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Biomass accrual and trace-element concentrations in water and periphytic algae at select locations in the Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers, Montana, 2015


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Short, T.M., 2021, Biomass accrual and trace-element concentrations in water and periphytic algae at select locations in the Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers, Montana, 2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The U.S. Geological Survey monitored algal biomass accrual and concentrations of metals and other trace elements in stream water and periphytic algae at 3-4 day intervals over a 2-week period at 3 locations within the upper and middle portions of the mining-impacted Clark Fork River, Montana, and at one location on the relatively unimpacted Blackfoot River tributary. This data release makes available trends in major and minor trace element concentrations in surface water and periphytic algae, and corresponding trends in concentrations of autotrophic (chlorophyll a) and heterotrophic (ash-free dry mass) algal biomass collected in late July and early August 2015.


Point of Contact :
Michelle I Hornberger
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
California Water Science Center
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources

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Periphyton sampling location on the Clark Fork River, MT, 2015.jpg
“Environment example photo”
thumbnail 156.77 KB image/jpeg
CFR Periph Biomass Survey Sites Map.png
“Generalized map”
thumbnail 1.31 MB image/png
Field parameters.csv
“Field parameters”
1.99 KB text/csv
Periphyton biomass.csv
“Periphyton biomass”
2.18 KB text/csv
Periphyton metals.csv
“Periphyton metals”
2.54 KB text/csv
SRM analysis.csv
“Standard Reference Material analysis”
1.02 KB text/csv
Water metals.csv
“Water metals”
3.09 KB text/csv


Metal enrichment of stream ecosystems from active or abandoned mine sites can negatively affect stream health by limiting processes linked to primary and secondary production. References: Bott, T.L., Jackson, J.K., McTammany, M.E., Newbold, J.D., Rier, S.T., Sweeney, B.W., and Battle, J.M., 2012, Abandoned coal mine drainage and its remediation: impacts on stream ecosystem structure and function: Ecological Applications, v. 22, p. 2144-2163. DeNicola, D.M., Layton, L., and Czapski, T.R., 2012, Epilithic community metabolism as an indicator of impact and recovery in streams affected by acid mine drainage: Environmental Management, v. 50, p. 1035-1046. Hogsden, K.L. and Harding, J.S., 2012, Consequences of acid mine drainage for the structure and function of benthic stream communities: a review: Freshwater Science, v.31, p. 108-120. Assessing biological impacts based on dissolved metal concentrations is often difficult to quantify even in mining-impacted watersheds where concentrations of metals in solution are typically low and temporally variable. References: Brick, C.M., and Moore, J.N., 1996, Diel variation of trace metals in the Upper Clark Fork River, Montana: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 30, p. 1953-1960. Nagorski, S.A., Moore, J.N., McKinnon, T.E., and Smith, D.B., 2003, Scale-dependent temporal variations in stream water geochemistry, Environmental Science and Technology, v. 37, p. 859-864. Jones, C.A., Nimmick, D.A., and McCleskey, R.B., 2004, Relative effect of temperature and pH on diel cycling of dissolved trace elements in Prickly Pear Creek, Montana: Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, v. 153, p. 95-113. Bioaccumulation of metals and other trace elements by invertebrates and fish has been shown to be a poor indicator of dissolved metal concentrations in stream water, where for many aquatic fauna uptake of metals from solution represents a relatively minor contribution to total tissue or body burdens. References: Luoma, S.N. and Rainbow, P.S., 2008, Metal contamination in aquatic environments: science and lateral management: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 573. In contrast metal uptake by periphytic algae occurs primarily from solution and accordingly provides a more direct measure of bioavailable aqueous metal concentrations in mining-impacted environments. References: Genter, R.B., 1996, Ecotoxicology of inorganic chemical stress to algae, pp. 403-468, In: Stevenson, R.J., Bothwell, M.L., and Lowe, R. L., Algae Ecology, Academic Press, San Diego, California. Behra, R., R. Landwehrjohann, R, Vogel, K, Wagner, B., and Sigg, L., 2002, Copper and zinc content of periphyton from two rivers as a function of dissolved metal concentrations: Aquatic Science, v. 64, p. 300-306. Verb, B.G., and Vis, M.L., 2005, Periphyton assemblages as bioindicators of mine-drainage in unglaciated Western Allegheny Plateau lotic systems: Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, v. 161, p. 227-265. The intent of this investigation is to examine temporal patterns of metal assimilation by periphytic algae to determine whether exposure to dissolved metals in a mining-impacted river altered rates of periphyton biomass accrual and to examine metal uptake in relation to dissolve metal concentrations and exposure duration. Information acquired as part of this investigation will help (1) quantify relations between exposure duration and metal bioaccumulation in periphytic algae; (2) determine whether exposure to dissolved metals in a mining-impacted river negatively affected primary production by altering rates of periphyton biomass accrual; and (3) evaluate the importance of periphytic algae as a contaminant source to primary consumer organisms.
Environment example photo
Environment example photo


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DOI doi:10.5066/P9P3H3E2

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