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FY2014One of the primary challenges facing public land managers in the Great Basin is identifying adaptation strategies to increase resiliency to climate change in an area that is already struggling with profound environmental challenges. Recent efforts to understand how the Great Basin weathered past droughts and climate variability may offer insight into approaches that could work in future decades. One approach to gather this information is to understand Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK). Gathering this information is challenging and requires an acknowledgment that much of this information is highly sensitive and proprietary. Translating this information into actionable management plans is even more challenging.This...
Vernal or seasonal pools are small, temporary bodies of water that can serve as critical habitat for frogs, salamanders, reptiles, invertebrates, and other species. The first step in developing effective conservation strategies for vernal pools and associated wildlife species is to know where on the landscape these small wetlands exist. Although several several states and organizations in the Northeast region have initiated coordinated vernal pool mapping projects, this information has never been assembled in one place. Currently, the Vernal Pool Data Cooperative (VPDC) consists of over 60,000 vernal pool locations submitted by cooperators representing ten states and two Canadian provinces from Virginia to Quebec’s...
Rainwater Harvesting and Stormwater Research is a priority research area identified by the Arizona Governor’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Water Sustainability, which recommended that universities take the lead to identify regulatory barriers, cost and benefits, water quality issues and avenues for increasing utilization of stormwater and rainwater at the regional, community and individual property level. In an effort to address the priority research area, the University of Arizona will develop a decision support tool to be used by public utilities and agencies to evaluate suitability and cost-effectiveness of rainwater and stormwater capture at various scales for multiple benefits. Data from the City of Tucson, Arizona...
Southern Nevada Water Authority will add new modeling and analytical capabilities to tools developed as part of a previous WaterSMART Climate Analysis Tools Grant that assessed impacts of climate change on water quality and sediment transport in Lake Mead. Project results are intended to increase an understanding of how water quality characteristics and nutrient levels in Lake Mead may be affected by climate change.
Bering Sea storms introduce various environmental conditions that adversely affect human activity and infrastructure in the coastal zone and the ecosystems they depend upon. Storm impacts include interactions with sea ice in all potential states: large floes, shore-fast ice, and incipient sea-ice in frazil or slush state. In particular, sea ice can act to enhance or mitigate the impacts of adverse marine state, even as the event is occurring. Such occurrences should be part of a forecasting regimen, however scientific work has not been conducted on this phenomena, with the result that a physical model describing the formation of slush ice berms does not exist. To arrive at such a model requires visits to and input...
This project evaluated the potential impacts of storm surges and relative sea level rise on nesting geese and eider species that commonly breed on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta (Y-K Delta). Habitat suitability maps for breeding waterbirds were developed to identify current waterbird breeding habitat and distributions. Short-term climate change impacts were assessed by comparing nest densities in relation to magnitude of storms that occurred in the prior fall from 2000-2013. Additionally, nest densities were modeled using random forests in relation to the time-integrated flood index (e.g., a storm specific measure accounting for both water depth and duration of flooding) for four modeled storms (2005, 2006, 2009, and...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: DELTAS, DELTAS, DUCKS/GEESE/SWANS, DUCKS/GEESE/SWANS, Decision Support, All tags...
FY2013Cheatgrass die-offs are unexplained instances of stand failure observed in areas of Nevada and Utah, where cheatgrass fails to grow even though it has been a dominant component of plant communities in the past. The goals of this project are to:1) provide information on the size and extent of historic (1985 - 2012) die-offs in the Winnemucca area using satellite imagery, and 2) determine if die-offs are restoration opportunities by planting and monitoring local and commercially available native grasses in die-off areas.Support is requested to fund monitoring of the restoration project through a second growing season and to develop predictive spatial models of die-off from analysis of satellite imagery and GIS...
Landscape simulation modeling will be used to develop detailed management guidelines for restoring and sustaining whitebark pine under future climates, accounting for the principal stressors that threaten its persistence (exotic disease infections, mountain pine beetles, and fire exclusion policies). We will build on existing work, including the 2012 publication A Range-Wide Restoration Strategy for Whitebark Pine Forests and existing simulation areas within critical whitebark pine habitat. This project will create a robust and trans-boundary set of management tools for creating resistant and resilient whitebark pine forests within the Rocky Mountains, USA and Canada.FY2013Objectives:We propose to use FireBGCv2...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Alberta, British Columbia, Climate Change, Conservation Plan/Design/Framework, Conservation Planning, All tags...
