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This dataset is two tables with data collected and derived from polar bears sampled in Alaska’s southern Beaufort Sea during 2008-2019. Collected data includes demographic and morphometric information and derived data includes mercury concentrations in hair samples. Ancillary data includes gut microbiome abundances, diversity indices, calculated body condition, and the proportions of prey species detected in individual bear diets. These data were used to determine whether gut microbiota community richness and diversity were associated with diet-acquired mercury.
The Hells Canyon Complex (HCC) is comprised of a series of three consecutive reservoirs (Brownlee, Oxbow, and Hells Canyon) along a 145 km reach of the Snake River bordered by Idaho to the east and Oregon to the west. Due to concerns regarding mercury (Hg) contamination within the HCC, in cooperation with Idaho Power Company, the U.S. Geological Survey has been leading an investigation into the sources, transport, microbial transformations, chemical speciation and bioaccumulation of Hg in this complex river-reservoir environment. This data release is focused on the sediment component of this larger effort and includes data collected between 2014 and 2018 from shallow surface sediment (≤ top 5 cm) and from sectioned...
This USGS data release includes data from experiments conducted with two species of caddisflies (Hydropsyche californica and Arctopsyche grandis (Order: Trichoptera) to quantify copper and cadmium uptake and loss after dissolved and dietary exposures. Both Arctopsyche and Hydropsyche belong to the family Hydropsychidae (O: Trichoptera). They are relatively sessile, net-spinning filter feeders. Data from these experiments can be used to characterize physiological parameters used in a bioaccumulation dynamic model.
Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) are one type of contaminant that can enter treatment wetlands (Wiesner 2006) and impact the overall treatment efficacy. Grazing by filter feeding zooplankton, such as Daphnia magna, is critical to treatment wetland functioning (Ismail 2019), but the effects of AgNP on zooplankton are not fully understood, especially at environmentally relevant concentrations. In this study, the bioaccumulation kinetics of dissolved and nanoparticulate Ag in D. magna exposed to environmentally relevant Ag concentrations were characterized using isotopically labelled Ag as a tracer. References: Wiesner MR, Lowry GV, Alvarez P, Dionysiou D, Biswas P. 2006. Assessing the Risks of Manufactured Nanomaterials....
Methylmercury (MeHg) is a globally pervasive contaminant that biomagnifies in food webs and can reach toxic concentrations in consumers at higher trophic levels, including wildlife and humans. The production of MeHg, and its subsequent entry and biomagnification in food webs, is governed by a complex suite of biogeochemical, physical, and ecological processes, resulting in spatial variation in the distribution of MeHg. To better understand the link between MeHg production in sediments and MeHg bioaccumulation in biota, we evaluated the effects of habitat biogeochemistry, food web structure, and diet composition on bioaccumulation in the wetland-obligate California black rail (Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus)...
Ecological impacts of water-quality problems have developed in the western United States resulting from the disposal of seleniferous agricultural wastewater in wetland areas. Overt effects of selenium toxicosis occurred at five areas where deformities of wild aquatic birds were similar to those first observed at Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge in the west-central San Joaquin Valley of California. These areas are: Tulare Lake Bed Area, California, Middle Green River Basin, Utah, Kendrick Reclamation Project Area, Wyoming, Sun River Basin, Montana, and Stillwater Wildlife Management Area, Nevada. Potential for ecological damage is indicated at six more sites in Oregon, Colorado, the Colorado/Kansas border, and...
The Northeast Stream Quality Assessment (NESQA) performed mercury (Hg) isotope analysis of prey fish, game fish, and sediments from 29 sites across an urban to forested land-use gradient. The data presented here includes the chemical analysis of Hg concentrations and isotopes, capture information for fish species, land use, and stream water quality variables. Using these parameters it was determined that the preservation of Hg isotope signatures, which are indicative of source (e.g. atmospheric deposition, industrial point discharge), were dependent on land use, proximity to point sources, and variables related urbanization (e.g. road density and impervious surface cover). Additional Information regarding the interpretation...
In a series of 4 experiments conducted over 4 years, natural lotic macroinvertebrate communities were colonized by placing baskets of large gravel in a riffle in the upper Cache La Poudre River, Colorado and leaving the baskets in place for 30-40 days. The communities were then exposed in experimental streams to different combinations of five metals (cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn). The metals exposures and associated counts of larval insects and other invertebrates remaining in the experimental streams are detailed in Child Items 1-4 of this Data Release. In this dataset (child item #5), we report the associated adult insect counts by day that successfully metamorphosed during...
This data release includes sampling location data, field-collected water chemistry data, cation and anion concentration data for water and tissues of submerged aquatic vegetation, aquatic insect larvae, adult aquatic insects and riparian spiders from 35 first- and second-order sub-alpine streams that ranged over several orders of magnitude in metal concentrations but were similar in elevation, geology, and stream morphology. Sampling was completed in late summer, after snowmelt runoff was complete and as the streams approached baseflow conditions.
