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These data represent a one-time synoptic survey of sampled soils, pavement dust, and stream sediment in 10 urban watersheds in three regions of the United States (Pacific Northwest, northeast, and southeast) to evaluate sources of sediment and two groups of common urban contaminants: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and metals. Analyses of samples from six of the watersheds included fallout radionuclides to facilitate identification of sediment sources to the streams. Scripts used in R to test selected explanatory variables for the urban contaminants using Generalize Additive Models (GAMs) are included. The data release also includes Geographic Information System (GIS) spatial layers that were developed for...
This data set presents attributes of floodplain ecosystem characteristics including floodplain soil denitrification, floodplain soil biogeochemistry, floodplain vegetation, floodplain sedimentation, floodplain and channel morphometry, stream discharge and water quality, floodplain climate, floodplain physiographic region, and catchment land cover. Attributes are associated with 18 floodplains of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. For many of these attributes, mean values are summaries of multiple measurements made within each floodplain site.
In a study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, detectable concentrations of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) were found in the soil at every site despite targeting locations with no known PFAS sources (Santangelo and others, 2022). The widespread distribution of PFAS concentrations in New Hampshire has since sparked critical interest into understanding whether recharge to groundwater contains significant concentrations of PFAS after infiltration through soils. To address this concern, the USGS implemented a pilot study designed to evaluate whether PFAS infiltrate through shallow soil into shallow groundwater. Five sites were selected...
These data are comprised of measurements of aluminum, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, arsenic, selenium, molybdenum, silver, cadmium, thallium, lead, bismuth, thorium, uranium, and mercury in soil, vegetation, and small rodents. Gross alpha activity, gross beta activity, and radionuclide activities (isotopic U, isotopic Th) are also presented for vegetation and soil. Radioactivities for small rodents were previously presented at Samples were collected at the Kanab North Mine (post-mining, pre-reclamation) in the Grand Canyon watershed.
The Mississippi River Deltaic Plain has extensive marsh habitats (fresh, intermediate, brackish, and saline) where soil cores were collected to a depth of 100 cm at 24 sites to assess long-term carbon accumulation rates and coast-wide burial rates. Each core was sectioned into 2-cm depth intervals, and select intervals were analyzed for percent moisture, bulk density, total carbon, and radionuclide (137Cs and 210Pb).
This tabular data set represents the soil pH as processed from STATSGO2 database compiled for two spatial components of the NHDPlus version 2 data suite (NHDPlusv2) for the conterminous United States; 1) individual reach catchments and 2) reach catchments accumulated upstream through the river network. The source data was produced by the United States Geological Survey (Wieczorek, 2019). Soil pH units are approximately the negative of the base 10 logarithm of the molar concentration, measured in units of moles per liter, of hydrogen ions. This dataset can be linked to the NHDPlus version 2 data suite by the unique identifier COMID. Reach catchment information characterizes data at the local scale. Reach catchments...
This tabular data set represents the STATSGO Soil Layer Attributes compiled for two spatial components of the NHDPlus version 2 data suite (NHDPlusv2) for the conterminous United States; 1) individual reach catchments and 2) reach catchments accumulated upstream through the river network. The source data is found in the LAYER table from the "STATSGO soil characteristics for the conterminous United States" produced by the United States Geological Survey (Wolock, 1997). The variables included are water-table depth, soil erodibility (k-fact), soil erodibility for the uppermost soil horizon (k-factup), permeability, average water capacity, bulk density, percent organic material, rainfall and runoff factor ("R factor"...
Karst systems are useful for examining spatial and temporal variability in Critical Zone processes because they provide a window into the subsurface where waters have interacted with vegetation, soils, regolith, and bedrock across a range of length and time scales. The majority of Critical Zone research has emphasized silicate lithologies, which are typified by relatively slow rates of reactivity and incongruent weathering. However, weathering of carbonate dominated lithology can result in secondary mineral deposits, such as speleothems, which provide a long-term archive for Critical Zone processes. Examination of carbon isotope variability in speleothems has the potential to provide records of changes in vegetation,...
These data are comprised of measurements of aluminum, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, arsenic, selenium, molybdenum, silver, cadmium, thallium, lead, bismuth, thorium, uranium, and mercury in soil, vegetation, and small rodents. Gross alpha activity, gross beta activity, and radionuclide activities (isotopic U, isotopic Th) are also presented for vegetation and soil. Radioactivities for small rodents were previously presented at The data also include histopathological analysis of liver tissues collected from small rodents. Samples were collected at the Kanab North Mine and Canyon Mine (post-mining, pre-reclamation) in the Grand Canyon watershed.
