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Boreholes were drilled in 2017 and 2018 in Redwell Basin, a headwater catchment underlain by mineralized and hydrothermally altered sedimentary rock in the Elk Mountains near the town of Crested Butte, Colorado. Site locations and well construction are documented under the main page of this data release. Hydraulic data were acquired during drilling and on core samples to estimate the hydraulic properties of selected geologic materials. While advancing the drill stem, long-interval packer tests were conducted in MW1 and MW2 boreholes to measure in-situ formation permeability. The open borehole interval targeted for each hydraulic test was exposed by raising the drill stem about 10 m above the bottom of the hole....
The data are time series of laboratory strength and permeability measurements of 5 rock types. The tests were conducted as part of an interlaboratory comparison to determine repeatability of measurements using different test equipment and measurement techniques. These data represent the USGS contribution to the study. Other contributing organizations are archiving data sets separately.
This dataset presents descriptions of sediments collected from a boring drilled to bedrock near Nantucket Sound in East Falmouth, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. There are four types of descriptions—units, features, subsamples, and grain-size distributions: 1) Units correspond to “lithostratigraphic units” described by Hull and others (2019). Units are vertically continuous zones of generally similar sediment type. They range from 1 to 100 feet thick. The top and bottom of each unit is given in feet relative to depth below land surface. 2) Features are described as “lithostratigraphic features” by Hull and others (2019). Features are discrete zones of very similar sediment 0.1 to 5.0 feet thick. A single unit can encompass...
This data release accompanies the USGS Techniques and Methods report titled: "The Basin Characterization Model - A Regional Water Balance Software Package" (Flint et al., 2021,, and includes all necessary Basin Characterization Model version 8 (BCMv8) inputs and outputs for water years 1896 to 2023. The BCMv8 was refined from the previous BCMv65 version to improve the accuracy of the water-balance components, particularly the recharge estimate. The new version includes seven new features: (1) monthly vegetation-specific actual evapotranspiration (AET) for 65 vegetation types, (2) spatially distributed calibration coefficients for snow accumulation and snowmelt, (3) mapped soil organic...
This report describes an effort of a team of 60 scientists led by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to identify the places where nature’s own natural resilience is the highest. Thanks to the land’s diverse topography, bedrock, and soil, these climate-resilient sites are more likely to sustain native plants, animals, and natural processes into the future, becoming natural strongholds for diversity. To map their locations, The Nature Conservancy-led team used over 70 new and comprehensive datasets to find places that are buffered from the effects of climate change because the site offers a wide range of micro-climates within a highly connected area. In 2015, the results were published in a leading conservation science...
A three-dimensional finite-difference model, MODFLOW-2005 (version 1.12.00), was developed to better understand how Seepage Meter efficiency changes when installed in sediments with wide range of conductivities. The hypothesis is that coarser sediments will allow a greater portion of upward-flow to flow around the meter instead of through it. The hypothetical model simulates upward flow through unconsolidated sediments in the Seepage Meter Calibration Tank operating at the Denver Federal Center in Lakewood, Colorado. Groundwater Vistas (version 7) was used for initial development of the hypothetical model and postprocessing. Executables and input files were then ported into this archive with public domain executables....
This data release contains monthly 270-meter gridded Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) climate inputs and hydrologic outputs for Santa Clara River Valley (SCRV). Gridded climate inputs include: precipitation (ppt), minimum temperature (tmn), maximum temperature (tmx), and potential evapotranspiration (pet). Gridded hydrologic variables include: actual evapotranspiration (aet), climatic water deficit (cwd), snowpack (pck), recharge (rch), runoff (run), and soil storage (str). The units for temperature variables are degrees Celsius, and all other variables are in millimeters. Monthly historical variables from water years 1896 to 2019 are summarized into water year files and long-term average summaries for water...
This data release contains monthly 270-meter gridded Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) climate inputs and hydrologic outputs for San Francisco Coastal South (SFCS). Gridded climate inputs include: precipitation (ppt), minimum temperature (tmn), maximum temperature (tmx), and potential evapotranspiration (pet). Gridded hydrologic variables include: actual evapotranspiration (aet), climatic water deficit (cwd), snowpack (pck), recharge (rch), runoff (run), and soil storage (str). The units for temperature variables are degrees Celsius, and all other variables are in millimeters. Monthly historical variables from water years 1896 to 2019 are summarized into water year files and long-term average summaries for water...