The U.S. Geological Survey is studying uranium and associated trace element bioaccumulation in aquatic invertebrates across a gradient of dissolved uranium concentrations in spring outflow pools and creeks in the Grand Canyon and adjacent watershed. This data release makes available data from sampling campaigns in April 2016, April 2017, and in April 2019. Data collected include: (1) major ion, trace element and dissolved organic carbon in surface waters of spring outflow pools and streams; (2) concentrations of uranium and other trace elements in bed sediment, periphyton, and larva of aquatic insect taxa; (3) uranium and iron extraction data from a subset of bed sediment samples, and (4) X-ray diffraction data...
The U.S. Geological Survey monitored algal biomass accrual and concentrations of metals and other trace elements in stream water and periphytic algae at 3-4 day intervals over a 2-week period at 3 locations within the upper and middle portions of the mining-impacted Clark Fork River, Montana, and at one location on the relatively unimpacted Blackfoot River tributary. This data release makes available trends in major and minor trace element concentrations in surface water and periphytic algae, and corresponding trends in concentrations of autotrophic (chlorophyll a) and heterotrophic (ash-free dry mass) algal biomass collected in late July and early August 2015.
As part of the larger Great Lakes Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative (CSMI) , the U.S. Geological Survey Mercury Research Laboratory (MRL) completed a binational assessment partnering with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Environmental Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Michigan-DNR (MI-DNR), University of Minnesota-Duluth Natural Resources Research Institute (UM-NRRI), and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), to assess contaminant concentrations within seston, mussels, preyfish, waters, and surface sediments within Lake Huron. All matrices were assessed for mercury and methylmercury concentrations to examine spatial trends of mercury within the lakes. Sediments...
The main route of exposure for selenium (Se) is dietary, yet regulations lack biologically based protocols for evaluations of risk. We propose here an ecosystem-scale model that conceptualizes and quantifies the variables that determine how Se is processed from water through diet to predators. This approach uses biogeochemical and physiological factors from laboratory and field studies and considers loading, speciation, transformation to particulate material, bioavailability, bioaccumulation in invertebrates, and trophic transfer to predators. Validation of the model is through data sets from 29 historic and recent field case studies of Se-exposed sites. The model links Se concentrations across media (water, particulate,...
Stream flow in urban aquatic ecosystems often is maintained by water-reclamation plant (WRP) effluents that contain mixtures of natural and anthropogenic chemicals that persist through the treatment processes. In effluent-impacted streams, aquatic organisms such as fish are continuously exposed to biologically-active chemicals throughout their life cycles. The North Shore Channel of the Chicago River (Chicago, Illinois) is part of an urban ecosystem in which > 80% of the annual flow consists of effluent from the North Side WRP. In this study, multiple samplings of the effluent and stream water were conducted and fish (largemouth bass and carp) were collected on 2 occasions from the North Shore Channel. Fish also...
This dataset includes field measurements and laboratory analyses of surface water, bottom water (sediment-water interface), surficial (0-2 cm) sediment, pore water (0-2 cm), and biota collected in Lake Combie, California, from September 2017 through August 2021. The study area includes six sites within the reservoir where discrete samples of surface water, bottom water, sediment, and pore water were taken along the length of the reservoir at the following distances from the spillway: 0.07 miles, 0.5 miles, 0.9 miles, 1.2 miles, 1.3 miles, and 1.4 miles. The within-reservoir sites were sampled during September 2017, February 2018, and May 2018, prior to a large sediment removal operation, and again during September...
Methylmercury concentrations and stable isotope ratios were measured from back feathers of California black rails (Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus) and six taxa of their invertebrate prey (Amphipoda, Arachnida, Coleoptera, Diptera, Gastropoda, and Hemiptera). Samples were collected from three wetlands in the spring and summer of 2005 and 2006.
Total mercury concentrations were determined in hair and whole blood of raccoons and skunks in Suisun Marsh from 2016 to 2019. Individual skunks and raccoons were identified by a unique identifier (Animal_ID) and some animals were sampled multiple times. This dataset includes animal sex, age class, the date the sample was collected, animal body mass, head length, and head-to-torso length. These data support the following publication: Peterson, Sarah H., Ackerman, J.T., Hartman, C.A., Casazza, M.L., Feldheim, C.L., and Herzog, M.P. 2020. Mercury exposure in mammalian mesopredators inhabiting a brackish marsh. Environmental Pollution
This data release supersedes Pierce, J.R., Feyrer, F., Young, M., Enos, E., Clause, J., Alpers, C., and Eagles-Smith, C.A., 2022, Mercury in fishes from Clear Lake, California, 2019 and 2020 (ver. 2.0, February 2022): U.S. Geological Survey data release, Please contact for access. Comma-separated values (.csv) file containing data related to mercury in biota collected from Clear Lake, California.
