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Front range of the Rocky Mountains from near Gray's and Torrey's Peaks. Clear Creek and Summit Counties, Colorado. 1873.


Date Taken


Album caption and index card: Front range of the Rocky Mountains from near Gray's and Torrey's Peaks. The twin peaks, Gray and Torrey, named from the two collaborators in science who have done so much for their cause among these mountains. They are very nearly of equal height, Gray being 14,341 feet and Torrey 14,336. From Peak to Peak the distance is nearly a mile, and through this saddle is a "pass" from Georgetown to the mining towns on the Blue River. The trail runs up the long ridge toward Gray, and then turns to the right. Its course can be seen by looking sharply where the snowbanks cut across it. The combing crest of the snow at the summit frequently lies all summer, and it then becomes necessary to tunnel under it, so that [...]


Data Owner :
U.S. Geological Survey
Photographer :
Jackson, William Henry

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Available in the U.S. Geological Survey Denver Library Photographic Collection, Jackson, W.H. Collection.


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Type Scheme Key
name photoLibrary jwh01310
number photoLibrary 19570
batch photoLibrary btch118
number_in_book photoLibrary 1310

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