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Fish occurrence data have been collected within the North Slope study area, however most of these data are presently available only in non-digitized format (e.g., hardcopies, inventory reports, unpublished data, etc.). Due to the lack of spatial data available, Alaska Natural Heritage Program began collaboration with BLM fisheries biologists to assist with their efforts to enter these fish distribution datasets into the geodatabase RipFish that was developed and is maintained by BLM. Our contribution to this database serves as a final product for the Aquatic Fine-Filter CEs for the Rapid Ecoregional Assessment and will allow managers to readily have access to fish distribution data and conduct future spatial analyses....
Species selected to represent the “Raptor Concentration Areas” assemblage for the North Slope study area include gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus tundrius), and rough-legged hawk (Buteo lagopus). These three species share similar habitats in arctic Alaska, but differ in seasonal distribution and prey preferences. Primary habitats include cliffs in riparian areas along river drainages and major tributaries, shale banks, mud or sand banks, scree and talus slopes, and steep escarpment faces. This species assemblage was nominated as a Terrestrial Fine-Filter CE because of the role raptors play as top trophic-level predators.
Each community in the study area is served by an isolated grid, with its own generation and distribution infrastructure. All energy infrastructure in each community is within the community’s footprint. Barrow and Prudhoe Bay, the two largest population centers, rely completely on natural gas for generation of electricity. Nuiqsut relies both on natural gas and diesel. Other than Barrow and Prudhoe Bay, all other communities have small demand loads, and thus only generate less than a megawatt.
Alaska's abundant, remote, and predominantly pristine freshwater fish habitats are largely unexplored and undocumented. To begin filling these vast information gaps, the Alaska Freshwater Fish Inventory Database (AFFID) houses freshwater fish (anadromous and resident)-occurrence data sets compiled from a variety of sources. Most records in the AFFID come from Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) fish and aquatic habitat inventories. However, the AFFID also includes selected recent fish-occurrence data sets from ADFG Fish Resource Permit fish-collection reports submitted to ADFG by other organizations (agencies, consulting firms, non-governmental organizations, and individuals) who collect fish for scientific...
Some of the NOS rasters intentionally do not align or have the same extent. These rasters were not snapped to a common raster per the authors' discretion. Please review selected rasters prior to use. These varying alignments are a result of the use of differing source data sets and all products derived from them. We recommend that users snap or align rasters as best suits their own projects. - The Marine Beach, Barrier Islands, and Spits CE is comprised of barrier islands fronting Alaska’s Arctic Coastal Plain that are elongate, broadly-arcuate features separated from each other by inlets and from the mainland by lagoons, estuaries or bays (Ritter 1986). Both remnant and constructed barrier islands are represented...
Some of the NOS rasters intentionally do not align or have the same extent. These rasters were not snapped to a common raster per the authors' discretion. Please review selected rasters prior to use. These varying alignments are a result of the use of differing source data sets and all products derived from them. We recommend that users snap or align rasters as best suits their own projects. - The overall status of sand sheet wetland was assessed by intersecting Landscape Condition with sand sheet wetland distribution for the current condition and two development scenarios, medium and high. The human footprint on the sand sheet accounts for a very small amount of the landscape and is comprised of the community of...
Some of the NOS rasters intentionally do not align or have the same extent. These rasters were not snapped to a common raster per the authors' discretion. Please review selected rasters prior to use. These varying alignments are a result of the use of differing source data sets and all products derived from them. We recommend that users snap or align rasters as best suits their own projects. - Growing season length and change in growing season length were extracted to the distribution of coastal plain moist tundra and wetland. Increases in July temperature both in the near and long term are not expected to be significant across most of the coastal plain ecoregion. By the 2060s significant increases (greater than...
Some of the NOS rasters intentionally do not align or have the same extent. These rasters were not snapped to a common raster per the authors' discretion. Please review selected rasters prior to use. These varying alignments are a result of the use of differing source data sets and all products derived from them. We recommend that users snap or align rasters as best suits their own projects. - Mean March-April-May Precipitation was extracted to raptor concentration areas. An increase in the frequency and severity of erratic weather events has the potential to cause heavy rains that may negatively affect raptor productivity during incubation and brood rearing. Recently, researchers in the Canadian Arctic have linked...
Some of the NOS rasters intentionally do not align or have the same extent. These rasters were not snapped to a common raster per the authors' discretion. Please review selected rasters prior to use. These varying alignments are a result of the use of differing source data sets and all products derived from them. We recommend that users snap or align rasters as best suits their own projects. - Den sites are typically located in areas that have a deep active layer and are generally drier than surrounding lowlands with sandy soils. The permafrost layer in the Arctic tundra represents a physical barrier for Arctic foxes trying to dig new dens in spring. Den sites may then be limited to areas where the active layer...
