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Eolian-fluvial interaction in the Page Sandstone (Middle Jurassic) in south-central Utah, USA ? a case study of erg-margin processes


Jones, Lawrence S, and Blakey, Ronald C, Eolian-fluvial interaction in the Page Sandstone (Middle Jurassic) in south-central Utah, USA ? a case study of erg-margin processes: .


Channel- and lens-shaped deposits of non-eolian red sandstone are enclosed within the eolian Leche-e Member of the Page Sandstone in south-central Utah. Detailed analysis of lithology and geometry, and regional correlation of the red sandstone deposits suggests that the channel-shaped scours and in-filling deposits were formed by ephemeral stream processes, in contrast to earlier interpretations that suggested a marine estuarine origin. We hypothesize that ephemeral streams transporting volcanic debris flowed toward the north and northeast along the western edge of the Page erg. Local avulsion, possibly caused by eolian damming of an adjacent drainage, led to stream flow into low areas of the Page erg. Entrainment of loose eolian sand, [...]


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  • Upper Colorado River Basin



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