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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District and Fort Bend Subsidence District, constructed a finite-difference numerical groundwater-flow model of the northern Gulf Coast aquifer region for 1897 through 2018 using MODFLOW 6 with the Newton formulation solver to simulate groundwater flow and land-surface subsidence. Model parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis were conducted with PEST++ Iterative Ensemble Smoother software. The simulated results are described in the associated U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1877. The model archive provided in this U.S. Geological Survey data release includes all the necessary files to run the MODFLOW 6 model and...
Resource managers and users seek information that can be used to balance the needs of competing uses of groundwater and streamflow in the Heeia watershed, Oahu. A previously constructed steady-state numerical groundwater-flow model for the island of Oahu, Hawaii ( using MODFLOW-2005 with the Seawater Intrusion (SWI2) package was used to examine the effects of withdrawals in the watershed. Four simulations representing a baseline and various withdrawal conditions were run using the previously published numerical model. The baseline simulation represents conditions in 2001-10 which were used to calibrate the Oahu model and to which all other scenarios are compared. The three scenarios...
This dataset presents tabular data and Excel workbooks used to analyze single-well aquifer tests in pumping wells and slug tests in monitoring wells near Long Canyon. The data also include pdf outputs from the analysis program, Aqtesolv (Duffield, 2007). The data are presented in two zipped files, (1) single-well aquifer tests in pumping wells and (2) slug tests in monitoring wells. The slug-test data were supplied by Newmont Mining Corporation and collected by Golder and Associates in 2011. Reference Cited: Duffield, G.M., 2007, AQTESOLV for windows: Version 4.5 User’s Guide, HydroSOLV, Inc. Reston, VA, p. 530, at,
This data release consists of 1,984 line-kilometers of airborne electromagnetic (AEM), magnetic data and radiometric data collected from October to November 2017 in the upper East River and surrounding watersheds in central Colorado. The U.S. Geological Survey contracted Geotech Ltd. to acquire these data as part of regional investigations into the geologic structure and hydrologic framework of the area. The AEM data have been inverted to produce a series of regional cross-sections that constrain the electrical properties of the subsurface to a depth of ~500m. Data were acquired using the VTEM ET time-domain helicopter-borne electromagnetic system along flight lines that cross important geological structures over...
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Lewis and Clark, Lower Elkhorn, Lower Loup, Lower Platte North, Lower Niobrara, Middle Niobrara, Upper Elkhorn, and the Upper Loup Natural Resources Districts, designed a study to refine the spatial and temporal discretization of a previously modeled area. This updated study focused on a 30,000-square-mile area of the High Plains aquifer and constructed regional groundwater-flow models to evaluate the effects of groundwater withdrawal on stream base flow in the Elkhorn and Loup River Basins, Nebraska. The model was calibrated to match groundwater-level and base-flow data from the stream-aquifer system from pre-1940 through 2010 (including predevelopment [pre-1895],...
This data set contains two sets of water-level contours that represent interpreted water-levels for an area between the Platte and Elkhorn Rivers just above their confluence. The contours are informed by surface-water and groundwater-level data collected during the fall of 2016 during synoptic water-level survey completed during a low-groundwater demand period and a summer 2017 synoptic water-level survey completed during a high-groundwater demand period. The additional data and interpretations provided with this data set and the larger data release are intended to inform water managers of the effect flow conditions on groundwater movement and interaction with surface-water above the confluence of the lower Platte...
This dataset consists of altitudes of 18 springs located throughout the study area which were used in construction of the potentiometric-surface map. Springs were selected from the previously published report by Kresse and Hays (2009), and site reconnaissance. Surface-water features and springs represent the intersection of the groundwater-table with land surface. Spring altitudes were calculated from 10-meter digital elevation model (DEM) data (U.S. Geological Survey, 2015; U.S. Geological Survey, 2016) . Select References: Kresse, T.M., and Hays, P.D., 2009, Geochemistry, Comparative Analysis, and Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Thermal Waters East of Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, 2006-09:...
