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A new study and online mapping tool by the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and The Nature Conservancy are intended to inform discussions among conservation agencies and organizations, industry, policy makers, regulators and the public on how to protect essential natural resources while realizing the benefits of increased domestic energy production.
Concerns about the influence of climate change on biota have emerged over the past decade, and responses in species populations and distribution patterns have already been documented (Parmesan 1996, Thomas and Lennon 1999). Current climates and communities will not simply migrate, but rather will re-form in novel ways over time (Fox 2007; Hunter et al. 1988; Williams and Jackson 2007). Due to the uncertainty of future climatic patterns and species responses, enduring features of the landscape (geophysical settings) are appropriate targets of assessment, planning, and conservation (Anderson and Ferree 2010, Beier and Brost 2010, Brost and Beier 2012; Hunter et al. 1988). Only recently have enduring features been...
The balance between economic needs and natural resource conservation will become more tenuous in the future as a result of a myriad of environmental stressors. We propose a methodology that can help guide forest management practices whenever adequate species locational data and quality forest or land use data exist. More specifically, the results of this study can be used to evaluate alternative land and silviculture management scenarios in terms of creating or maintaining high-quality forest habitat for a specific species. We used data collected on radiotelemetered black bears from 1988 to 2015 to develop a regional habitat model throughout Louisiana and Arkansas using Mahalanobis distance (D2) statistic. We created...
Aging infrastructure is creating a pressing national need to align priorities between civil engineering and other interests. Restoring ecological connectivity of river networks that are fragmented by dams and road crossings has become a prominent objective for environmental managers across the country. A mature decision-support framework and newly available data on the condition of dams throughout the Lake Michigan basin offer unique opportunities to test for potential cost-efficiency gains from sharing the costs of removing decrepit dams between environmental and engineering organizations. At sites where these interests align, genuine win-win scenarios could advance both ecological connectivity and infrastructure...
The goals of this project were 1) to contrast existing mature riparian corridor forest habitats with habitats in areas subject to past and ongoing re-vegetation/restoration treatments and 2) to evaluate responses of select bird species to the differences between habitats now and in the future as the revegetated forests develop. We wanted to develop recommendations to improve future re-vegetation/restoration methodology to increase carrying capacity and mobility for borderlands populations of Gray Hawk, Red-crowned Parrot, Red-billed Pigeon, Rose-throated Becard, Neotropical migrant birds, and other high priority riparian taxa.
These data represent 1 sq. mile Hexagons and are derived from the Western Governors Association Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool. The hexagons have been attributed with summary values from the datasets described above. Field names correspond to the number datasets above as follows: {1:’wetland_deds’, 2:’wetland_ceds’, 3:’cropland_ceds’, 4:’lasp_grsp_casp_suit’, 5:’lasp_grsp_suit’, 6:’riparian_suit’, 7:’mean_sat_thick_ft’, 8:’tillage_suit’, 9:’wind_suit’, 10:’ann_aq_deplet_ft’, 11:’wetland_deds_2040’, 12:’wetland_ceds_2040’, 13:’lbgrasslands_2017’, 14:’lbgrasslands_2022’, 15:’lbgrasslands_2027’, 16:’mean_sat_thick_2050_ft’, 17:’tillage_suit_2050’}. Zonal statistic attribution methods are as follows: {1:’SUM’, 2:’SUM’,...
The tillage suitability product is a per-crop, per-pixel (30 square-meters) model representation of the predicted probability (0.00-1.00) that an area can support commodity crop development for a suite of crop types commonly grown in the LCD landscape. The values for each grid cell are interpreted as a probability, with any value greater-than 0.50 suggesting an area should be suitable for crop development based on observations of 2.5 million farmed areas around the LCD geography. To demonstrate composite suitability (“tillage”) for all crops, we added the individual probabilities for our modeled from cover classes (cereals, corn, cotton, and beans), which represents the overall proportion of votes for “crop” vs....
These data represent areas defined as large block grasslands according to a model developed by PLJV (McLachlan 2008). The model is based on literature derived Lesser Prairie-Chicken habitat preferences and considers habitat composition within a 2,000 ha area. Any pixel with more than 58% grass, less than 36% cropland, less than 2% woodland/ shrubland, less than 5 % secondary roads, and no 4 lane roads within a 2,000 ha surrounding area is counted as a large block grassland pixel.
The mission of the Caribbean Landscape Conservation Cooperative is to provide science and technology for conservation planning and action leading to a mutually desired landscape of the future (Nassauer and Opdam 2008, USFWS 2012). An essential component of developing a shared vision is a common understanding of the current land and seascape characteristics. This includes the distribution of Trust resources, the condition of Trust resource populations and their habitats, the governance structure impacting them, assessments of threats and vulnerabilities – tied to information on land uses, climate, ecosystem characteristics (e.g., stream flow), and potential future scenarios (Strategy 2012). This is a potentially...
This project integrates a reforestation decision support model for priority forest breeding birds and a restoration decision support tool for the federally-threatened Louisiana Black Bear. It was developed specifically to focus habitat restoration projects on frequently flooded agricultural lands within priority portions of the delta of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, which were funded primarily by the Walton Family Foundation in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.
Habitat hotspots were mapped for migratory birds ‘guilds’ across the LCD region using species presence/absence data collected from citizen-science datasets and modelled habitat conditions from the LANDFIRE program (Rollins, 2009). For presence/absence data, we used the eBird Reference Dataset (ERD, accessed October 1st, 2016; summarized in Sullivan et al., 2009) to model guild-level response to prevailing vegetation structure (e.g., percent-cover grass, tree, shrub, vegetation height), topography, and water availability for priority migratory bird species outlined in the Rio Mora NWR Land Protection Plan. We parsed eBird species “checklists” for species observed within a ~ 500 kilometer radius of the Rio Mora NWR....
