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Using funds from an NRDAR settlement, FWS obligated $557,810 ($2011) to TNC of Massachusetts for the purchase of permanent conservation easements on approximately 200 acres of riparian lands along the Housatonic River in Salisbury, Connecticut. Conservation of riparian habitat will help to (1) protect water quality; (2) protect nesting habitat for migratory songbirds and other wildlife, including several rare and endangered plants, turtles, salamanders and dragonflies; and (3) maintain the scenic, agrarian character of the region. These efforts provide a beneficial tradeoff from the harm to the river and associated wildlife caused by historical polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) contamination. Economic Impacts of...
Background information.—On July 8, 2012, lightning ignited a fire on Bureau of Land Management-managed land on the Miller Homestead in Harney County, Oregon. High winds combined with unusually hot and dry conditions spread the fire through dry grass and sagebrush and 160,801 acres were burned before the fire was contained on July 24, 2012. In the aftermath, it was determined that ecological restoration was necessary since the majority of the fire occurred within prime habitat for sage-grouse, and the fire had burned with such severity that it removed vegetation down to bare soil. Without rehabilitation efforts, desirable vegetation would be unlikely to reestablish and the site would be open to invasion by noxious...
Description of Work Since 2010, connecting channels have been included in each of the Great Lakes’ Lake Management Plans (LaMPs). Lake Ontario now includes both the Niagara River and the St. Lawrence River. The Niagara River is well characterized by a number of long-term programs, but because of the lack of tributary water-quality data, the St. Lawrence River and its tributaries constitute a data gap in the information needed for the Lake Ontario to fulfill its goals. Critical information needs, including basic water-quality parameters, total suspended solids, nutrients and flow data. These data are needed to aid in the identification of sources of nutrient and sediment loading to the St. Lawrence. The monitoring...
Description of Work Benthos (benthic invertebrate) and plankton (phytoplankton/zooplankton) communities in Wisconsin's four Lake Michigan Areas of Concern (AOCs; Menominee River, Lower Green Bay and Fox River, Sheboygan River, and Milwaukee Estuary) and six non-AOCs will be quantified. The inclusion of non-AOC sites will allow comparison of AOC sites to relatively-unimpacted or less-impacted control sites with natural physical and chemical characteristics that are as close as possible to that of the AOCs. The community data within and between the AOCs and non-AOCs will be analyzed. This project is a cooperative agreement between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and the US Geological Survey (USGS)....
PROBLEM The valley‐fill aquifer in the lower Fall Creek valley (designated as aquifer 4, fig. 1), within the Towns of Dryden and Groton, was mapped by Miller (2000) and identified as one of 17 unconsolidated aquifers in Tompkins County that need to be studied in more detail. The east end of the valley (near the Tompkins and Cortland County border) is on the backside of a large morainal plug, which is part of the Valley Heads Moraine. A large system of springs discharge from the backside of the moraine and forms part of the headwaters to Fall Creek. The valley‐fill aquifer thins and pinches out to the west (figs. 1 and 2)— where the valley is floored by bedrock and becomes a “hanging valley” to Cayuga Lake trough....
This dataset describes irrigation water use in Kansas in 2015. Volumes of water used, irrigated area, and average irrigation application depths are provided for three sets of subareas: (1) Irrigation water use analysis regions that include Groundwater Management Districts (GMDs) with the areas outside of GMDs divided into eastern, central, and western Kansas; (2) Regional Planning Areas (RPAs), which are 14 areas determined by the Kansas Water Office based on hydrologic and administrative boundaries, each with a set of goals outlined in the Kansas Water Vision (; and (3) the 105 Kansas counties. Volumes of water used, irrigated area, and average application depths are also...
A limited amount of valid scientific information about global climate change and its detrimental impacts has reached the public and exerted a positive impact on the public policy process or future planning for adaptation and mitigation. This project was designed to address this limitation by bringing together expertise in the social and communication sciences from targeted academic institutions affiliated with the Department of the Interior’s Climate Science Centers (CSCs) through a workshop. The project team brought together expertise in the social and communication sciences from targeted academic institutions, particularly experts and scholars who are affiliated with the nation’s CSCs, by means of an invited...
The SRLCC provided funds to the states of Arizona and New Mexico to support development of the states Crucial Habitat Assessment Tools (CHATs) which provide a decision support system to better incorporate wildlife values, sensitive animals and plants, and important ecosystem features into land use decision-making to reduce conflicts and surprises.Several states have released wildlife mapping tools that are the foundation for displaying crucial wildlife and corridor information. The state and regional CHATs are non-regulatory, and give project planners and the general public access to credible scientific data on a broad scale for use in project analysis, siting and planning. This includes large-scale development...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: AZ-01, AZ-02, AZ-03, AZ-04, AZ-05, All tags...
