on Long Island, NY. The analysis partitions the recharge areas based on particle travel times of greater than or less than 10 years to reach the receiving surface water or well. The simulation was performed using a regional-scale numerical model of the Long Island aquifer system (Walter and others, 2020a and 2020b) for average 2005-2015 conditions. The model implements MODFLOW-NWT (Niswonger and others, 2011) to represent steady-state groundwater pumping and aquifer recharge conditions; recharge areas were identified and partitioned using the particle-tracking...
This release contains borehole geophysical electrical log data (elogs), total dissolved solids sample data (TDS), and geostatistical program files used to estimate the salinity distribution in groundwater above and in the vicinity of the Montebello Oil Field, located near Los Angeles, California, USA. Original data are drawn from a variety of publicly available sources and are combined here for use in geostatistical simulation and estimation. The extent of the estimation area is a 3-mile buffer zone surrounding the Montebello Oil Field administrative boundary, and the subsurface aquifer region lying above locally mapped oil-bearing units. The data compilation and analysis were done as part of the California State...
From April 2013 to August 2015, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Town of Enfield and the Tompkins County Planning Department, collected horizontal-to-vertical seismic soundings at 69 locations in the Enfield Creek valley to help determine thickness of the unconsolidated deposits and depth to bedrock. The HVSR technique, commonly referred to as the passive-seismic method, is used to estimate the thickness of unconsolidated sediments and the depth to bedrock (Lane and others, 2008). The passive-seismic method uses a single, broad-band three-component (two horizontal and one vertical) seismometer to record ambient seismic noise. In areas that have a strong acoustic contrast between the bedrock and...
The movement of mercury (Hg) from the atmosphere to the biosphere occurs by both wet and dry deposition to solid surfaces, water, and vegetation. Most of the annual dry atmospheric Hg deposition in deciduous forests is believed to originate from litterfall which consists mainly of dead leaves that fall to the earth’s surface, primarily during the autumn and winter seasons. Atmospheric Hg reaches an annual maximum concentration in leaves at the time of leaf fall. Analysis of litterfall samples helps to quantify total annual atmospheric Hg deposition to forests when combined with precipitation Hg data. This data set is derived from litterfall samples collected during 2017-18 and 2018-19 at 27 selected National Atmospheric...
In 2011, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Town of Newfield and the Tompkins County Planning Department, began a study of the stratified-drift aquifers in the West Branch Cayuga Inlet and Fish Kill valleys in the Town of Newfield, Tompkins County, New York. The objective of this study was to characterize the hydrogeology and water quality of the stratified-drift aquifers in the West Branch Cayuga Inlet and Fish Kill valleys and produce a summary report of the findings. The spatial extent and hydrogeologic framework of these unconsolidated aquifers were delineated using existing data, including soils maps, well records, geologic logs, topographic data, and published reports. These geospatial datasets...
From 2016 through 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, collected horizontal-to-vertical seismic soundings at 71 locations in the major valleys in the Oneonta area, Otsego and Delaware Counties, New York to help determine thickness of the unconsolidated deposits and the bedrock surface elevation. The HVSR technique, commonly referred to as the passive-seismic method, is used to estimate the thickness of unconsolidated sediments and the depth to bedrock (Lane and others, 2008; Fairchild and others, 2013). The passive-seismic method uses a single, broad-band three-component (two horizontal and one vertical) seismometer to record ambient seismic...