The storage and persistence of soil organic matter (SOM) is of critical importance to soil health, and to the terrestrial carbon cycle with implications for long-term climate change. To better understand the spatio-temporal controls on SOM, we have developed a new dataset spanning two previously described marine terrace soil chronosequences from northern, CA, USA: the Santa Cruz and the Mattole River chronosequences. Each of these sites, is comprised of several terraces surfaces that span at least 200 ka of soil development. The sites differ with regard to local precipitation, with the Mattole site receiving nearly double the mean annual precipitation of the Santa Cruz site. During the period from 2011 through 2016,...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has developed the PRObability of Streamflow PERmanence (PROSPER) model, a GIS raster-based empirical model that provides streamflow permanence probabilities (probabilistic predictions) of a stream channel having year-round flow for any unregulated and minimally-impaired stream channel in the Pacific Northwest region, U.S. The model provides annual predictions for 2004-2016 at a 30-m spatial resolution based on monthly or annually updated values of climatic conditions and static physiographic variables associated with the upstream basin. These values and variables, known as Continuous Parameter Grids, or CPGs, were used as the predictor variables in the model. The CPGs referenced...
The Weldona 7.5' quadrangle is located on the semiarid plains of northeastern Colorado, along the South Platte River corridor where the river has incised into Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale. The Pierre Shale is largely covered by surficial deposits that formed from alluvial, eolian, and hillslope processes operating in concert with environmental changes from the Pleistocene to the present. The South Platte River, originating high in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, has played a major role in shaping surficial geology in the map area, which is several tens of kilometers downstream from where headwater tributaries join the river. Recurrent glaciation (and deglaciation) of basin headwaters has affected river discharge...
The geochemical data included here were generated as part of a Technical Assistance Agreement between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Rio Tinto Exploration based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Beginning in November of 2015, we began a project to reanalyze up to 60,000 archived sample splits originally collected as part of the National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance (HSSR) project from selected areas in Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. A small amount (approximately 0.25 g) of sieved <75 micron sample material was retrieved from the USGS National Geochemical Sample Archive for geochemical analysis. These samples were analyzed...
We identified nine study site locations, representing three mature vegetation communities [Atlantic White Cedar (desired community), tall pine pocosin (desired community), and red maple/black gum mixed (undesired community)] with typical water depth within each vegetation type. All measurements were replicated three times (3 vegetation types x 3 replicates = 9 sites total). We installed four flux chambers at each site to collect GHG fluxes from all nine sites. We measured CO2 and CH4 using a Los Gatos Research Ultra Portable Greenhouse Gas Analyzer and two-part 760 cm2 flux chambers (chamber base remained in situ; chamber top was placed on the bottom only when sampling). We checked the gas fluxes on a monthly time-table...
The datasets contains include permafrost microbial community taxanomic data at the class level from 133 samples across the panarctic.
This tabular data set represents the percentages of soils for each STATSGO2 Hydrologic Group compiled for two spatial components of the NHDPlus version 2 data suite (NHDPlusv2) for the conterminous United States; 1) individual reach catchments and 2) reach catchments accumulated upstream through the river network. The source data is found in the component table from the "STATSGOs" soil database produced by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA, 2010). The variables included are hydrologic groups. This dataset can be linked to the NHDPlus version 2 data suite by the unique identifier COMID. Reach catchment information characterizes data at the local scale. Reach catchments accumulated upstream through...
The U.S. Geological Survey New Jersey Water Science Center (USGS NJWSC) in cooperation with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) has assembled this data release in support of ongoing USGS and NJDEP evaluations related to the occurrence and distribution of elevated trace elements, particularly arsenic (As) and vanadium (V), in Inner Coastal Plain soils and sediments of New Jersey. The data for four sediment cores are presented, and the data types include: 1. Site locations and general characteristics for the four sediment cores collected during the study; 2. Lithologic descriptions of each sediment core; 3. Portable handheld X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) data for each sediment core (every 6...
Abiotic sorption experiments were conducted with four carbon substrates (glucose, glutamic acid, oxalic acid, para-hydroxybenzoic acid) on four clay minerals (kaolinite, feldspar, ferrihydrite, amorphous aluminum hydroxide) after sterilization by gamma irradiation. The adsorption isotherms were carried across a range of substrate carbon concentrations (0, 20, 100, and 500 mg carbon per L) and pH conditions (approximately 5 – 9) in a background of 10 mM NaCl for 48 hours. The data release contains measured pH values and carbon concentrations before and after the sorption experiments. The release provides derived values of carbon sorption (e.g., carbon sorbed per mineral surface area) as well as characterization of...
