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This data release contains tabular digital data describing calculated hourly back trajectory position coordinates for air masses contributing to five selected precipitation-mercury deposition episodes at National Atmospheric Deposition Program monitoring site IN21 (National Atmospheric Deposition Program, 2017) in southeastern Indiana during 2009‒2015. The air pollution transport and dispersion modeling system HYSPLIT (Stein et. al, 2015) was used to calculate the back trajectory position coordinates during 48 hours preceding the start of each episode. The 40-km gridded input data to HYSPLIT were from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2017). Continuous, digital precipitation depth data were recorded...
A three-dimensional, variable-density solute-transport model (SEAWAT) was developed to examine causes of saltwater intrusion and predict the effects of future alterations to the hydrologic system on salinity distribution in eastern Broward County, Florida. The model was calibrated to conditions from 1970 to 2012, the period for which data are most complete and reliable, and was used to simulate historical conditions from 1950 to 2012. The model was used to (1) evaluate the sensitivity of the salinity distribution in groundwater to sea-level rise and groundwater pumping , and (2) simulate the potential effects of increases in pumping, variable rates of sea-level rise, movement of a salinity control structure, and...
A steady state three-dimensional groundwater flow (MODFLOW-2005) and advective transport (MODPATH6) model was developed to examine subsurface travel times to wells and receiving streams in two subcatchments contributing to the Upper Chester River, Maryland. The model was calibrated to conditions from 1990 to 2005, the period for which groundwater levels, stream discharge measurements, and atmospheric tracer measurements were jointly available. Six calibrated model scenarios were generated and paired with First Order Second Moment (FOSM) linear uncertainty analysis tools to evaluate (i) the uncertainty of base-flow age estimates as well as (ii) the worth of future data collection. The development of the model input...
The Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport(BISECT) model combines a three-dimensional groundwater model with a two- dimensional hydrodynamic surface-water model with variable-density solute-transport. BISECT was constructed by combining two existing models, Tides and Inflows to the Mangrove Everglades (TIME) (, and Biscayne (, and modifying the Flow and Transport in a Linked Overland/Aquifer Density-Dependent System (FTLOADDS) simulator ( to include spatially variations in the solar radiation reflected back into the atmosphere from the Earth’s surface (albedo) to improve model results....
Two-dimensional variably saturated heat and flow models (VS2DH) were used to examine seepage rates at 19 transects in the Truckee Canal system during the 2018 and 2019 irrigation seasons. The models were calibrated to unsteady stage conditions over a 2,500 hour period, then parameter values were validated for the remaining irrigation period of each year. Regression equations were developed for each transect based on the model output, measured sediment temperature at 0.0 meters depth, stage, and hydraulic the gradient between surface and groundwater (where data were available). This USGS data release contains the model input and output files for simulating seepage rates along the Truckee Canal. Details and results...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Air Force Civil Engineering Center, created a numerical groundwater-flow model for the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer using the finite-difference MODFLOW code with the Newton formulation solver. This numerical groundwater-flow model simulates water-budget components, groundwater-flow directions, and groundwater-flow paths of the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer. The numerical model was spatially discretized into a single layer with 291 rows and 254 columns of 200 by 200 feet size, and a total of 17,610 active cell. The numerical model was temporally discretized into 1 initial steady-state stress period representing the average conditions of the 240 monthly...
A previously published three-dimensional, groundwater model (SUTRA) ( was used to evaluate the effects of future climate and withdrawal on the freshwater lens of Guam. The model was run using 2080 to 2099 estimated recharge and sea-level rise. This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the associated report "Water resources on Guam—Potential impacts of and adaptive response to climate change: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019-5095" by Gingerich, S.B., Johnson, A.G., Rosa, S.N., Marineau, M.D., Wright, S.A., Hay, L.E., Widlansky, M.J., Jenson, J.W., Wong, C.I., Banner, J.L., Keener, V.W., and Finucane,...