FY2017This dataset provides a near-real-time estimate of 2017 herbaceous annual cover with an emphasis on annual grass (Boyte and Wylie. 2016. Near-real-time cheatrass percent cover in the Northern Great Basin, USA, 2015. Rangelands 38:278-284.) This estimate was based on remotely sensed enhanced Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (eMODIS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data gathered through June 19, 2017. This is the second iteration of an early estimate of herbaceous annual cover for 2017 over the same geographic area. The previous dataset used eMODIS NDVI data gathered through May 1 ( The pixel values for this most recent estimate ranged from 0 to100%...
Land transformations occurring from energy development and agrarian use have altered the natural connectivity of fish communities inhabiting prairie waterways. The nation’s prairie waterways are obstructed by thousands of barriers that include road culverts, irrigation diversions, and dams. Connectivity is essential for the long term viability of aquatic species. One of the most promising adaptive management strategies for addressing impacts to aquatic systems by climate change and other landscape stressors is increasing connectivity. The purpose of this research is to characterize swimming abilities of three northern plains fish species; the sauger, the longnose dace, and the fathead minnow. The results of the...
The importance of riparian ecosystems in semiarid and arid regions has generated interest in understanding processes that drive the distribution and abundance of dominant riparian plants. Changes in streamflow patterns downstream of dams have profoundly affected riparian vegetation composition and structure. For example, in the southwestern United States, flow regulation has contributed to the replacement of many riparian forests historically dominated by the native Populus fremontii (Fremont Cottonwood) and Salix gooddingii (Goodding’s Willow) by the exotic species Tamarix spp. (Salt Cedar). The proposed project will help guide reservoir release decision making to enhance downstream recruitment of native cottonwood...
In response to the threats of land use and changing environmental conditions, the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (NEAFWA) coordinated a team of partners from 13 states, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, nongovernmental organizations, and universities, who worked for more than a year to develop a regional conservation design that provides a foundation for unified conservation action from Maine to Virginia. Drawing on the data and models generated by projects supported over the years by the North Atlantic LCC, and building on smaller-scale conservation designs in the region, Nature’s Network is an overarching design that represents...
Understanding the causes of relative sea level rise requires knowledge of changes to both land (uplift and subsidence) and sea level. However, measurements of coastal uplift or subsidence are almost completely lacking in western Alaska. This project will result in precision measurements of prioritized benchmarks across the Western Alaska geography. This will improve the network of published tidal benchmark elevations, allowing for tidal datum conversion in more places, and providing a necessary component for improved inundation studies in coastal communities and low-lying areas.
The project will complete an extensive mapping of coastal change along the entire coastline of the Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC). The work will provide important baseline information on the distribution and magnitude of landscape changes over the past 41 years. The extent of change to the coastline and to coastal features, such as spits, barrier islands, estuaries, tidal guts and lagoons, is known to be substantial in some areas along the coast (e.g., portions of the Yukon–Kuskokwim Delta), although the extent of change along the full Bering Sea coast is not well documented. With this analysis, changes can be summarized for different land ownerships or other units to assess the extent of...
FY2016Monitor the diversity and abundance of winged insects (including Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, and Hemiptera), which include many key insect pollinators, using an array of passive and active trapping methods. Monitor bat diversity and relative densities using passive acoustic monitoring stations (we will use full-spectrum passive recording units). Monitor diversity and abundance of reptiles (lizards and snakes), using trap arrays (pitfall and coverboard) and time-constrained visual encounter surveys. Create empirically supported models of reptile, bat, and insect diversity and abundance as a function of vegetation structure and composition, microclimate, and other environmental variables,...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Academics & scientific researchers, Datasets/Database, Federal resource managers, Great Basin, Great Basin, All tags...
Summary Conduct an objective assessment of the existing programs monitoring climate-sensitive ecological variables (biological and geophysical) in the terrestrial Hawaiian environment, generate a summary for consideration at an expert workshop, participate in the workshop, and summarize the consensus recommendations reached at the workshop.
