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These data consist of a multi-trophic, day vs. night, nearshore to offshore transect approach for data collection for this Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative effort at two northwestern Lake Huron sites near Hammond Bay and Thunder Bay, Michigan. Zooplankton and Mysis samples were collected monthly from April-October while benthos and prey fish samples were collected seasonally during Spring, Summer, and Fall. Invertebrate taxa (zooplankton, Mysis, benthic macroinvertebrates) were identified, enumerated, and measured using a dissecting microscope. Diet items of the prey fish were processed similarly to the other samples in terms of taxonomy. These data were used to calculate densities of fish prey items...
These data consist of larval fish and water profile data collected with a nearshore to offshore transect approach at 9 transects throughout Lake Huron. Larval fish and their stomach contents were identified, enumerated, and measured (if possible) using a dissecting microscope. These data were used to calculate densities of potential fish prey items (what is available in the environment) and compare that to what the fishes ate for selectivity analysis. Larval fish age estimation based on daily growth rings from otoliths was also conducted. These data are in raw form. The water profile data were collected using a bathythermograph and bin-averaged at the 1 m level. Environmental prey data are available at the following...
This dataset describes mercury (Hg) stable isotope values in fish dorsal muscle from different freshwater environments across the globe. Fish were collected at numerous field sites in North America, South and Central America, Africa, and Asia from 2006-2020. Sub-samples were provided by cooperators to the U.S. Geological Survey Mercury Research Laboratory and the University of Wisconsin for mercury stable isotope analysis. Samples were analyzed for mercury stable isotopes from 2017-2021. These specimens represent multiple trophic levels and body sizes from different food webs and when adequate mass was available, multiple species from the same food web were examined. Cooperators include, but are not limited to:...
This data release includes mercury concentrations and mercury stable isotope measurements measured in sediments and biological tissues collected from the Saint Louis River located in Minnesota. Sediments and biota were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and federal contractors (Battelle) from 2017-2021. Collection regions included nearshore zones within the main estuary, remedial sites within the lower river, and upstream reservoir sites. Sediments were analyzed for total mercury, methylmercury, and mercury stable isotopes by the U.S. Geological Survey Mercury Research Laboratory (MRL, Madison, Wisconsin). Biological samples were analyzed...
This data release includes sampling location data, field-collected wetland attribute data, field-collected water chemistry data, laboratory-processed water chemistry data (anions, cations, alkalinity, nutrients, chlorophyll a concentrations, dissolved organic carbon, and specific ultraviolet absorbance, pesticide concentrations), dry mass of adult aquatic insects emerging from the surface of the wetlands, taxonomic classifications of the insects collected, and whole-body pesticide concentrations for adult aquatic insects emerging from wadeable wetlands in cropland and grassland landscapes across a salinity/hydrology gradient (N = 14 wetlands in 2015, N = 15 wetlands in 2016). Sampling was completed in late spring,...
All samples were collected within a 9km stretch of the Santa Fe River in northern Florida, USA. In 2019 and 2020 we sampled claw tissue from Macrochelys suwanniensis, Chelydra serpentina, and Trachemys scripta scripta, from three different sampling locations. We collected Vegetation and potential prey tissue samples within close proximity of turtle captures from two of the three capture locations. All tissues were used for stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis.
Stable isotope data of fauna, particulate organic matter, and rocks collected during the 2018 research cruise aboard the NOAA Ship Bell M. Shimada that examined benthic communities off the western U.S. coast.
Data to support the site characterization of locations sampled along the continental shelf and slope of the western U.S. coast off Washington, Oregon and California during the EXPRESS RL1905 expedition in 2019. Data consisted of tissue samples from fauna, sediments and particulate organic matter. These samples were analyzed for stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes to examine food web ecology. Additional observational data were collected through video analyses with efforts focused on documenting counts of fauna other than corals, sponges and fishes, as well as general habitat characteristics.
The dataset includes specifics on liver tissue and blood plasma anticoagulant rodenticide concentrations measured using high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. This data release supersedes Herring, G., and Eagles-Smith, C.A., 2022, Anticoagulant rodenticide concentrations in blood and tissue of California condors and turkey vultures: U.S. Geological Survey data release, Please contact for access.
This data release includes sampling location data; field-collected stream attribute data; laboratory-analyzed chemistry concentrations (total mercury, methyl mercury) and isotopic composition (total mercury, carbon, and nitrogen) for stream biota (seston, periphyton, benthic insects, emerging adult insects, riparian spiders, and fish); density, body length, and taxonomic information for benthic insects; and density, biomass, and taxonomic information for emerging adult aquatic insects for biota sampled from stream reaches up and downstream of an historical mercury mine site. Sampling took place during summer low-flow conditions in 2015 and 2016. Stream reaches were located on USFS land near the Cinnabar Mine Site...