map background search result map search result map Occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, Long Island and New York City, New York Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Soundings and Depth-to-Bedrock Data for Geohydrology and Water Quality Investigation of the Unconsolidated Aquifers in the Enfield Creek Valley, Town of Enfield, Tompkins County, New York, April 2013 - August 2015 Lake Ontario Nearshore Nutrient Study (LONNS), 2018, Lake Ontario, New York Time-domain electromagnetic soundings to delineate saline groundwater in the Genesee valley-fill aquifer system, New York (2016-2017) Geospatial Data to Assess Karst Aquifer Systems Between Albany and Buffalo, New York (ver. 4.0, January 2024) Methylmercury and associated data in macroinvertebrates from tributaries of Honnedaga Lake and from the Middle Branch Black River in New York. Geospatial datasets for the geohydrology and water quality of the stratified-drift aquifer in West Branch Cayuga Inlet and Fish Kill Valleys, Newfield, Tompkins County, New York Horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio soundings and depth-to-bedrock data for valley-fill aquifers in the Oneonta area, Otsego and Delaware Counties, New York, 2016 - 2018 Mercury and Methylmercury Concentrations in Litterfall Samples Collected at Selected National Atmospheric Deposition Program Sites during 2017 to 2019 Soil-water-balance model archive for Long Island, NY, 1900-2019 Cyanotoxin, chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacterial toxin genetic data for samples collected at eleven large river sites throughout the United States, June through October 2018 Organic and Metal Contaminants in Fish Tissue Collected from the Niagara River Area of Concern, New York, 2018 High-resolution spatial water-quality and discrete phytoplankton data, Owasco Lake, Seneca Lake, and Skaneateles Lake, Finger Lakes Region, New York, 2018-2019 Data used to estimate groundwater salinity above the Montebello Oil Field (California, USA) Assessment of fecal contamination sources to Alley Creek, Queens County, New York: Results from a sediment resuspension experiment, thermal imagery, and additional sample collection, 2020-2021 Geophysical and Other Data From an Irrigation Monitoring Experiment at Haddam Meadows, CT, July 2019 Estimated Streamflow and Suspended-Sediment Loads for Select Sites in the Esopus Creek Watershed, New York, Water Years 2017 through 2021 Meteorological Data from Great South Bay at Watch Hill on Fire Island, New York, 2017 to 2022 Simulated Recharge Areas to Surface Waters and Public-Supply Wells with Travel Times Greater Than and Less Than 10 Years For Average 2005-2015 Conditions, Long Island, NY Floating Transient Electromagnetic Survey Data from the Columbia River near Hanford, WA Geophysical and Other Data From an Irrigation Monitoring Experiment at Haddam Meadows, CT, July 2019 Meteorological Data from Great South Bay at Watch Hill on Fire Island, New York, 2017 to 2022 Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Soundings and Depth-to-Bedrock Data for Geohydrology and Water Quality Investigation of the Unconsolidated Aquifers in the Enfield Creek Valley, Town of Enfield, Tompkins County, New York, April 2013 - August 2015 Assessment of fecal contamination sources to Alley Creek, Queens County, New York: Results from a sediment resuspension experiment, thermal imagery, and additional sample collection, 2020-2021 Horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio soundings and depth-to-bedrock data for valley-fill aquifers in the Oneonta area, Otsego and Delaware Counties, New York, 2016 - 2018 Estimated Streamflow and Suspended-Sediment Loads for Select Sites in the Esopus Creek Watershed, New York, Water Years 2017 through 2021 Organic and Metal Contaminants in Fish Tissue Collected from the Niagara River Area of Concern, New York, 2018 Floating Transient Electromagnetic Survey Data from the Columbia River near Hanford, WA Data used to estimate groundwater salinity above the Montebello Oil Field (California, USA) Methylmercury and associated data in macroinvertebrates from tributaries of Honnedaga Lake and from the Middle Branch Black River in New York. High-resolution spatial water-quality and discrete phytoplankton data, Owasco Lake, Seneca Lake, and Skaneateles Lake, Finger Lakes Region, New York, 2018-2019 Occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, Long Island and New York City, New York Soil-water-balance model archive for Long Island, NY, 1900-2019 Simulated Recharge Areas to Surface Waters and Public-Supply Wells with Travel Times Greater Than and Less Than 10 Years For Average 2005-2015 Conditions, Long Island, NY Lake Ontario Nearshore Nutrient Study (LONNS), 2018, Lake Ontario, New York Geospatial Data to Assess Karst Aquifer Systems Between Albany and Buffalo, New York (ver. 4.0, January 2024) Mercury and Methylmercury Concentrations in Litterfall Samples Collected at Selected National Atmospheric Deposition Program Sites during 2017 to 2019 Cyanotoxin, chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacterial toxin genetic data for samples collected at eleven large river sites throughout the United States, June through October 2018