This model is a preliminary characterization of trichloroethene transport in the surficial and Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer systems at the Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant in Fridley, Minnesota. The characterization first considered 2001 conditions using a MODFLOW and MT3DMS, followed by an application of this 2001 model to 2011 conditions. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Department of the Navy, used the steady-state, uniform-density groundwater flow model MODFLOW to calculate potentiometric heads in aquifer systems on August 20, 2001; and the single-phase, conservative, non-reactive, miscible transport model MT3DMS to calculate trichloroethene concentrations in aquifer systems...
Tags: Anoka County, Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer system, Eau Claire confining unit, Franconia Formation, Fridley, All tags...
The previously developed Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport (BISECT) model, which combines a three-dimensional groundwater model with a two-dimensional hydrodynamic surface-water model with variable-density solute-transport (, was used to evaluate the hydrologic response to historical and hypothesized modern hurricane strikes. Simulations were implemented using FTLOADDS (Flow and Transport in a Linked Overland/Aquifer Density-Dependent System) which is a coupled hydrodynamic surface-water and groundwater simulator that was developed by the U. S. Geological Survey to improve understanding of the complex and interconnected hydrology in South Florida. A simulation...
A previously developed steady state three-dimensional groundwater flow (MODFLOW-2005) and advective transport (MODPATH6) model was used to examine subsurface nitrate transport to wells and receiving streams in two subcatchments contributing to the Upper Chester River, Maryland. Multiple scenarios of flow and transport parameter fields (recharge, hydraulic conductivity, and porosity) were previously calibrated against groundwater levels, stream discharge measurements, and atmospheric tracer measurements, as described in; those multiple scenarios are also available as a USGS data release ( Two of the flow and transport scenarios calibrated...
Two-dimensional variably saturated heat and flow models (VS2DH) were used to examine seepage rates along the Birdspring drainage for the purpose of exploring the drainage channel for use in an managed aquifer recharge project. Six transect models were separately calibrated to sediment temperatures observed during episodic runoff events during water year 2017 and 2018. The models were calibrated to unsteady flow conditions, then estimates of seepage losses were made for steady state conditions assuming stage conditions associated with 4 cubic feet per second of imported water. This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the associated model documentation report...
A modified version of SEAWAT was used in a study by the USGS and the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department to simulate effluent injection into the Boulder Zone and groundwater flow and effluent transport in the Floridan aquifer system. The Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department injects nonhazardous, secondarily treated, domestic wastewater (effluent) into the Boulder Zone of the Floridan aquifer system at the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, in southeastern Florida. Effluent injection into the Boulder Zone began in June 1997 and was first detected outside the Boulder Zone in the overlying Avon Park permeable zone in May 1998. The Department has detected injected effluent outside the Boulder Zone at six...
A three-dimensional, groundwater model (SUTRA) was developed to understand the effects of seawater washover on the freshwater lens of Roi-Namur, Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. The model was calibrated by using observation data collected from 1990 through 1991 and 2008 through 2010. This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the associated journal article "Seawater-flooding events and impact on freshwater lenses of low-lying islands: controlling factors, basic management and mitigation" by Stephen B. Gingerich, Clifford I. Voss, and Adam G. Johnson, Journal of Hydrology ( This data release also...
MODFLOW-2005 groundwater flow models and MT3DMS solute transport models were developed to represent conditions in the vicinity of a bioremediation experiment conducted in fractured rocks underlying the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey. The groundwater flow models include transient simulations of water-level changes during six field aquifer tests and steady-state simulations of hydraulic head at the site. The solute transport models include simulations of bromide tracer transport and of injection conditions during the bioremediation experiment. ZONEBUDGET and MODPATH were used for postprocessing analyses of flow modeling output. UCODE_2014 was used to calibrate the flow models and to conduct...
A steady-state, two-dimensional, heat transport model was created using SUTRA, version 2.2, modified to allow for spatially-variable thermal properties and density and viscosity variation with temperature. The model includes physical and hydrologic characteristics of the Bemidji Research Site, a crude-oil contaminated research site, along with previous-published parameter values for physical, chemical and biodegradation properties. Pipeline infrastructure temperatures were calibrated using a background model and measured average annual temperatures. The model was constructed to test whether temperature measurements can be used at field sites to measure microbial activity and to calculate the heat from microbial...
