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This data set describes the predicted daily climate (temperature and rainfall) for low, mid, and high-elevations on Mona Loa, Island of Hawaii from 2098-2100. Climate predictions are based on 3 alternative climate scenarios (RCP 4.5, A1B, and RCP 8.5) - see Liao et al. 2015 for more details and climate references. The predicted daily risk of susceptible Hawaiian honeycreepers are based on the daily climate data, mosquito abundance and other factors. Also see Samuel et al. 2011 The dynamics, transmission, and population impacts of avian malaria in native Hawaiian birds: a modeling approach. Ecological Applications 21:2960-2973 for description of the epidemiological model used for avian malaria risk predictions.
Locating meadow study sitesMeadow centers as recorded in the ‘Copy of sitecords_areaelev from Caruthers thesis.xls’ file delivered by Debinski in November 2012 were matched to polygons as recorded in files ‘teton97map_area.shp’ and ‘gallatin97map_area.shp’ both also delivered by Debinski in November 2012.In cases where the meadow center did not fall within a meadow polygon, if there was a meadow polygon of the same meadow TYPE nearby (judgment was used here), the meadow center was matched with the meadow polygon of same meadow TYPE. In total, 29 of 30 Gallatin meadow sites and 21 of 25 Teton meadow sites were positively located.Identifying meadow pixels for analysisThe native MODIS 250-meter grid was reprojected...
Locating meadow study sitesMeadow centers as recorded in the ‘Copy of sitecords_areaelev from Caruthers thesis.xls’ file delivered by Debinski in November 2012 were matched to polygons as recorded in files ‘teton97map_area.shp’ and ‘gallatin97map_area.shp’ both also delivered by Debinski in November 2012.In cases where the meadow center did not fall within a meadow polygon, if there was a meadow polygon of the same meadow TYPE nearby (judgment was used here), the meadow center was matched with the meadow polygon of same meadow TYPE. In total, 29 of 30 Gallatin meadow sites and 21 of 25 Teton meadow sites were positively located.Identifying meadow pixels for analysisThe native MODIS 250-meter grid was reprojected...
This landcover raster was generated through a Random Forest predictive model developed in R using a combination of image-derived and ancillary variables, and field-derived training points grouped into 18 classes. Overall accuracy, generated internally through bootstrapping, was 75.5%. A series of post-modeling steps brought the final number of land cover classes to 28.
Training points collected in the field between 2012 and 2013 were grouped into 18 classes: Forested Burn (66), Foothill Woodland Steppe Transition (73), Greasewood Flat (73), Greasewood Steppe (239), Greasewood Sage Steppe (277), Great Plains Badlands (166), Great Plains Riparian (255), Low Density Sage Steppe (776), Medium Density Sage Steppe (783), Mixed Grass Prairie (555), Mixed Grass Prairie Burned (278), Ponderosa Pine Woodland and Shrubland (512), Riparian Floodplain (223), Semi-Desert Grassland (103), Sparsely Vegetated Mixed Shrub (252), Silver Sage Flat (70) , Silver Sage Steppe (64), and Water (246). When insufficient field data were available for a class, we augmented it through photointerpretation of...
This data set includes bi-monthly data on submerged aquatic vegetation species composition, percent cover, above and below ground biomass and environmental data at coastal sites across the fresh to saline gradient in Barataria Bay, LA. This project was co-funded by the South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center and the Gulf Coast Prairie and the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperatives. An alternate reference to this product can be found here.
This dataset contains the result of the bioclimatic-envelope modeling of the three amphibian species -- the Sacramento Mountain Salamander (Aneides hardii), the Jemez Mountains Salamander (Plethodon neomexicanus), and the Chiricahua Leopard Frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis) -- in the South Central US using the downscaled data provided by WorldClim. We used five species distribution models (SDM) including Generalized Linear Model, Random Forest, Boosted Regression Tree, Maxent, and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and ensembles to develop the present day distributions of the species based on climate-driven models alone. We then projected future distributions of the species using data from four climate...
This dataset contains the result of the bioclimatic-envelope modeling of the two reptile species -- Rio Grande Cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi) and Gray-Checkered Whiptail (Aspidoscelis dixoni) -- in the South Central US using the downscaled data provided by WorldClim. We used five species distribution models (SDM) including Generalized Linear Model, Random Forest, Boosted Regression Tree, Maxent, and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and ensembles to develop the present day distributions of the species based on climate-driven models alone. We then projected future distributions of the species using data from four climate models: Community Climate System Model version 4 (CCSM4), Hadley Centre Global Environment...