This data release contains monthly 270-meter gridded Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) climate inputs and hydrologic outputs for Napa Sonoma (NSM). Gridded climate inputs include: precipitation (ppt), minimum temperature (tmn), maximum temperature (tmx), and potential evapotranspiration (pet). Gridded hydrologic variables include: actual evapotranspiration (aet), climatic water deficit (cwd), snowpack (pck), recharge (rch), runoff (run), and soil storage (str). The units for temperature variables are degrees Celsius, and all other variables are in millimeters. Monthly historical variables from water years 1896 to 2019 are summarized into water year files and long-term average summaries for water years 1981-2010....
This data release contains monthly 270-meter gridded Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) climate inputs and hydrologic outputs for Fort Bragg (FBG). Gridded climate inputs include: precipitation (ppt), minimum temperature (tmn), maximum temperature (tmx), and potential evapotranspiration (pet). Gridded hydrologic variables include: actual evapotranspiration (aet), climatic water deficit (cwd), snowpack (pck), recharge (rch), runoff (run), and soil storage (str). The units for temperature variables are degrees Celsius, and all other variables are in millimeters. Monthly historical variables from water years 1896 to 2019 are summarized into water year files and long-term average summaries for water years 1981-2010....
Topoclimate diversity connotes the range of temperature and moisture regimes available to species as local habitat refugia under climate change scenarios (Dobrowski 2010). Areas rich in topoclimatic niches may increase species diversity (Kerr et al. 1997) and increase the likelihood for species persistence across multiple temporal scales (Luoto et al. 2008, Weiss et al. 1988). We defined the Topoclimate Diversity Index (TDI) as a combination of two extant indices, Heat Load Index (HLI) and Compound Topographic Index (CTI), each measured as a focal statistic across a 450-m radius neighborhood. Topo Div_Score: This score represents a focal statistics output (450 m radius from each focal cell), describing the range...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. This data set consists of digital polygons of constant hydraulic conductivity values for the Tillman terrace and alluvial aquifer in southwestern Oklahoma. The Tillman terrace and alluvial aquifer encompasses the unconsolidated terrace deposits and alluvium associated with the North Fork of the Red River and the Red River in the western half of Tillman County. These sediments consist of discontinuous layers of clay, sandy clay, sand,...
The State of Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) is currently engaged in a multi-year study of the hydrocarbon potential of the Tertiary and Mesozoic strata in Cook Inlet basin. This report summarizes mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) data for nine outcrop and measured section samples collected from the Naknek Formation on the Iniskin Peninsula in Cook Inlet. All samples were analyzed by PetroTech Associates, Houston, TX. Two of the samples were found to have overall capillary properties that would make them moderately good quality, Type B seals.
These data tables describe the inputs and parameters for the 3D petroleum systems model. This section of data is included for users wishing to rebuild the 3D basin model from scratch, either in PetroMod or another basin modeling software package. All inputs and settings for model construction are included. Settings summaries are provided in a data bundle of comma-separated value (CSV) tables. Also included is the “Williston_Basin_model_inputs_glossary.csv” data table that provides a brief description of all the columns/value fields in the data bundle. This is a child item of a larger data release titled "Data release for the 3D petroleum systems model of the Williston Basin, USA".
One of the primary goals of South Korea’s second Ulleung Basin Gas Hydrate Expedition (UBGH2) was to examine the geotechnical properties of the marine sediment associated with methane gas hydrate occurrences found off the shore of eastern Korea in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea. Methane gas hydrate is a naturally occurring crystalline solid that sequesters methane in individual molecular cages formed by a lattice of water molecules. During UBGH2, concentrated gas hydrate was found in two sedimentary environments: thin, coarse-grained sediment layers interbedded with fine-grained sediment (fines, such as clays and muds) and as veins of essentially pure gas hydrate within beds of predominantly fine-grained sediment....
Efficiency of seepage meters, long considered a fixed property associated with the meter design, is not constant in highly permeable sediments. Instead, results from this study indicate that efficiency varies substantially with seepage-bag fullness, duration of bag attachment, depth of meter insertion into the sediments, and seepage velocity. Efficiency also varies substantially in response to variable hydraulic conductivity. The first worksheet titled "Literature efficiency" presents seepage-meter efficiency values from the literature to show the progression of efficiency versus time. The remaining 7 worksheets present time-series data showing seepage-meter efficiency related to several different tests: (1) flow...
