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These digital images were taken at select locations over the Potomac River using 3DR Solo unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in October 2019. These images were collected for the purpose of evaluating UAS assessment of river habitat data such as water depth, substrate type, and water clarity. Each UAS was equipped with a Ricoh GRII digital camera for natural color photos, used to produce digital elevation models and ortho images, a MicaSense RedEdge multi-spectral camera that captures five specific bands of the visible spectrum (blue, green, red, rededge, and near-infrared), which can be used to classify vegetation, or FLIR Vue Pro R 640 13mm radiometric thermal camera that provides temperature data embedded in every...
The Wetland Reserve Program (WRP) is a voluntary program administered by the NRCS. It provides technical and financial assistance to private landowners and Tribes to restore, protect, and enhance wetlands in exchange for retiring eligible land from agriculture. For a site to be a wetland eligible for restoration, it must be in a zone with sustained or frequent flooding for a period of 7 consecutive days on average at least once every 2 years (a value termed the 7MQ2). This study calculated the 7MQ2 flows for all the U.S. Geological Survey streamgages within the selected study reaches. These flows were related to the stage discharge tables for each streamgage and a corresponding elevation was determined. By use of...
All gillnet data represented here expand upon vessel operations (OP table) data, all of which are collected by the United States Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center and its partners. The Gillnet Tables contain data collected from the research vessel deploying various gear used for gillnet data collection. The database uses sample_type to indicate the gear deployed. The tables relating to Gillnet are: GN_Annulus.csv, GN_Catch.csv, GN_Effort.csv, GN_Fish.csv, GN_L, GN_LF.csv, GN_OP.csv, GN_Prey.csv, GN_Stomach.csv, LMMB_Fish_Prey.csv, and LMMB_Invert_Prey.csv Data Quality: Note that the following data release is a snapshot of the database at the time of release. Some data quality checks are still being...
Categories: Data; Tags: Alewife, Bathythermograph, Benthos, Bloater, Cisco, All tags...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board, has compiled a series of geospatial datasets for Puerto Rico to be implemented into the USGS StreamStats application ( These geospatial datasets, along with basin characteristics datasets for Puerto Rico published as a separate USGS data release (, were used to delineate watersheds and develop the peak-flow and low-flow regression equations used by StreamStats. The geospatial dataset described herein are the sink watershed grid rasters at a 10-m resolution. A value is assigned to pixels in each sink watershed and the count of cells that drain to that...
Climatic data are from Daymet (Thornton and others, 2016) and include maximum daily air temperature and total daily precipitation on a 1-km resolution; these data replace and update the original climate data used for the tool (Williamson and others, 2009).
This part of DS 781 presents data for the sediment-thickness map of the Pigeon Point to Monterey, California, map region. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 50-m-resolution grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the limit of California’s State Waters between Pigeon Point and southern Monterey Bay was generated from seismic-reflection data collected in 2009, 2010, and 2011 (USGS activities (S-15-10-NC, S-N1-09-MB, and S-06-11-MB) supplemented with outcrop and geologic structure from DS 781. Isopach contours at 2.5-meter intervals...
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of Offshore Scott Creek, California. The raster data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., Ritchie, A.C., Sliter, R.W., Finlayson, D.P., and Maier, K.L. (G.R. Cochrane and S.A. Cochran, eds.), 2015, California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Scott Creek, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1191, pamphlet 40 p., 10 sheets,...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, GeoTIFF, Map Service, Raster; Tags: Acoustic Reflectivity, CMHRP, Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program, Continental/Island Shelf, Marine Nearshore Subtidal, All tags...
LANDFIRE's (LF) 2022 update (LF 2022) Existing Vegetation Cover (EVC) represents the vertically projected percent cover of the live canopy for a 30-m cell. EVC is produced separately for tree, shrub, and herbaceous lifeforms. Training data depicting percentages of canopy cover are obtained from plot-level ground-based visual assessments and lidar observations. These are combined with Landsat imagery (from multiple seasons), to inform models built independently for each lifeform. Tree, shrub, and herbaceous lifeforms each have a potential range from 10% to 100% (cover values less than 10% are binned into the 10% value). The three independent lifeform datasets are merged into a single product based on the dominant...
LANDFIRE (LF) disturbance products are developed to provide temporal and spatial information related to landscape change. Historical Disturbance (HDist) is developed from the base annual LF disturbance products, and attribute code system, to represent the history of disturbance for a 10-year span. Each year's disturbance scenarios are checked against time relevant LF vegetation products to check for logical inconsistencies. Errant codes are flagged and updated to a discard code with the remaining disturbance types cross-walked/aggregated to Fuel Disturbance (FDist) types. HDist includes the year of disturbance that is recorded for that pixel. In LF 2022, the time since disturbance code is the same for both HDist...