Current modeled distribution of Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus). Modeled decrease in date of thaw (DOT) between 2010s and 2060s within the current distribution of the Lapland longspur. Predicted change in length of growing season from 2010s to 2060s within the modeled distribution of the Lapland longspur. Current, 2040 medium-development scenario, and 2040 high-development scenario landscape condition within the current distribution of Lapland longspur in the North Slope study area. These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) "as is" and may contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether...
Some of the NOS rasters intentionally do not align or have the same extent. These rasters were not snapped to a common raster per the authors' discretion. Please review selected rasters prior to use. These varying alignments are a result of the use of differing source data sets and all products derived from them. We recommend that users snap or align rasters as best suits their own projects. - The majority of current raptor concentration distribution locations are in areas with very high (intact) landscape condition. Future projections of landscape condition suggest very little change in landscape condition in the vicinity of riparian corridors and areas occupied by these species. Although landscape condition appears...
Some of the NOS rasters intentionally do not align or have the same extent. These rasters were not snapped to a common raster per the authors' discretion. Please review selected rasters prior to use. These varying alignments are a result of the use of differing source data sets and all products derived from them. We recommend that users snap or align rasters as best suits their own projects. - The majority of current greater white-fronted goose habitat is in areas with very high (intact) landscape condition. However, very low condition is indicated in high density nesting areas around Prudhoe Bay and Nuiqsut. Future scenarios of landscape condition do not indicate any significant changes in both medium and high...
Some of the NOS rasters intentionally do not align or have the same extent. These rasters were not snapped to a common raster per the authors' discretion. Please review selected rasters prior to use. These varying alignments are a result of the use of differing source data sets and all products derived from them. We recommend that users snap or align rasters as best suits their own projects. - Gap analysis uses the predicted distributions of native vertebrate species to evaluate their conservation status relative to existing land management, utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology. Previous to this effort there were no maps available, digital or otherwise, showing the likely present-day distribution...
The Beaufort Coastal Plain, Brooks Foothills, and Brooks Range were selected by BLM for a Rapid Ecoregional Assessment (REA). These three ecoregions form the basis for the REA study area and were derived from the Unified Ecoregions of Alaska (Nowacki et al. 2001). Major ecosystems have been mapped and described for the State of Alaska and nearby area. Ecoregion units are based on newly available datasets and field experience of ecologists, biologists, geologists and regional experts. Recently derived datasets for Alaska include climate parameters, vegetation, surficial geology and topography. Additional datasets incorporated in the mapping process were lithology, soils, permafrost, hydrology, fire regime and glaciation....
The use of scenarios was identified by the NSSI Oversight Group as a potentially important tool in helping identify future research and monitoring needs. Scenarios can provide a means to identify a plausible range of pathways by which an uncertain future may unfold. In that way, they can then be used to help guide agency considerations for how to effectively target research and monitoring efforts in a manner that will be most useful for resource management decision-making under uncertain future conditions. A collaboration to undertake that scenarios project was formed between NSSI, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and GeoAdaptive, LLC, an internationally experienced geospatial scenarios consultant. This dataset...
The ALFRESCO model predicts an increase in shrub cover in eight out of nine sub-regions across the North Slope study area. The greatest increase in shrub cover is projected to occur in the Brooks Range sub-regions. The increase occurs concurrently with a decrease in graminoid vegetation types indicating shrubification of graminoid tundra either through shrub migration or in situ height growth of shrubs. Given the relative infrequency of fire and low area burned, these transitions can be attributed mostly to climate-driven shrubification. Change in shrub area in the foothills ecoregion may be underrepresented by the ALFRESCO model. According to the NSSI vegetation map, tussock-shrub tundra is the dominant vegetation...
From 2007 to 2009, researchers from ABR, Inc. surveyed all known natural dens within 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) of the road system. This dataset includes all den locations found regardless of whether they were inhabited by red foxes or Arctic foxes during the survey years. Den site use often alternates between different species during different years. This dataset was provided by Bill Streever, BP.
Projected changes in shrub tundra by ecological sub-region. Projected active layer thickness and depth of seasonal thaw. Darker brown colors indicate deeper active layer depths (m). Thermokarst predisposition based on topography and soil ice content. Lows 10% and below, Highs 95% and above. Current distribution of the coastal plain moist tundra CE in the North Slope study area. Length of growing season (LOGS) for current and long-term future and change in LOGS clipped to the coastal plain moist tundra and wetlands CE distributions in the North Slope study area. Landscape condition modeled for current condition and two development scenarios, medium and high, clipped to the distribution of coastal plain moist tundra...