Supporting datasets for the associated journal publication "Towards reproducible environmental modeling for decision support: a worked example". Includes source codes for the version of PEST++ and MODFLOW-2005 used, the pyEMU and FloPy python modules and the driver script "". Also included are the existing MODFLOW-2005 models supplied the Edwards Aquifer Authority
This model archive makes available a calibrated, transient MODFLODW-NWT model and a MODPATH7 particle-tracking model used to simulate the groundwater flow system at the former Badger Army Ammunition Plant, in Sauk County, Wisconsin, during 1984–2020. The development of the MODFLODW-NWT and MODPATH7 models are described in the associated U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5040. This model archive contains all the files needed to document and run the groundwater flow and particle-tracking models. The directories in the archive are each presented as a separate .zip file and include an a "bin" directory, a "georef" directory, a "model” directory, an "output" directory, and a "source" directory....
The Little Sequatchie River and Pryor Cove Creek watersheds are located in southern Tennessee and drain the eastern escarpment of the Cumberland Plateau to the Sequatchie River. The Little Sequatchie River has the largest drainage area of any Sequatchie River tributary, with over 130 square miles in the topographic confines of the watershed. The hydrology of both watersheds has been largely altered by karst processes which have caused the majority of the streams to sink into the sub-surface, typically at the contact between the Mississippian Pennington Formation and the underlying Mississippian Bangor Limestone. A collaborative project between the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service began...
This model archive contains the MODFLOW 6 model used to simulate groundwater flow in the Treasure Valley for 1986 through 2015. The simulated results are described in the associated U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper xxxx. The model archive includes the MODFLOW 6 model, PEST parameter estimation files, and a collection of python scripts that were used to develop the model. The README file describes all the files and directories in the archive and provides instructions for running the model.
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is a trace atmospheric gas that is primarily of anthropogenic origin but also occurs naturally in fluid inclusions in some minerals and igneous rocks, and in some volcanic and igneous fluids. SF6 has been used as a dating tool of groundwater because atmospheric concentrations of SF6 are expected to continue increasing (Busenberg and Plummer, 1997). SF6 samples were collected in 30 wells in New Hanover County, North Carolina in May 2017. The results of these samples were input into a spreadsheet calculator developed by the USGS Groundwater Dating lab in order to estimate groundwater age based on SF6 concentrations. The wells sampled include monitoring, domestic, and large water user wells...
This dataset contains field measurements of direct groundwater seepage by using half-barrel style seepage meters permanently installed in a lake-bottom permeable reactive barrier (PRB) at Ashumet Pond, Falmouth, MA. The meters are a modified version of a standard half-barrel seepage meter. Each meter consists of a 208-L polyethylene, corrosion-inhibiting drum cut to a length of 0.8 m and fitted with a removable 0.56-m-diameter lid. A 1.3-cm-diameter hole was drilled into each lid to allow outflow or inflow to be measured. During installation, the top rim of each barrel was positioned to be at the expected grade after backfilling. Between 2004 and 2015, seepage rates at each meter were measured annually, with the...
The objective of this study is to delineate areas of primary groundwater recharge for the surficial, Castle Hayne, and Peedee aquifers in New Hanover County in order to determine the susceptibility of the local drinking-water aquifers. Areas of high susceptibility would coincide with groundwater recharge areas, likely where the Castle Hayne and Peedee aquifers are unconfined and directly connected with shallow surficial sands, as well as developed coastal areas prone to saltwater intrusion. Determining areas of groundwater recharge is a complex task, as many hydrologic and geologic factors must be considered, including precipitation and evapotranspiration rates, soil depth and drainage, landscape topography, and...
Ten groundwater piezometers and lake-level stilling wells were deployed in Upper Klamath Lake (UKL), Oregon during May through October 2017. Piezometers and stilling wells were deployed in pairs so that water levels could be measured relative to a common measuring point (MP) at each location. Piezometers and stilling wells were instrumented with recording pressure transducers. Discrete depth-to-water check measurements were collected at all ten locations at about two-week intervals using a calibrated electric water-level tape to verify and, if necessary, correct the continuous data record. This data set contains discrete depth-to-water check measurements.