The aquifer saturated thickness product is a per-pixel (250 square-meters) model representation of the combined fluid and soil matrix volume of water available in a given area, represented in units of linear feet. The prediction of available water is made using a network of over 9,300 monitoring wells located throughout the High Plains aquifer region. These wells are part of an annually updated long-term water-level monitoring study being conducted by United States Geological Survey hydrologists and other partners ( We used the source well depth-to-water data, as well as information on the base elevation of the aquifer (USGS Report : ofr98-393), surface elevation (NED-DEM),...
Project Vision and BackgroundThe Caribbean Landscape Conservation Cooperative (CLCC) is developing shared conservation priorities to guide their individual and collective conservation actions. The long term goal is a shared vision of land and seascapes of the future where cultural and natural resources most important to the greatest number of people are sustained and strengthened. Our approach to reach that shared vision is through the collective development and implementation of landscape conservation design (LCD; Campellone et al. 2014 ) The CLCC will use a multi-stakeholder structured decision-making (SDM) process to determine values associated with specific resources – or fundamental objectives, and associated...
Purpose of the PA-CAT:To provide information and guidance in support of establishment and management of comprehensive protected areas systems in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.Role/Tasks:Short-term• Build an open-access national protected areas database consistent with the IUCN classification system applied to Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands and determine what lands and marine extents are currently under protection and by what mechanisms.• Develop a conservation strategy that standardizes the language used for discussing protected areas in Puerto Rico, details the existing and potential mechanisms and tactics for protection (i.e., acquisition, easements, land use, donation) based on the database,...
To estimate wetland DEDs available in the future (2040) we used data from Bartuszevige et al. 2016 which estimates changes in playa functionality as a result of sedimentation, potential wind development, and tillage. Playas estimated to be impacted by these drivers were eliminated from the wetland landcover map and the process of calculating duck energy days described above was repeated.
These data represent a potential future condition of large block grasslands if CRP lands expire and the land-use reverts back to cropland. Data layers for 2022 and 2027 were calculated by reclassing CRP lands scheduled to expire prior to these years to cropland and recalculating the large block grasslands layer as described above.
These data represent the long term average (27 year) amount of duck energy days available in wetlands. Data were produced as part of the PLJV waterfowl implementation plan. We used data from recently completed studies investigating food resource availability in a variety of wetland types in the PLJV. Beheny (2017) completed a study of food energy availability in five different wetland types in northeastern Colorado. Clark (2016) investigated food resource availability in stock ponds in BCR 19 in Texas. For the wetland DED values reported in both studies, we assumed these values were appropriate for use across the whole Joint Venture region. We used Landsat 5 data to determine wetness frequency over 27 years (1985-2012)...
This project used species distribution modeling, population genetics, and geospatial analysis of historical vs. modern vertebrate populations to identify climate change refugia and population connectivity across the Sierra Nevada. It is hypothesized that climate change refugia will increase persistence and stability of populations and, as a result, maintain higher genetic diversity. This work helps managers assess the need to include connectivity and refugia in climate change adaptation strategies. Results help Sierra Nevada land managers allocate limited resources, aid future scenario assessment at landscape scales, and develop a performance measure for assessing resilience.
Categories: Data, Project; Tags: 2011, 2013, CA, California Landscape Conservation Cooperative, Conservation Design, All tags...
Indiana’s State Wildlife Action Plan was completed in 2005. The plan identified Indiana’s priority needs for all fish and wildlife species and priority efforts to address those needs. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) developed a network of Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs). The purpose of the LCCs is to provide applied science to increase the efficiency of conservation delivery for conservation priorities shared by FWS, the States and other conservation partners in the face of climate change and other landscape-scale conservation challenges. Identification of evolving fish and wildlife needs and priorities, among the State and Federal fish and wildlife management agencies and their partners, is...

map background search result map search result map Final Report: Habitat use by birds in mature and revegetated habitats of the Lower Rio Grande valley of Texas and predicted responses to climate change Optimization at the infrastructure-connectivity nexus: boosting cost-efficiency of restoration using dam condition data for Lake Michigan Report: A climate change update to Indiana's State Wildlife Action Plan Summary and Initial Evaluation of Enduring Features Information for the Conterminous USA, with Evaluation of Potential Use for Ecoregion Assessment Protected Areas Conservation Action Team (PA CAT) Caribbean Atlas for Management and Planning Opportunities Future Tillage Suitability 2050 Conservation Parcels Scored - Rio Mora Crucial Habitat Assessment Future Wetland dud BCR 18 in 2040 Future Large Block Grasslands in 2027 Aquifer Saturation Thickness 2013 Large Block Grasslands 2017 Bird Habitat Suitability Lark and Grasshopper Wetland dud BCR 18 Final Report: Habitat use by birds in mature and revegetated habitats of the Lower Rio Grande valley of Texas and predicted responses to climate change Protected Areas Conservation Action Team (PA CAT) Caribbean Atlas for Management and Planning Opportunities Optimization at the infrastructure-connectivity nexus: boosting cost-efficiency of restoration using dam condition data for Lake Michigan Report: A climate change update to Indiana's State Wildlife Action Plan Future Tillage Suitability 2050 Future Wetland dud BCR 18 in 2040 Future Large Block Grasslands in 2027 Aquifer Saturation Thickness 2013 Large Block Grasslands 2017 Bird Habitat Suitability Lark and Grasshopper Wetland dud BCR 18 Conservation Parcels Scored - Rio Mora Crucial Habitat Assessment Summary and Initial Evaluation of Enduring Features Information for the Conterminous USA, with Evaluation of Potential Use for Ecoregion Assessment