Methylmercury (MeHg) and total mercury (HgT) stable isotope measurements were made by the USGS Mercury Research Lab (MRL) in different organs on the Giant Petrels (Macronectes spp.) to examine internal mercury cycling in these seabirds. These data were collected as a compliment to x-ray spectroscopy measurements made by the University of Grenoble, France. The tissues and feathers of the southern giant petrels exhibit large variability in mercury-202 isotope values (δ202HgT), which are typically used to ascertain Hg sources in the environment. These values follow a pattern across all individuals based on tissue type: feathers (δ202HgT = 2.74 ± 0.16‰, n =5, mean ± standard deviation) > brain (δ202HgT = 1.09 ± 0.77‰,...
Terrain variables extracted from bathymetry were used in combination with stable isotope datasets to construct geospatially-explicit isoscapes that predicted variation in carbon and nitrogen isotopes across the canyon-slope seascape, providing insights into the distribution and flow of energy resources, relevant to understanding whole community function.
In response to the rapidly evolving conditions at the Salton Sea with the emergence of both newly formed wetland habitat and increasing hazards to wildlife, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Geological Survey have funded a re-evaluation of data gaps regarding selenium concentrations in biota the region. As part of this work, selenium concentrations in biological tissue samples were compiled from published reports, public databases, and unpublished archives into a tabulated spreadsheet. Since the California Department of Water Resources summarized selenium biological data in 2005, our compilation efforts focused on the 2005 through 2020 range. The resulting dataset encompasses all records available to us from...
These data consist of juvenile lake trout biological and diet information collected from USGS bottom trawl, beam trawl, and gillnet surveys in Lake Michigan from 2015-2017 and 2019-2022. All prey were identified, enumerated and weighed. Only fish prey and Mysis had lengths measured.
Montezuma Well is an unusual fishless desert wetland in central Arizona. Water in the Well is naturally enriched with >100 g/L dissolved geogenic arsenic (As) and supports a relatively simple aquatic desert food web with several endemic invertebrate species. Previous studies of As among various environmental compartments and organisms in Montezuma Well have not included turtles despite their potential importance in the As cycle by virtue of their substantial biomass and role as top predators. We measured As concentrations in water, sediment, and organisms (macrophytes, amphipods, insects, leeches, and turtles) representing a range of food web trophic levels, in order to document the importance of turtles in the...
Despite being one of the most prevalent forms of consumerism in ecological communities, parasitism has largely been excluded from food-web models. Stable isotope analysis of consumers and their diets has been widely used in the study of food-webs for decades. However, the amount of information regarding parasite stable isotope ecology is limited, restricting the ability of ecologists to use stable isotope analysis to study parasites in food-webs. This study took advantage of distinct differences in the feeding ecology and trophic position of different species of fish known to host the same common micropredatory gnathiid isopod, to study the effects of host stable isotope ecology on that of the associated micropredator....
The St Louis River (SLR) is the second largest tributary to Lake Superior and a designated area of concern (AOC) due to past industrial contamination of organic chemicals and heavy metals, including mercury (Hg). Sediments, prey items (odonates, mixed benthic invertebrates, and spiders), and game fish were targeted within this study to determine if industrial sources of Hg were bioaccumulating into the food web. Samples from SLR were directly compared to a reference site in the Bad River, WI to assess if legacy contamination resulted in elevated Hg concentrations in comparisons to background regions with no known point sources. Carbon and nitrogen isotopes were also employed as food web tracers to determine if dietary...
This release includes data used to evaluate the structure and function of the Ross Lake and Diablo Lake food webs. This includes data on zooplankton density and production (zooplankton_density.csv and daphnia_region_production_biomass.csv), lake volume estimates used to expand zooplankton density and production data (lake_volume_estimates.csv), fish sampling (FishSampleEvents.csv), fish biological information including diets, age, and stable isotope analysis (FishFullData_formatted.csv, FishPreyLength.csv), scale back-calculations (salmonid_back_calc.csv, rss_back_calc.csv), fish energy density (calorimetry_processed.csv), stable isotope data for invertebrate end members (si_inverts.csv), and hydroacoustic sampling...
Habitat biogeochemistry was assessed by measuring 31 variables in sediments, porewater, and surface waters related to mercury content, organic matter, sediment characteristics, and microbial rates of sulfate reduction, iron reduction, and methanogenesis. Fifty-six composite surface (0-2 cm) sediment cores and 32 surface water samples were collected in three wetlands in the spring and summer of 2005 and 2006.