This data release contains monthly 270-meter resolution Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) climate and hydrologic variables for Localized Constructed Analog (LOCA; Pierce et al., 2014)-downscaled CanESM2 Global Climate Model (GCM) for Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 (medium-low emissions) and 8.5 (high emissions) for hydrologic California. The LOCA climate scenarios span water years 1950 to 2099 with greenhouse-gas forcings beginning in 2006. The LOCA downscaling method has been shown to produce better estimates of extreme events and reduces the common downscaling problem of too many low-precipitation days (Pierce et al., 2014). Ten GCMs were selected from the full ensemble of models from the fifth...
This data release contains monthly 270-meter resolution Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) climate and hydrologic variables for Localized Constructed Analog (LOCA; Pierce et al., 2014)-downscaled CMCC-CMS Global Climate Model (GCM) for Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 (medium-low emissions) and 8.5 (high emissions) for hydrologic California. The LOCA climate scenarios span water years 1950 to 2099 with greenhouse-gas forcings beginning in 2006. The LOCA downscaling method has been shown to produce better estimates of extreme events and reduces the common downscaling problem of too many low-precipitation days (Pierce et al., 2014). Ten GCMs were selected from the full ensemble of models from the fifth...
This map service is an information surface which displays the hydrologic soil group class of each soil map unit based upon the dominant component in the soil map unit. Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well...

map background search result map search result map Dominant Soil Hydrologic Group Database of Lithostratigraphic Observations and Grain-Size Distributions From a Boring Drilled to Bedrock in Glacial Sediments Near Nantucket Sound in East Falmouth, Cape Cod, Massachusetts Mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) results from outcrop samples in the Naknek Formation, Iniskin Peninsula, Alaska Mercury injection capillary pressure data in the U.S. Gulf Coast Tuscaloosa Group in Mississippi and Louisiana collected 2015 to 2017 Hydraulic test data The Basin Characterization Model - A monthly regional water balance software package (BCMv8) data release and model archive for hydrologic California (ver. 4.0, May 2024) Seepage meter efficiency in highly permeable settings source data (2020) Santa Clara River Valley Monthly BCMv8 San Francisco Coastal South Monthly BCMv8 Fort Bragg Monthly BCMv8 Napa Sonoma Monthly BCMv8 Dataset of diatom controls on the compressibility and permeability of fine-grained sediment collected offshore of South Korea during the Second Ulleung Basin Gas Hydrate Expedition, UBGH2 MODFLOW 2005 and MODPATH 5 model data sets used to evaluate seepage-meter efficiency in high-permeability settings Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Tillman terrace and alluvial aquifer in southwestern Oklahoma Model input tables for the 3D petroleum systems model of the Williston Basin, USA Interlab comparison of strength and permeability of rock in laboratory experiments Future Climate and Hydrology from the Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) using LOCA-downscaled Global Climate Model CanESM2 Future Climate and Hydrology from the Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) using LOCA-downscaled Global Climate Model CMCC-CMS Seepage meter efficiency in highly permeable settings source data (2020) MODFLOW 2005 and MODPATH 5 model data sets used to evaluate seepage-meter efficiency in high-permeability settings Hydraulic test data Interlab comparison of strength and permeability of rock in laboratory experiments Mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) results from outcrop samples in the Naknek Formation, Iniskin Peninsula, Alaska Database of Lithostratigraphic Observations and Grain-Size Distributions From a Boring Drilled to Bedrock in Glacial Sediments Near Nantucket Sound in East Falmouth, Cape Cod, Massachusetts Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Tillman terrace and alluvial aquifer in southwestern Oklahoma Dataset of diatom controls on the compressibility and permeability of fine-grained sediment collected offshore of South Korea during the Second Ulleung Basin Gas Hydrate Expedition, UBGH2 Napa Sonoma Monthly BCMv8 Mercury injection capillary pressure data in the U.S. Gulf Coast Tuscaloosa Group in Mississippi and Louisiana collected 2015 to 2017 Santa Clara River Valley Monthly BCMv8 Model input tables for the 3D petroleum systems model of the Williston Basin, USA Future Climate and Hydrology from the Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) using LOCA-downscaled Global Climate Model CanESM2 Future Climate and Hydrology from the Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) using LOCA-downscaled Global Climate Model CMCC-CMS The Basin Characterization Model - A monthly regional water balance software package (BCMv8) data release and model archive for hydrologic California (ver. 4.0, May 2024) Dominant Soil Hydrologic Group