Establishing connections among natural landscapes is the most frequently recommended strategy for adapting management of natural resources in response to climate change. The U.S. Northern Rockies still support a full suite of native wildlife, and survival of these populations depends on connected landscapes. Connected landscapes support current migration and dispersal as well as future shifts in species ranges that will be necessary for species to adapt to our changing climate. Working in partnership with state and federal resource managers and private land trusts, we sought to: 1) understand how future climate change may alter habitat composition of landscapes expected to serve as important connections for wildlife,...
Establishing connections among natural landscapes is the most frequently recommended strategy for adapting management of natural resources in response to climate change. The U.S. Northern Rockies still support a full suite of native wildlife, and survival of these populations depends on connected landscapes. Connected landscapes support current migration and dispersal as well as future shifts in species ranges that will be necessary for species to adapt to our changing climate. Working in partnership with state and federal resource managers and private land trusts, we sought to: 1) understand how future climate change may alter habitat composition of landscapes expected to serve as important connections for wildlife,...
Establishing connections among natural landscapes is the most frequently recommended strategy for adapting management of natural resources in response to climate change. The U.S. Northern Rockies still support a full suite of native wildlife, and survival of these populations depends on connected landscapes. Connected landscapes support current migration and dispersal as well as future shifts in species ranges that will be necessary for species to adapt to our changing climate. Working in partnership with state and federal resource managers and private land trusts, we sought to: 1) understand how future climate change may alter habitat composition of landscapes expected to serve as important connections for wildlife,...
Establishing connections among natural landscapes is the most frequently recommended strategy for adapting management of natural resources in response to climate change. The U.S. Northern Rockies still support a full suite of native wildlife, and survival of these populations depends on connected landscapes. Connected landscapes support current migration and dispersal as well as future shifts in species ranges that will be necessary for species to adapt to our changing climate. Working in partnership with state and federal resource managers and private land trusts, we sought to: 1) understand how future climate change may alter habitat composition of landscapes expected to serve as important connections for wildlife,...
Establishing connections among natural landscapes is the most frequently recommended strategy for adapting management of natural resources in response to climate change. The U.S. Northern Rockies still support a full suite of native wildlife, and survival of these populations depends on connected landscapes. Connected landscapes support current migration and dispersal as well as future shifts in species ranges that will be necessary for species to adapt to our changing climate. Working in partnership with state and federal resource managers and private land trusts, we sought to: 1) understand how future climate change may alter habitat composition of landscapes expected to serve as important connections for wildlife,...
This dataset is a list of variables (in columns) corresponding to nodes in a categorical network model. Geographic variables vary according to the specific climate downscaling model used to project plant species range into the future. Continuous variables were discretized into two to five categories as required by the model, usually based on quantiles of distribution.
It is well recognized that the climate is warming in response to anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases. Over the last decade, this has had a warming effect on lakes. Water clarity is also known to effect water temperature in lakes. What is unclear is how a warming climate might interact with changes in water clarity in lakes. As part of a project at the USGS Office of Water Information, several water clarity scenarios were simulated for lakes in Wisconsin to examine how changing water clarity interacts with climate change to affect lake temperatures at a broad scale. This data set contains the following parameters: year, WBIC, durStrat, max_schmidt_stability, mean_schmidt_stability_JAS, mean_schmidt_stability_July,...
It is well recognized that the climate is warming in response to anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases. Over the last decade, this has had a warming effect on lakes. Water clarity is also known to effect water temperature in lakes. What is unclear is how a warming climate might interact with changes in water clarity in lakes. As part of a project at the USGS Office of Water Information, several water clarity scenarios were simulated for lakes in Wisconsin to examine how changing water clarity interacts with climate change to affect lake temperatures at a broad scale. This data set contains the following parameters: year, WBIC, durStrat, max_schmidt_stability, mean_schmidt_stability_JAS, mean_schmidt_stability_July,...
This dataset represents results from this study attributed to the Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 12 watershed boundaries. Human impacts occurring throughout the Northeast and Midwest United States, including urbanization, agriculture, and dams, have multiple effects on the region’s streams which support economically valuable stream fishes. Changes in climate are expected to lead to additional impacts in stream habitats and fish assemblages in multiple ways, including changing stream water temperatures. To manage streams for current impacts and future changes, managers need region-wide information for decision-making and developing proactive management strategies. Our project met that need by integrating results...