This data set contains continuous measured groundwater and lake water-level data and continuous derived vertical hydraulic gradient (VHG) data. Water-levels were measured in paired groundwater piezometers and lake-level stilling wells with submerged pressure transducers during May through October 2017 at nine locations in Upper Klamath Lake (UKL), Oregon. Continuous water-level data was barometrically compensated, corrected for shifts, and converted to values of water level below MP using discrete depth to water-level measurements. Continuous groundwater and lake water-level data were used to calculate vertical hydraulic gradient (VHG). Any data that were determined to be unrepresentative (effects from waves or...
These datasets include wells, springs, and contours used to construct the Hot Springs Highway 270 bypass pre-construction potentiometric-surface map. During the summer of 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey and Hot Springs National Park Service collected groundwater measurements from 66 wells - 59 measurements were used to construct a potentiometric-surface map of wells screened in the Ouachita Mountains aquifer system. The pre-construction potentiometric-surface map provides an early, baseline assessment of groundwater levels and flow directions which will be compared to a later, post-construction groundwater potentiometric-surface map. In addition, comparisons to the pre-construction map will help to identify...
These data include groundwater-level data from 59 wells measured from July to August 2017. Measured groundwater data are also available from the USGS National Water Information System (U.S. Geological Survey, 2018) Well locations were selected from three sources: previously reported sites (Kresse and Hays, 2009), site reconnaissance, and driller’s logs obtained from the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission driller database. Reference: U.S. Geological Survey, 2018, USGS water data for the Nation: U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System database, accessed 1 July 2017 at
This dataset contains 50-ft contours for the Hot Springs shallowest unit of the Ouachita Mountains aquifer system potentiometric-surface map. The potentiometric-surface shows altitude at which the water level would have risen in tightly-cased wells and represents synoptic conditions during the summer of 2017. Contours were constructed from 59 water-level measurements measured in selected wells (locations in the well point dataset). Major streams and creeks were selected in the study area from the USGS National Hydrography Dataset (U.S. Geological Survey, 2017), and the spring point dataset with 18 spring altitudes calculated from 10-meter digital elevation model (DEM) data (U.S. Geological Survey, 2015; U.S. Geological...
This data set contains two sets of measured water-level data collected in an area between the Platte and Elkhorn Rivers just above their confluence. Surface-water and groundwater-level data were collected during the fall of 2016 during synoptic water-level survey completed during a low-groundwater demand period and a summer 2017 synoptic water-level survey completed during a high-groundwater demand period. The elevations of surface-water features were surveyed with a rover receiver using a real-time network, where the rover receiver receives real-time position corrections from a central server through a mobile wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) hotspot linked to the rover receiver. Data collection procedures ensured that...