An updated three-dimensional, groundwater-flow and chloride-transport model (SEAWAT) of the Southern Hills regional aquifer system in southeastern Louisiana and southwestern Mississippi was developed to examine the effects of groundwater withdrawals on the rate and pathways of saltwater migration in the “1,500-foot” sand, “2,400-foot” sand, and “2,800-foot” sand. New interpretations of stratigraphic correlations amongst geophysical well logs were utilized to revise a hydrogeologic-framework that delineates the depth and thickness variations of aquifers and confining units in the Southern Hills regional aquifer system. Regional groundwater flow throughout the Southern Hills regional aquifer system was first simulated...
Three-dimensional numerical models were used to determine the permeable pathways between the HANDLEY underground nuclear test and downgradient boreholes ER-20-12 and PM-3, Pahute Mesa, southern Nevada. The SEAWAT code was used to couple MODFLOW and MT3DMS models, where the coupled model simulated groundwater-flow and tritium migration from the HANDLEY test for 50 years, from the date of detonation of the HANDLEY test (March 26, 1970) to March 26, 2020. Recharge, hydraulic-conductivity, specific-storage, and effective-porosity distributions were estimated using parameter estimation (PEST) by minimizing a weighted composite, sum-of-squares objective function. Simulated water-level altitudes in 10 wells, vertical water-level...
The U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District, created a numerical groundwater-flow model for the Wet Mountain Valley alluvial aquifer using the finite-difference MODFLOW code with the Newton formulation solver. This numerical groundwater-flow model simulates water-budget components, groundwater and surface-water interactions, and evaluates the potential effects of aquifer storage and recovery through an added recharge simulation. The numerical model was spatially discretized into two layers with 261 rows and 133 columns of square cells at 250 meters on each side, for a total of 20,007 active cells. The model was rotated by 36 degrees to the northwest to align with...
The city of Santa Barbara, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) California Water Science Center, developed a three-dimensional density-dependent groundwater-flow and solute-transport model (the Santa Barbara Flow and Transport Model, or SBFTM), based on an existing groundwater-flow model, to simulate seawater intrusion into the Santa Barbara basin under various management strategies. In 2014, California adopted historic legislation to manage its groundwater: the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). Santa Barbara is interested in developing a better understanding of the sustainability of its groundwater supplies to avoid undesirable results: significant and unreasonable groundwater-level...
This model archive data release includes all models used to characterize the magnitude, spatial distribution and timing of groundwater (GW) flow through lakebed sediments to Upper Klamath Lake (UKL), Oregon, described in the associated journal article ( One-dimensional vertical models of GW flow (MODFLOW-2005) and solute transport (MT3D-USGS) were calibrated (UCODE) to 2014 observed dissolved silica (Si, 0.2-micron filtered) porewater concentrations in the upper 0.1 m of lakebed sediment to estimate GW flow and Si exchange across the lakebed interface. The Si-based calibrated GW flow rates were then used in conjunction with observed dissolved phosphate-phosphorus...

map background search result map search result map Calculated back trajectory coordinates for air masses contributing to five selected precipitation-mercury deposition episodes at a National Atmospheric Deposition Program monitoring site in southeastern Indiana during 2009 to 2015 Documentation of VS2DH Seepage Models: Surface Infiltration and Unsaturated Zone Characterization in Support of Managed Aquifer Recharge, Washoe County, Nevada Documentation of VS2DH Canal Seepage Models: Incorporating temperature into seepage loss estimates for a large irrigation canal SEAWAT model used to evaluate water management issues in the Santa Barbara and Foothill groundwater basins, California MODFLOW 2000 and MT3DMS models of potentiometric head and trichloroethene concentration at the Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant, Fridley, Minnesota FTLOADDS (combined SWIFT2D surface-water model and SEAWAT groundwater model) simulator used to Repurpose a Hindcast Simulation of the 1926 Great Miami Hurricane using the South Florida Peninsula for the Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport (BISECT) Model SEAWAT model used to evaluate the potential effects of alterations to the hydrologic system on the distribution of salinity in the Biscayne aquifer in Broward County, Florida: U.S. Geological Survey Data Release SEAWAT Data Sets for Simulation of Effluent Transport in the Floridan Aquifer System at the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, Southeastern