LANDFIRE (LF) 2022 Fuel Vegetation Type (FVT) represents the LF Existing Vegetation Type Ecological Systems (EVT) product, modified to represent pre-disturbance EVT in areas where disturbances have occurred over the past 10 years. Due to shifting EVT codes and labels throughout the years, the FVT codes are based on an early version of EVT codes translated from the current version. FVT is an input for fuel transitions related to disturbance. Fuel products in LF 2022 were created with LF 2016 Remap vegetation in non-disturbed areas. To designate disturbed areas where FVT is modified, the aggregated Annual Disturbance products from 2013 to 2022 in the Fuel Disturbance (FDist) product are used. All existing disturbances...
LANDFIRE's (LF) 2022 Forest Canopy Cover (CC) describes the percent cover of the tree canopy in a stand. CC is a vertical projection of the tree canopy cover onto an imaginary horizontal plane. CC supplies information for fire behavior models to determine the probability of crown fire initiation, provide input in the spotting model, calculate wind reductions, and to calculate fuel moisture conditioning. To create this product, plot level CC values are calculated using the canopy fuel estimation software, Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS). Pre-disturbance CC and Canopy Height (CH) are used as predictors of disturbed CC using a linear regression equation per Fuel Vegetation Type (FVT), disturbance type/severity, and...
LANDFIRE (LF) 2022 Fuel Vegetation Cover (FVC) represents the LF Existing Vegetation Cover (EVC) product, modified to represent pre-disturbance EVC in areas where disturbances have occurred over the past 10 years. EVC is mapped as continuous estimates of canopy cover for tree, shrub, and herbaceous lifeforms with a potential range from 10% to 100%. Continuous EVC values are binned to align with fuel model assignments when creating FVC. FVC is an input for fuel transitions related to disturbance. Fuel products in LF 2022 were created with LF 2016 Remap vegetation in non-disturbed areas. To designate disturbed areas where FVC is modified, the aggregated Annual Disturbance products from 2013 to 2022 in the Fuel Disturbance...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, and Susquehanna River Basin Commission, prepared hydro-conditioned geographic information systems (GIS) layers for use in the Pennsylvania StreamStats application. These data were used to update the peak flow and low flow regression equations for Pennsylvania. This dataset consists of flow direction rasters for each 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) area in Pennsylvania, one of the layer types needed to delineate watersheds within the HUC-8 areas, merged into a single dataset. The 59 HUCs represented by this dataset are 02040101,...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, and Susquehanna River Basin Commission, prepared hydro-conditioned geographic information systems (GIS) layers for use in the Pennsylvania StreamStats application. These data were used to update the peak flow and low flow regression equations for Pennsylvania. This dataset consists of stream definition 900 cell threshold rasters for each 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) area in Pennsylvania, one of the layer types needed to delineate watersheds within the HUC-8 areas, merged into a single dataset. The 59 HUCs represented...
This data release provides digital flight line data for a high-resolution airborne magnetic survey over parts of northwestern Minnesota near the town of Mentor. The airborne survey was funded by the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative and was designed to meet complementary needs related to geologic mapping and characterization of mineral resource potential. A total of 40,139-line km of magnetic data were acquired over an irregular-shaped area of 9140 km2. Data were collected from a fixed-wing aircraft flown at mean terrain clearance of 120 meters (m) above topography along N-S flight lines spaced at 250 m intervals. Tie lines were flown in an E-W direction every 2500 m. Data were collected by EDCON-PRJ and NV5 Geospatial,...
This data release provides digital flight-line and gridded data for a high-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over the region surrounding the Wet Mountains of southern Colorado, including parts of Custer and Fremont Counties. Data for this survey were collected by Sander Geophysics Limited International (SGL) under contract with the USGS. The survey was flown in June and July of 2021 using a helicopter equipped with a magnetometer mounted in a stinger extending from the nose of the aircraft and a gamma-ray spectrometer stowed onboard. The helicopter pilots followed pre-planned flight paths in a grid-like pattern, with east-west lines spaced 150 meters apart and north-south lines spaced 1,000 meters...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: "Mineral Resources"], AASG, Antelope Creek, Arkansas River, Association of State Geologists, All tags...
Vegetation change is an important issue facing managers at Isle Royale National Park (ISRO). These data were created using high-resolution imagery collected in the winter of 2017 which was compared to the vegetation map of the National Park published in 2000 (project imagery collected in 1994 and 1996). These data review where vegetation cover type, density, and pattern have changed since imagery collection for the 2000 publication and provide a proposed reason for the change.