Methylmercury (MeHg) is a globally pervasive contaminant that biomagnifies in food webs and can reach toxic concentrations in consumers at higher trophic levels, including wildlife and humans. The production of MeHg, and its subsequent entry and biomagnification in food webs, is governed by a complex suite of biogeochemical, physical, and ecological processes, resulting in spatial variation in the distribution of MeHg. To better understand the link between MeHg production in sediments and MeHg bioaccumulation in biota, we evaluated the effects of habitat biogeochemistry, food web structure, and diet composition on bioaccumulation in the wetland-obligate California black rail (Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus)...

map background search result map search result map Host feeding ecology and trophic position significantly influence isotopic discrimination between a generalist ectoparasite and its hosts: implications for parasite-host trophic studies Sediment Biogeochemistry and Subsequent Mercury Biomagnification in Wetland Food Webs of the San Francisco Bay, CA (ver. 2.0, December 2023) Sediment Biogeochemistry and Mercury Measurements from Wetlands of the San Francisco Bay, CA. Assessment of Mercury Cycling in the St Louis River, MN using Mercury and Food Web (Carbon and Nitrogen) Stable Isotopes Mercury and Methylmercury Stable Isotope Measurements in Giant Petrels Adult aquatic insect emergence, insect pesticide concentrations and water chemistry of wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region, North Dakota, USA, 2015-16 Isotope data from Shimada 2018 research expedition Zooplankton, Benthos, Mysis, and fish diet data from northern Lake Huron in 2012 Carbon and nitrogen isotopic values from three omnivorous turtles, vegetation, and potential prey resources in the Santa Fe River, Florida sampled 2019-2020 Biological Tissue Data Used to Evaluate Selenium Hazards in the Salton Sea Ecosystem (1984-2020) Mercury concentrations, isotopic composition, biomass, and taxonomy of stream and riparian organisms in the vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho, 2015-2016 Anticoagulant rodenticide concentrations in blood and tissue of California condors and turkey vultures (ver. 2.0, May 2023) Stable isotope and video observational data from the RL1905 EXPRESS expedition in 2019 Larval fish and water profile data from Lake Huron in 2017 Stable isotope data and terrain variables for isoscape modeling around two submarine canyons in the western Atlantic sampled in 2012-2013 Assessment of Mercury and Mercury Stable Isotopes in Sediments and Biota from Reservoirs and Remedial Zones within the Saint Louis River, Minnesota Mercury Stable Isotope Assessment of Global Food Webs Lake Michigan juvenile lake trout diets 2015-2017, 2019-2022 2015 Sonora Mud Turtles Upper Skagit Reservoir Food Web Data, 2005-2021 2015 Sonora Mud Turtles Mercury concentrations, isotopic composition, biomass, and taxonomy of stream and riparian organisms in the vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho, 2015-2016 Carbon and nitrogen isotopic values from three omnivorous turtles, vegetation, and potential prey resources in the Santa Fe River, Florida sampled 2019-2020 Host feeding ecology and trophic position significantly influence isotopic discrimination between a generalist ectoparasite and its hosts: implications for parasite-host trophic studies Adult aquatic insect emergence, insect pesticide concentrations and water chemistry of wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region, North Dakota, USA, 2015-16 Upper Skagit Reservoir Food Web Data, 2005-2021 Sediment Biogeochemistry and Subsequent Mercury Biomagnification in Wetland Food Webs of the San Francisco Bay, CA (ver. 2.0, December 2023) Sediment Biogeochemistry and Mercury Measurements from Wetlands of the San Francisco Bay, CA. Assessment of Mercury and Mercury Stable Isotopes in Sediments and Biota from Reservoirs and Remedial Zones within the Saint Louis River, Minnesota Biological Tissue Data Used to Evaluate Selenium Hazards in the Salton Sea Ecosystem (1984-2020) Assessment of Mercury Cycling in the St Louis River, MN using Mercury and Food Web (Carbon and Nitrogen) Stable Isotopes Stable isotope data and terrain variables for isoscape modeling around two submarine canyons in the western Atlantic sampled in 2012-2013 Zooplankton, Benthos, Mysis, and fish diet data from northern Lake Huron in 2012 Mercury and Methylmercury Stable Isotope Measurements in Giant Petrels Lake Michigan juvenile lake trout diets 2015-2017, 2019-2022 Larval fish and water profile data from Lake Huron in 2017 Isotope data from Shimada 2018 research expedition Stable isotope and video observational data from the RL1905 EXPRESS expedition in 2019 Anticoagulant rodenticide concentrations in blood and tissue of California condors and turkey vultures (ver. 2.0, May 2023) Mercury Stable Isotope Assessment of Global Food Webs