Florida, 1997-2011: U.S. Geological Survey Data Release FTLOADDS (combined SWIFT2D surface-water model and SEAWAT groundwater model) simulator used to assess proposed sea-level rise response and water-resource management plans for the hydrologic system of the South Florida Peninsula for the Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport (BISECT) Model MODFLOW-2005 and MT3DMS models used to design and evaluate a bioremediation experiment at the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, NJ SUTRA model simulations used to evaluate heat flow from microbial activity at a crude oil-contaminated site. MODFLOW, MT3D-USGS and VS2DH simulations used to estimate groundwater and nutrient inflow to Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH6 models used to simulate groundwater flow and transport and base-flow age in two tributaries to the Upper Chester River, Maryland MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH6 models used to simulate groundwater flow and nitrate transport in two tributaries to the Upper Chester River, Maryland SEAWAT Model of Flow and Chloride Transport in the 1,500-Foot, 2,400-Foot, and 2,800-Foot Sands of the Baton Rouge Area, Louisiana SEAWAT code used to couple MODFLOW and MT3DMS models, and supplemental data used to simulate groundwater flow and tritium transport from the HANDLEY underground nuclear test, Pahute Mesa, southern Nevada SUTRA model used to evaluate the freshwater flow system on Roi-Namur, Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands SUTRA model used to evaluate the freshwater flow system for a future (2080-2099) climate on Guam Statistical and groundwater-flow models of the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer near Colorado Springs, Colorado Groundwater-flow model of the Wet Mountain Valley alluvial aquifer, Custer and Fremont Counties, Colorado SUTRA model simulations used to evaluate heat flow from microbial activity at a crude oil-contaminated site. SUTRA model used to evaluate the freshwater flow system on Roi-Namur, Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands MODFLOW-2005 and MT3DMS models used to design and evaluate a bioremediation experiment at the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, NJ SEAWAT code used to couple MODFLOW and MT3DMS models, and supplemental data used to simulate groundwater flow and tritium transport from the HANDLEY underground nuclear test, Pahute Mesa, southern Nevada MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH6 models used to simulate groundwater flow and transport and base-flow age in two tributaries to the Upper Chester River, Maryland MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH6 models used to simulate groundwater flow and nitrate transport in two tributaries to the Upper Chester River, Maryland SEAWAT model used to evaluate water management issues in the Santa Barbara and Foothill groundwater basins, California Documentation of VS2DH Canal Seepage Models: Incorporating temperature into seepage loss estimates for a large irrigation canal Statistical and groundwater-flow models of the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer near Colorado Springs, Colorado SUTRA model used to evaluate the freshwater flow system for a future (2080-2099) climate on Guam MODFLOW 2000 and MT3DMS models of potentiometric head and trichloroethene concentration at the Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant, Fridley, Minnesota MODFLOW, MT3D-USGS and VS2DH simulations used to estimate groundwater and nutrient inflow to Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon Groundwater-flow model of the Wet Mountain Valley alluvial aquifer, Custer and Fremont Counties, Colorado FTLOADDS (combined SWIFT2D surface-water model and SEAWAT groundwater model) simulator used to Repurpose a Hindcast Simulation of the 1926 Great Miami Hurricane using the South Florida Peninsula for the Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport (BISECT) Model FTLOADDS (combined SWIFT2D surface-water model and SEAWAT groundwater model) simulator used to assess proposed sea-level rise response and water-resource management plans for the hydrologic system of the South Florida Peninsula for the Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport (BISECT) Model SEAWAT Model of Flow and Chloride Transport in the 1,500-Foot, 2,400-Foot, and 2,800-Foot Sands of the Baton Rouge Area, Louisiana SEAWAT Data Sets for Simulation of Effluent Transport in the Floridan Aquifer System at the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, Southeastern Florida, 1997-2011: U.S. Geological Survey Data Release Documentation of VS2DH Seepage Models: Surface Infiltration and Unsaturated Zone Characterization in Support of Managed Aquifer Recharge, Washoe County, Nevada Calculated back trajectory coordinates for air masses contributing to five selected precipitation-mercury deposition episodes at a National Atmospheric Deposition Program monitoring site in southeastern Indiana during 2009 to 2015