Airborne electromagnetic (AEM), magnetic, and radiometric data were acquired in late February to early March 2018 along 2,364 line-kilometers in the Shellmound, Mississippi study area. Data were acquired by CGG Canada Services, Ltd. with three different helicopter-borne sensors: the CGG Canada Services, Ltd. RESOLVE frequency-domain AEM instrument that is used to map subsurface geologic structure at depths up to 100 meters, depending on the subsurface resistivity; a Scintrex CS-3 cesium vapor magnetometer that detects changes in deep (hundreds of meters to kilometers) geologic structure based on variations in the magnetic properties of different formations; and a Radiation Solutions RS-500 spectrometer that detects...
This portion of the data release presents the raw aerial imagery collected during the unmanned aerial system (UAS) survey of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, on 2019-06-04. The imagery was acquired using a Department of Interior-owned 3DR Solo quadcopter fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. Flights using both a nadir camera orientation and an oblique camera orientation were conducted. For the nadir flights (F04, F05, F06, F07, and F08), the camera was mounted using a fixed mount on the bottom of the UAS and oriented in an approximately nadir orientation. The UAS was flown on pre-programmed autonomous flight lines at an approximate altitude of 70 meters above ground...
This portion of the data release presents a digital surface model (DSM) and hillshade image of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA. The DSM has a resolution of 4 centimeters per pixel and was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-04. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), the DSM represents the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell. Vegetation, buildings and other objects have not been removed from the data. In addition, data artifacts resulting from noise in the original imagery have not been removed. The raw imagery used to create the DSM was acquired using a UAS fitted with a Ricoh GR II...

map background search result map search result map Bathymetry--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California Sediment Thickness--Pigeon Point to Monterey, California Potential Wetland Extent Along Wildcat Creek Between USGS Gaging Stations 03333450 and 03334000 Airborne EM, magnetic, and radiometric survey data Great Lakes Research Vessel Operations 1958-2018: Gillnet. (ver. 3.0, April 2019) Sink watershed rasters for Puerto Rico StreamStats Low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) at select locations over the Potomac River, October 2019 Flow direction raster for Pennsylvania StreamStats Stream definition 900 cell threshold raster for Pennsylvania StreamStats Digital surface model (DSM) for the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, 2019-06-04 Aerial imagery from UAS survey of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, 2019-06-04 Water Availability Tool for Environmental Resources for the Commonwealth of Kentucky updated for 2019 - Climate Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey of the Wet Mountains and surrounding region, Custer and Fremont Counties, south-central Colorado, 2021 Airborne magnetic survey, northwestern Minnesota, 2021 LANDFIRE 2022 Fuel Vegetation Cover (FVC) CONUS LANDFIRE 2022 Forest Canopy Cover (CC) CONUS LANDFIRE 2022 Existing Vegetation Cover (EVC) AK LANDFIRE 2022 Fuel Vegetation Type (FVT) Puerto Rico US Virgin Islands LANDFIRE 2022 Historical Disturbance (HDist) HI Isle Royale National Park Vegetation Change Analysis 1996 to 2017 - Randomly Selected Sites Aerial imagery from UAS survey of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, 2019-06-04 Digital surface model (DSM) for the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, 2019-06-04 Bathymetry--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California Low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) at select locations over the Potomac River, October 2019 Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey of the Wet Mountains and surrounding region, Custer and Fremont Counties, south-central Colorado, 2021 Sediment Thickness--Pigeon Point to Monterey, California Isle Royale National Park Vegetation Change Analysis 1996 to 2017 - Randomly Selected Sites Sink watershed rasters for Puerto Rico StreamStats Airborne magnetic survey, northwestern Minnesota, 2021 LANDFIRE 2022 Fuel Vegetation Type (FVT) Puerto Rico US Virgin Islands LANDFIRE 2022 Historical Disturbance (HDist) HI Water Availability Tool for Environmental Resources for the Commonwealth of Kentucky updated for 2019 - Climate Flow direction raster for Pennsylvania StreamStats Stream definition 900 cell threshold raster for Pennsylvania StreamStats Great Lakes Research Vessel Operations 1958-2018: Gillnet. (ver. 3.0, April 2019) LANDFIRE 2022 Existing Vegetation Cover (EVC) AK LANDFIRE 2022 Fuel Vegetation Cover (FVC) CONUS LANDFIRE 2022 Forest Canopy Cover (CC) CONUS