The data set describes the characterization of organosilica nanoparticle thin films used to adsorb PCBs from laboratory water and a sediment collected near Anniston Alabama. Data not shown here for the porewater and sediment PCB concentrations can be found in Appendix 1 of Ingersoll et al. 2014 ( Bulk sediment chemistry was obtained from Table A1-3a.Porewater estimated from solid phase microextraction fibers was obtained from Table A1-3c. The concentration of PCB in Lumbriculus variegatus was obtained from Table A1-3e.
This dataset details mercury concentrations and mercury stable isotope values collected as part of an environmental mercury assessment encompassing the Mobile and Tombigbee Rivers as well as two U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Superfund sites. The Tensaw River was also sampled as part of this study as a reference site, absent of mercury contamination. As a part of this survey, sediments, waters, and biota (largemouth bass) were measured to assess mercury transport and bioaccumulation of mercury within the Mobile River Basin. High mercury concentrations and isotope values indicative of industrial contamination were found in sediments and fish of Superfund sites. Lower concentrations and isotope values indicative...

map background search result map search result map Development of High Surface Area Organosilicate Nanoparticulate Thin Films for Use in Sampling Hydrophobic Compounds in Sediment-Data Biogeochemical data of water, sediments, periphyton, and macroinvertebrates collected from springs in and near Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona (ver. 4.0, October 2022) Chemical and Physical Controls on Mercury Source Signatures in Stream Fish from the Northeastern United States Metal-mixtures experimental stream study, parts 1 through 4 (2013-2016): Adult emergence counts Sediment Biogeochemistry and Subsequent Mercury Biomagnification in Wetland Food Webs of the San Francisco Bay, CA (ver. 2.0, December 2023) Mercury Concentrations and Stable Isotope Ratios for California Black Rails and their Invertebrate Prey from Wetlands of the San Francisco Bay, CA Biogeochemical Data for Mercury and other Constituents in Surface Sediment and Deep Cores from the Hells Canyon Reservoir Complex, Idaho and Oregon 2014-2018 Data acquired in laboratory experiments conducted with the crustacean Daphnia magna to characterize Ag bioaccumulation kinetics after exposures to AgNO3 or Ag nanoparticles, 2019-2021 Hair and blood total mercury concentrations in raccoons and striped skunks from Suisun Marsh 2016 to 2019 Biomass accrual and trace-element concentrations in water and periphytic algae at select locations in the Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers, Montana, 2015 Geochemical data for water, sediment, and biota in Lake Combie, California, 2017-2021 Trace metals in water and biota in and near headwater streams in the Colorado Mineral Belt Mercury source identification in the Mobile and Tombigbee Rivers Data for laboratory experiments conducted with the caddisflies Hydropsyche californica and Arctopsyche grandis to derive copper and cadmium bioaccumulation parameters Mercury Concentrations, Diet, and Gut Microbiota Diversity of Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bears, 2008-2019 Mercury in biota from Clear Lake, California (ver. 3.0, August 2024) Mercury Concentrations in Seston, Mussels, Water, Sediments, and Preyfish from Lake Huron, 2022 Metal-mixtures experimental stream study, parts 1 through 4 (2013-2016): Adult emergence counts Geochemical data for water, sediment, and biota in Lake Combie, California, 2017-2021 Development of High Surface Area Organosilicate Nanoparticulate Thin Films for Use in Sampling Hydrophobic Compounds in Sediment-Data Hair and blood total mercury concentrations in raccoons and striped skunks from Suisun Marsh 2016 to 2019 Mercury in biota from Clear Lake, California (ver. 3.0, August 2024) Biogeochemical data of water, sediments, periphyton, and macroinvertebrates collected from springs in and near Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona (ver. 4.0, October 2022) Biogeochemical Data for Mercury and other Constituents in Surface Sediment and Deep Cores from the Hells Canyon Reservoir Complex, Idaho and Oregon 2014-2018 Biomass accrual and trace-element concentrations in water and periphytic algae at select locations in the Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers, Montana, 2015 Mercury source identification in the Mobile and Tombigbee Rivers Trace metals in water and biota in and near headwater streams in the Colorado Mineral Belt Mercury Concentrations in Seston, Mussels, Water, Sediments, and Preyfish from Lake Huron, 2022 Chemical and Physical Controls on Mercury Source Signatures in Stream Fish from the Northeastern United States Data for laboratory experiments conducted with the caddisflies Hydropsyche californica and Arctopsyche grandis to derive copper and cadmium bioaccumulation parameters Mercury Concentrations, Diet, and Gut Microbiota Diversity of Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bears, 2008-2019 Data acquired in laboratory experiments conducted with the crustacean Daphnia magna to characterize Ag bioaccumulation kinetics after exposures to AgNO3 or Ag nanoparticles, 2019-2021