The Fort Morgan 7.5' quadrangle is located on the semiarid plains of northeastern Colorado, along the South Platte River corridor where the river has incised into Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale. The Pierre Shale is largely covered by surficial deposits that formed from alluvial, eolian, and hillslope processes operating in concert with environmental changes from the late Pliocene to the present. The South Platte River, originating high in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, has played a major role in shaping surficial geology in the map area, which is several tens of kilometers downstream from where headwater tributaries join the river. Recurrent glaciation (and deglaciation) of basin headwaters has affected river discharge...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has developed the PRObability of Streamflow PERmanence (PROSPER) model, a GIS raster-based empirical model that provides streamflow permanence probabilities (probabilistic predictions) of a stream channel having year-round flow for any unregulated and minimally-impaired stream channel in the Pacific Northwest region, U.S. The model provides annual predictions for 2004-2016 at a 30-m spatial resolution based on monthly or annually updated values of climatic conditions and static physiographic variables associated with the upstream basin. These values and variables, known as Continuous Parameter Grids, or CPGs, were used as the predictor variables in the model. For purposes of organization,...

map background search result map search result map Attributes for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Catchments and Modified Routing of Upstream Watersheds for the Conterminous United States: STATSGO2 Soil Characteristics, Hydrologic Groups Attributes for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Reach Catchments and Modified Routed Upstream Watersheds for the Conterminous United States: STATSGO Soil Characteristics, Layer Attributes Attributes for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Reach Catchments and Modified Routed Upstream Watersheds for the Conterminous United States: STATSGO Soil Characteristics, Soil pH Data release for the geologic map of the Weldona 7.5' quadrangle, Morgan County, Colorado Data release for the geologic map of the Fort Morgan 7.5' quadrangle, Morgan County, Colorado Reanalysis of Selected Archived NURE-HSSR Sediment and Soil Samples from Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah Data on denitrification and ecological characteristics of nontidal floodplains, Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA, 2013-2016 Chemical analyses and histopathology of small rodents, vegetation, and soil collected from the Kanab North breccia pipe uranium mine in the Grand Canyon watershed Chemical analyses of small rodents, vegetation, and soil collected from the Kanab North breccia pipe uranium mine in the Grand Canyon watershed. Long-term soil carbon data and accretion from four marsh types in Mississippi River Delta in 2015 Soil flux (CO2, CH4), soil temperature, and soil moisture measurements at the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (2015 - 2017) Soil Biogeochemical Data from a Marine Terrace Soil Climo-Chronosequence Comparison Mapped sealed and unsealed pavement and concentrations of metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and radionuclides for soils, pavement dust, and stream sediment for 10 urban watersheds Geochemical and mineralogic investigation of elevated arsenic and trace element concentrations in glauconitic soils and sediments of the New Jersey Inner Coastal Plain Data from a reactive transport modeling study of cave seepage water chemistry Pilot Study of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Infiltration to Shallow Groundwater Through Selected Soils in New Hampshire, 2023 Data from a reactive transport modeling study of cave seepage water chemistry Geochemical and mineralogic investigation of elevated arsenic and trace element concentrations in glauconitic soils and sediments of the New Jersey Inner Coastal Plain Soil flux (CO2, CH4), soil temperature, and soil moisture measurements at the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (2015 - 2017) Chemical analyses and histopathology of small rodents, vegetation, and soil collected from the Kanab North breccia pipe uranium mine in the Grand Canyon watershed Chemical analyses of small rodents, vegetation, and soil collected from the Kanab North breccia pipe uranium mine in the Grand Canyon watershed. Long-term soil carbon data and accretion from four marsh types in Mississippi River Delta in 2015 Pilot Study of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Infiltration to Shallow Groundwater Through Selected Soils in New Hampshire, 2023 Data on denitrification and ecological characteristics of nontidal floodplains, Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA, 2013-2016 Soil Biogeochemical Data from a Marine Terrace Soil Climo-Chronosequence Comparison Reanalysis of Selected Archived NURE-HSSR Sediment and Soil Samples from Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah Mapped sealed and unsealed pavement and concentrations of metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and radionuclides for soils, pavement dust, and stream sediment for 10 urban watersheds Attributes for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Catchments and Modified Routing of Upstream Watersheds for the Conterminous United States: STATSGO2 Soil Characteristics, Hydrologic Groups Attributes for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Reach Catchments and Modified Routed Upstream Watersheds for the Conterminous United States: STATSGO Soil Characteristics, Layer Attributes Attributes for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Reach Catchments and Modified Routed Upstream Watersheds for the Conterminous United States: STATSGO Soil Characteristics, Soil pH