Aging infrastructure is creating a pressing national need to align priorities between civil engineering and other interests. Restoring ecological connectivity of river networks that are fragmented by dams and road crossings has become a prominent objective for environmental managers across the country. A mature decision-support framework and newly available data on the condition of dams throughout the Lake Michigan basin offer unique opportunities to test for potential cost-efficiency gains from sharing the costs of removing decrepit dams between environmental and engineering organizations. At sites where these interests align, genuine win-win scenarios could advance both ecological connectivity and infrastructure...
Maintaining the native prairie lands of the Northern Great Plains (NGP), which provide an important habitat for declining grassland species, requires anticipating the effects of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and climate change on the region’s vegetation. Specifically, climate change threatens NGP grasslands by increasing the potential encroachment of native woody species into areas where they were previously only present in minor numbers. This project used a dynamic vegetation model to simulate vegetation type (grassland, shrubland, woodland, and forest) for the NGP for a range of projected future climates and relevant management scenarios. Comparing results of these simulations illustrates...
Water scarcity is a growing concern in Texas, where surface water is derived almost entirely from rainfall. Changes in air temperature and precipitation patterns associated with global climate change are anticipated to regionally affect the quality and quantity of inland surface waters and consequently their suitability as habitat for freshwater life. In addition to directly affecting resident organisms and populations, these changes in physicochemical traits of aquatic habitats may favor the establishment of harmful invasive species. As conflicts over the use of water resources grow in intensity, this information will become important for fish and wildlife managers to anticipate impacts of climate change on trust...
Background information.—Historically, the Powell River supported abundant and diverse populations of freshwater mussels. In recent decades, mussel density and species richness have declined and many freshwater mussel species are listed as either State or Federally threatened or endangered species. Environmental degradation from coal mining has been identified as one of the drivers of this decline. An example is the 1996 Lone Mountain slurry spill that directly affected mussel populations, as well as their host fish species. Freshwater mussels feed by filtering small particles from water, thereby improving water quality and providing an essential ecosystem service in rivers and streams. Mussels also serve as a food...
Categories: Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Aquatic, Aquatic species propagation, Bank stabilization/erosion control, Broadleaf, Conservation easement, All tags...
BACKGROUND Long Island Sound has 600 miles of coastline and there are over 23 million people living within 50 miles of its shores. In response to water-quality issues and nitrogen pollution in the Sound, Congress created the Long Island Sound Study (LISS) in 1985. LISS is a partnership of federal, state, and local government agencies, private organizations and educational institutions working together to restore and protect the Sound. The USGS New England and New York Water Science Centers are partners in the LISS. These organizations also have historical and ongoing work with other partners in the LISS study region. Although historically the focus of LISS has been on water quality issues, a “Sustainable and Resilient...
The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance to the National Wildlife Refuge Association in support of collaborative work between them and the Bear River Refuge to further the goals and accomplish objectives of the Bear River Watershed Conservation Area, and to work with the Friends of Bear River Refuge to establish an endowment fund for conservation education in the watershed. The proposed Bear River Watershed Conservation Area (BRWCA) project would work with private landowners to conserve the natural resources and working landscapes of the area by acquiring conservation easements from willing sellers, the project would help maintain important habitat for a variety of fish, mammals, and migratory...
The Shivwits Band of the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah (PITU) has recognized the need to identify and assess the potential impacts of landscape-level stressors, such as climate change and drought, on tribal and ancestral lands and resources, such as water resources and culturally significant species and the habitats and ecosystems that support them. With funding from the Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative, the Shivwits hired Barbara Dugelby1 of Round River Conservation Studies to conduct the assessment and prepare this report. The results of this report and the assessment will be integrated into the overall landscape level assessment of SRLCC priorities. This report presents a summary of the findings...
The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD) recognizes the need for a strong data foundation to inform science-based decisions for fisheries management at a watershed level. In preparation for a shift towards comprehensive watershed-scale planning, AGFD is developing a fisheries data management system with an initial focus on compiling and formatting several hundred thousand fish survey and stocking records. Fish data will be integrated within a Geographic Information System (GIS) by georeferencing observations to an existing national spatial framework (National Hydrography Dataset), which will allow for broader transferability to watersheds shared with neighboring states, creating a seamless layer not limited by...
Ducks and other waterfowl in the U.S. are valued and enjoyed by millions of birdwatchers, artists, photographers and citizens for their beauty and appeal. Waterfowl also provide game for hunters throughout the country and act as an important source of revenue for states and local communities. Loss of habitat and migration corridors due to land use changes and changes in climate threaten these birds, however more scientific information is needed to understand these processes. This project used available annual surveys of duck counts, along with data on the location and availability of ponds and temperature and precipitation patterns, to model where across the continental landscape waterfowl were present and if their...
