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Biological consequences of earlier snowmelt from desert dust deposition in alpine landscapes.


Thomas H Painter, Christopher C Landry, Edward Ayres, and Heidi Steltzer, Biological consequences of earlier snowmelt from desert dust deposition in alpine landscapes.: .


Dust deposition to mountain snow cover, which has increased since the late 19(th) century, accelerates the rate of snowmelt by increasing the solar radiation absorbed by the snowpack. Snowmelt occurs earlier, but is decoupled from seasonal warming. Climate warming advances the timing of snowmelt and early season phenological events (e.g., the onset of greening and flowering); however, earlier snowmelt without warmer temperatures may have a different effect on phenology. Here, we report the results of a set of snowmelt manipulations in which radiation-absorbing fabric and the addition and removal of dust from the surface of the snowpack advanced or delayed snowmelt in the alpine tundra. These changes in the timing of snowmelt were superimposed [...]


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  • Upper Colorado River Basin



From Source - Mendeley RIS export <br> On - Mon Feb 14 18:21:25 CST 2011

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