It is well understood that plant phenology is sensitive to climate, however it is not so clear exactly how climate change might alter the spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation phenology. Satellite remote sensing offers a unique vantage point from which to observe phenological cycles across large regions. Although ubiquitous, cycles of green-up and brown-down are complex and exhibit great variability across space and time. Herbivore species such as elk, moose, and deer depend on the availability of herbaceous plants and deciduous shrubs for forage. These vegetation types are most nutritious for herbivores from early season to peak green-up, so characterizing vegetation cycles, or phenology, over the long term...
Climate often drives ungulate population dynamics, and as climates change, some areas may become unsuitable for species persistence. Unraveling the relationships between climate and population dynamics, and projecting them across time, advances ecological understanding that informs and steers sustainable conservation for species. Using pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) as an ecological model, we used a Bayesian approach to analyze long-term population, precipitation, and temperature data from 18 populations in the southwestern United States. We determined which long-term (12 and 24 months) or short-term (gestation trimester and lactation period) climatic conditions best predicted annual rate of population growth...
Establishing connections among natural landscapes is the most frequently recommended strategy for adapting management of natural resources in response to climate change. The U.S. Northern Rockies still support a full suite of native wildlife, and survival of these populations depends on connected landscapes. Connected landscapes support current migration and dispersal as well as future shifts in species ranges that will be necessary for species to adapt to our changing climate. Working in partnership with state and federal resource managers and private land trusts, we sought to: 1) understand how future climate change may alter habitat composition of landscapes expected to serve as important connections for wildlife,...

map background search result map search result map Hydrological Analysis of Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Montane Meadow Condition using MODIS data Wisconsin Lake Temperature Metrics Decreasing Clarity Wisconsin Lake Temperature Metrics Increasing Clarity Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge Spot Landcover Classification in Relation to Greater Sage Grouse Training Points The Effects of Drought on Vegetation Phenology and Wildlife Predicted climate and avian malaria risk to Hawaiian honeycreepers on the Island of Hawaii from 2098-2100 Merged traits used to fit the Hawaiian native plant vulnerability model Projected future bioclimate-envelope suitability for amphibian species in South Central USA Projected future bioclimate-envelope suitability for reptile species in South Central USA Potential climate change impacts on alpine connectivity in the U.S. Northern Rockies Potential climate change impacts on bighorn sheep connectivity in the U.S. Northern Rockies Potential climate change impacts on forest connectivity in the U.S. Northern Rockies Potential climate change impacts on grassland connectivity in the U.S. Northern Rockies Potential climate change impacts on grizzly bear connectivity in the U.S. Northern Rockies Potential climate change impacts on mountain goat connectivity in the U.S. Northern Rockies Submerged aquatic vegetation and environmental data along a salinity gradient in Barataria Bay, Louisiana (2015) Fishtail huc12: Indices and supporting data characterizing the current (1961-2000) and future (2041-2080) risk to fish habitat degradation in the Northeast Climate Science Center region Impact of Drought on Southwestern Pronghorn Population Trends and Predicted Trajectories in the Southwest in the Face of Climate Change An analysis of montane meadow drying in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem using remotely sensed NDVI from the MODIS period of record (lsp metrics) Hydrological Analysis of Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Montane Meadow Condition using MODIS data An analysis of montane meadow drying in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem using remotely sensed NDVI from the MODIS period of record (lsp metrics) Predicted climate and avian malaria risk to Hawaiian honeycreepers on the Island of Hawaii from 2098-2100 Training Points Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge Spot Landcover Classification in Relation to Greater Sage Grouse Projected future bioclimate-envelope suitability for amphibian species in South Central USA Projected future bioclimate-envelope suitability for reptile species in South Central USA Submerged aquatic vegetation and environmental data along a salinity gradient in Barataria Bay, Louisiana (2015) Wisconsin Lake Temperature Metrics Decreasing Clarity Wisconsin Lake Temperature Metrics Increasing Clarity The Effects of Drought on Vegetation Phenology and Wildlife Potential climate change impacts on alpine connectivity in the U.S. Northern Rockies Potential climate change impacts on bighorn sheep connectivity in the U.S. Northern Rockies Potential climate change impacts on forest connectivity in the U.S. Northern Rockies Potential climate change impacts on grassland connectivity in the U.S. Northern Rockies Potential climate change impacts on grizzly bear connectivity in the U.S. Northern Rockies Potential climate change impacts on mountain goat connectivity in the U.S. Northern Rockies Impact of Drought on Southwestern Pronghorn Population Trends and Predicted Trajectories in the Southwest in the Face of Climate Change Merged traits used to fit the Hawaiian native plant vulnerability model Fishtail huc12: Indices and supporting data characterizing the current (1961-2000) and future (2041-2080) risk to fish habitat degradation in the Northeast Climate Science Center region