The climate of the North Central U.S. is driven by a combination of factors, including atmospheric circulation patterns, the region’s complex topography which extends from the High Rockies to the Great Plains, and variations in hydrology. Together, these factors determine the sustainability of the region’s ecosystems and the services that they provide communities. In order to understand the vulnerability of the region’s ecosystems to change, it is necessary to have reliable projections of future climate conditions. To address this need, researchers first examined past and present variations in climate and assessed the ability of climate models to effectively project future climate conditions for the region. Second,...
Background information. The original Canterbury Tunnel began as an idea in 1922 as a way to remove excess water in the mines that honeycomb the mountains near Leadville, Colorado. The objective of reducing the volume of water in these mines was to increase the opportunity for ore extraction. The project’s original plans were never fully realized because of technological limitations and increasingly dangerous conditions that confronted workers, and so the 4,000-foot-long Canterbury Tunnel sat dormant until the early 1960s. Historically, Leadville relied on the nearby Big Evans Reservoir as the primary source of municipal water. The reservoir’s elevation of 10,200 feet above sea level has been particularly problematic...
Description of Work USGS is creating forecasting tools for managers to determine how water withdrawals or other hydrologic or land use changes in watersheds may affect Great Lakes ecosystems. This project is determining fish distributions in Great Lakes tributaries and how changes in stream flow may affect them. This information will help guide restoration efforts to achieve maximum effectiveness and success. Estimates were produced using WATER - a TOPMODEL based tool that estimates streamflow at any point along the stream network. The pour point is selected using a point-and-click GUI that samples information about the basin using a geodatabase of topographic and soil data spatial layers.

map background search result map search result map Modeling and Projecting the Influence of Climate Change on Texas Surface Waters and their Aquatic Biotic Communities Projecting the Future Encroachment of Woody Vegetation into Grasslands of the Northern Great Plains by Simulating Climate Conditions and Possible Management Actions Building Capacity within the CSC Network to Effectively Deliver and Communicate Science to Resource Managers and Planners Understanding the Links between Climate and Waterbirds Across North America Understanding Extreme Climate Events in the North Central U.S. Bear River Watershed Conservation Area: Conserving Wildlife Habitat on Working Landscapes Support to Western States Crucial Habitat Assessment Tools A Landscape Approach for Fisheries Database Compilation and Predictive Modeling (Not listed in the LCC Science Catalog due to Desert LCC co-funding and catalog administering) Benthos & Plankton in Wisconsin's Lake Michigan AOCs Lone Mountain NRDAR Fresh Water Mussel Restoration California Gulch NRDAR Canterbury Tunnel Restoration Post-Wildfire Restoration in Southeast Oregon - Miller Homestead Fire Conservation Easements Along the Housatonic River Shivwits Paiute Cultural Values and Important Natural Resources at Risk from Landscape Level Stressors Optimization at the infrastructure-connectivity nexus: boosting cost-efficiency of restoration using dam condition data for Lake Michigan Irrigation water use in Kansas, 2015 Geohydrology of the Valley‐fill Aquifer in the Lower Fall Creek Valley, Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York Assessment of compound flood risk from the combined effects of sea level rise on storm surge,  tidal and groundwater flooding, and stormwater Geohydrology of the Valley‐fill Aquifer in the Lower Fall Creek Valley, Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York Conservation Easements Along the Housatonic River Assessment of compound flood risk from the combined effects of sea level rise on storm surge,  tidal and groundwater flooding, and stormwater Bear River Watershed Conservation Area: Conserving Wildlife Habitat on Working Landscapes Optimization at the infrastructure-connectivity nexus: boosting cost-efficiency of restoration using dam condition data for Lake Michigan Irrigation water use in Kansas, 2015 Lone Mountain NRDAR Fresh Water Mussel Restoration California Gulch NRDAR Canterbury Tunnel Restoration Benthos & Plankton in Wisconsin's Lake Michigan AOCs A Landscape Approach for Fisheries Database Compilation and Predictive Modeling (Not listed in the LCC Science Catalog due to Desert LCC co-funding and catalog administering) Post-Wildfire Restoration in Southeast Oregon - Miller Homestead Fire Modeling and Projecting the Influence of Climate Change on Texas Surface Waters and their Aquatic Biotic Communities Shivwits Paiute Cultural Values and Important Natural Resources at Risk from Landscape Level Stressors Projecting the Future Encroachment of Woody Vegetation into Grasslands of the Northern Great Plains by Simulating Climate Conditions and Possible Management Actions Support to Western States Crucial Habitat Assessment Tools Building Capacity within the CSC Network to Effectively Deliver and Communicate Science to Resource Managers and Planners Understanding Extreme Climate Events in the North Central U.S. Understanding the Links between Climate and Waterbirds Across North America