map background search result map search result map Datasets of the Potentiometric Surface of Groundwater-Level Altitudes Near the Planned Highway 270 Bypass, East of Hot Springs, Arkansas, July–August 2017 Well Point Dataset of the Potentiometric Surface of Groundwater-Level Altitudes Near the Planned Highway 270 Bypass, East of Hot Springs, Arkansas, July-August 2017 Spring Point Dataset of the Potentiometric Surface of Groundwater-Level Altitudes Near the Planned Highway 270 Bypass, East of Hot Springs, Arkansas, July-August 2017 Aquifer recharge and susceptibility in New Hanover County, North Carolina Wells sampled for groundwater-age dating in New Hanover County, North Carolina 02_Field measurements of lake-bottom seepage near a permeable reactive barrier, Ashumet Pond, Falmouth, MA Water-level and digital data for the Elkhorn and Loup River Basins groundwater flow model, Phase Three Water-levels along the Lower Platte and Lower Elkhorn Rivers, Nebraska, 2016-2017 Water-level contours along the Lower Platte and Lower Elkhorn Rivers, Nebraska, 2016-2017 Discrete groundwater and lake depth-to-water check-measurement data, Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2017 Continuous depth-to-water data and calculated vertical hydraulic gradient at the sediment-water interface in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2017 Contour Dataset of the Potentiometric Surface of Groundwater-Level Altitudes Near the Planned Highway 270 Bypass, East of Hot Springs, Arkansas, July-August 2017 Towards reproducible environmental modeling for decision support: a worked example Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric survey, upper East River and surrounding watersheds near Crested Butte, Colorado, 2017 2011–2016 Single Well Aquifer Tests: Pumping Schedules, Water-Level Data in Aquifer Test Wells, and Analysis Results from Tests Conducted near Long Canyon, Goshute Valley, Northeastern Nevada MODFLOW-NWT model of the Former Badger Army Ammunition Plant, Wisconsin Data and archive for a groundwater flow model of the Treasure Valley aquifer system, southwestern Idaho, 1986-2015 MODFLOW-2005 and SWI2 models for assessing groundwater and surface-water interactions in the Heeia Watershed, Oahu, Hawaii MODFLOW 6 model and ensemble used in the simulation of groundwater flow and land subsidence in the northern part of the Gulf Coast aquifer, 1897-2018 (ver. 2.0, September 2023) Mapping karst groundwater flow paths and delineating recharge areas for springs in the Little Sequatchie and Pryor Cove watersheds, Tennessee 02_Field measurements of lake-bottom seepage near a permeable reactive barrier, Ashumet Pond, Falmouth, MA Spring Point Dataset of the Potentiometric Surface of Groundwater-Level Altitudes Near the Planned Highway 270 Bypass, East of Hot Springs, Arkansas, July-August 2017 Well Point Dataset of the Potentiometric Surface of Groundwater-Level Altitudes Near the Planned Highway 270 Bypass, East of Hot Springs, Arkansas, July-August 2017 Contour Dataset of the Potentiometric Surface of Groundwater-Level Altitudes Near the Planned Highway 270 Bypass, East of Hot Springs, Arkansas, July-August 2017 Datasets of the Potentiometric Surface of Groundwater-Level Altitudes Near the Planned Highway 270 Bypass, East of Hot Springs, Arkansas, July–August 2017 MODFLOW-NWT model of the Former Badger Army Ammunition Plant, Wisconsin Mapping karst groundwater flow paths and delineating recharge areas for springs in the Little Sequatchie and Pryor Cove watersheds, Tennessee Discrete groundwater and lake depth-to-water check-measurement data, Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2017 Continuous depth-to-water data and calculated vertical hydraulic gradient at the sediment-water interface in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2017 Wells sampled for groundwater-age dating in New Hanover County, North Carolina Water-level contours along the Lower Platte and Lower Elkhorn Rivers, Nebraska, 2016-2017 Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric survey, upper East River and surrounding watersheds near Crested Butte, Colorado, 2017 Water-levels along the Lower Platte and Lower Elkhorn Rivers, Nebraska, 2016-2017 Aquifer recharge and susceptibility in New Hanover County, North Carolina MODFLOW-2005 and SWI2 models for assessing groundwater and surface-water interactions in the Heeia Watershed, Oahu, Hawaii Data and archive for a groundwater flow model of the Treasure Valley aquifer system, southwestern Idaho, 1986-2015 2011–2016 Single Well Aquifer Tests: Pumping Schedules, Water-Level Data in Aquifer Test Wells, and Analysis Results from Tests Conducted near Long Canyon, Goshute Valley, Northeastern Nevada Towards reproducible environmental modeling for decision support: a worked example Water-level and digital data for the Elkhorn and Loup River Basins groundwater flow model, Phase Three MODFLOW 6 model and ensemble used in the simulation of groundwater flow and land subsidence in the northern part of the Gulf Coast aquifer, 1897-2018 (ver. 2.0, September 2023)