FY2014This projects main goals are to assess the effects of grazing by feral horses and livestock on Greater Sage-grouse demography and habitats. The Sheldon-Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex and adjacent lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management provide the unique opportunity to assess sage-grouse populations free of feral horses and livestock grazing, populations that only have feral horses, as well as populations that coincide with both livestock grazing and feral horses. The project team will:1)Use historical sage-grouse data collected from Hart Mountain before and immediately after livestock were removed in the early 1990s, and historical data from Sheldon before the irruption of feral horses...
The Bird Conservancy of the Rockies will use, combine and optimize an array of remote sensing techniques to identify the most efficient process that characterizes grasslands and level of shrub component in those grasslands. The project will classify a pilot area, the Janos Grassland Priority Conservation Area, which contains the majority of the Janos Biosphere Reserve, using a variety of remote sensing approaches. In the process they will identify the best techniques for decomposing grass-shrub intermix at low densities and identify the best approaches for large scale application of remote sensing to classify the desert grasslands and shrublands.
This project is focused on establishing a statewide framework to improve the hydrography mapping and stewardship in Alaska. This will be acheived through the creation of a statewide system to make digital mapping data updates accessible and affordable, and through the creation of a statewide hydrography mapping coordinator position to synchronize updates and guide hydrography mapping development. This framework will allow agencies and organizations to greatly improve their hydrography mapping data, as well as consume and uplift project level hydrography data that would not otherwise be incorporated.
Permafrost thaw can be a major driver of landscape change. Regions in Western Alaska are highly vulnerable to such thawing due to the high ice content of the soils and the lack of thermal monitoring in this region has limited our ability to understand current thermal state and establish thawing rates. This study established a permafrost monitoring network in this region, providing a baseline of permafrost thermal regimes for assessing future change at a total of 26 automated monitoring stations. Stations have collected year-round temperature data from the active layer and the permafrost starting from the summer of 2011. The strong correspondence between spatial variability in permafrost thermal regime and an existing...

map background search result map search result map Maintaining migratory pathways of imperiled Large River and Small Stream Fishes in the Face of Climate Change and Energy Development Developing Management Guidelines for Creating Resilient Whitebark Pine Ecosystems in the Northern Rocky Mountains Using Spatial Simulation Modeling Utility Guide to Rainwater/Stormwater Harvesting as an Adaptive Response to Climate Change A Study of Climate Change Impacts on Water Quality and Internal Nutrient Recycling in Lake Mead, Arizona-Nevada Managing water and riparian habitats on the Bill Williams River with scientific benefit for other desert river systems Remote sensing to segregate grass and shrub mixed habitats in Janos Grassland Priority Conservation Area Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Cheatgrass Die-offs in the Great Basin Measuring the Regional Impacts of Pinyon and Juniper Removal on Insect, Bat, and Reptile Communities Using Narrative Stories to Understand Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Great Basin Nature's Network: A Regional Conservation Design for the Northeast Near-real-time Herbaceous Annual Cover in the Great Basin Bringing Alaska's Freshwater Hydrography into the 21st Century The impacts of storm surges on breeding waterbirds on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska: past effects and future projected impacts Assessment of Impacts of Feral Horses and Livestock Grazing on Sage-grouse and their Habitats: Long-term trends in sage-grouse demography and habitats on the Sheldon-Hart Mountain NWRC and adjacent lands Assessment of Impacts of Feral Horses and Livestock Grazing on Sage-grouse and their Habitats: Long-term trends in sage-grouse demography and habitats on the Sheldon-Hart Mountain NWRC and adjacent lands A Study of Climate Change Impacts on Water Quality and Internal Nutrient Recycling in Lake Mead, Arizona-Nevada Managing water and riparian habitats on the Bill Williams River with scientific benefit for other desert river systems The impacts of storm surges on breeding waterbirds on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska: past effects and future projected impacts Remote sensing to segregate grass and shrub mixed habitats in Janos Grassland Priority Conservation Area Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Cheatgrass Die-offs in the Great Basin Using Narrative Stories to Understand Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Great Basin Utility Guide to Rainwater/Stormwater Harvesting as an Adaptive Response to Climate Change Near-real-time Herbaceous Annual Cover in the Great Basin Maintaining migratory pathways of imperiled Large River and Small Stream Fishes in the Face of Climate Change and Energy Development Nature's Network: A Regional Conservation Design for the Northeast