Terrestrial subregions were used in this Rapid Ecoregional Assessment (REA) to summarize results where the trend by conservation element (CE) was not evident or the change agent (CA) results were not presented as a spatial product (as in the ALFRESCO) output. The North Slope study area contains nine terrestrial subregions: Western Coastal Plain - Central Coastal Plain - Eastern Coastal Plain - Western Foothills - Central Foothills - Eastern Foothills - Western Brooks Range - Central Brooks Range - Eastern Brooks Range. These subregions are nested within three main arctic ecoregions as defined by Nowacki et al. 2001 and facilitate data summarization that illustrates both north to south and west to east gradients...

map background search result map search result map BLM REA NOS 2012 Alaska Freshwater Fish Inventory in North Slope BLM REA NOS 2012 Fish Presence Report in the North Slope BLM REA NOS 2012 Existing Energy Sources in Communities in the North Slope - Oil BLM REA NOS 2012 Alaska Resource Data File HardRock BLM REA NOS 2012 High Development Scenario (2040) Barrow U.S. Coast Guard Station BLM REA NOS 2012 Beaufort Coastal Plain - Brooks Foothills - Brooks Range BLM REA NOS 2012 Near-Term Future (2020s) Modeled Shrub Cover BLM REA NOS 2012 Terrestrial Subregions in the North Slope BLM REA NOS 2012 Arctic Fox Den Sites BLM REA NOS 2012 Current Raptor Concentration Areas BLM REA NOS 2012 Current Distribution of Marine Beach, Barrier Islands, and Spits BLM REA NOS 2012 Current Development Scenario Landscape Condition within Sand Sheet Wetland Distribution BLM REA NOS 2012 Change in Growing Season Length from 2010s to 2060s within the Coastal Plain Moist Tundra and Wetland BLM REA NOS 2012 Current Modeled Distribution of Willow Ptarmigan BLM REA NOS 2012 Medium Development Scenario (2040) Landscape Condition within Raptor Concentration Areas BLM REA NOS 2012 Long-term (2060s) March-April-May Precipitation within Raptor Concentration Areas BLM REA NOS 2012 Change in Active Layer Thickness from 2010s to 2060s within Arctic Fox Distribution BLM REA NOS 2012 High Development Scenario (2040) Landscape Condition within Breeding Distribution of Greater White-Fronted Goose BLM REA NOS 2012 Terrestrial Coarse Filter Figures G11 to G22 BLM REA NOS 2012 Terrestrial Fine Filter Figures H39 to H44 BLM REA NOS 2012 High Development Scenario (2040) Barrow U.S. Coast Guard Station BLM REA NOS 2012 Arctic Fox Den Sites BLM REA NOS 2012 Fish Presence Report in the North Slope BLM REA NOS 2012 Alaska Freshwater Fish Inventory in North Slope BLM REA NOS 2012 Alaska Resource Data File HardRock BLM REA NOS 2012 High Development Scenario (2040) Landscape Condition within Breeding Distribution of Greater White-Fronted Goose BLM REA NOS 2012 Current Raptor Concentration Areas BLM REA NOS 2012 Medium Development Scenario (2040) Landscape Condition within Raptor Concentration Areas BLM REA NOS 2012 Long-term (2060s) March-April-May Precipitation within Raptor Concentration Areas BLM REA NOS 2012 Existing Energy Sources in Communities in the North Slope - Oil BLM REA NOS 2012 Beaufort Coastal Plain - Brooks Foothills - Brooks Range BLM REA NOS 2012 Near-Term Future (2020s) Modeled Shrub Cover BLM REA NOS 2012 Terrestrial Subregions in the North Slope BLM REA NOS 2012 Change in Growing Season Length from 2010s to 2060s within the Coastal Plain Moist Tundra and Wetland BLM REA NOS 2012 Current Modeled Distribution of Willow Ptarmigan BLM REA NOS 2012 Change in Active Layer Thickness from 2010s to 2060s within Arctic Fox Distribution BLM REA NOS 2012 Current Development Scenario Landscape Condition within Sand Sheet Wetland Distribution BLM REA NOS 2012 Current Distribution of Marine Beach, Barrier Islands, and Spits BLM REA NOS 2012 Terrestrial Coarse Filter Figures G11 to G22 BLM REA NOS 2012 Terrestrial Fine Filter Figures H39 to H44