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South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint interactive viewer


2016-04-19 14:22:36
Last Update
2017-09-14 14:55:47
Start Date
End Date
Start Date
2014-08-01 04:00:00
End Date
2015-07-31 04:00:00


Brendan Ward(Principal Investigator), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service(funder), 2016-04-19(creation), 2017-09-14(lastUpdate), 2014-08-01(Start), 2015-07-31(End), South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint interactive viewer,


The purpose of Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) is to inform the management of natural and cultural heritage resources in response to shifts in climate, habitat fragmentation and loss, and other landscape level challenges. The South Atlantic LCC’s mission is to “create a shared blueprint for landscape conservation actions that sustain natural and cultural resources” (South Atlantic LCC 2014) and to this end, has contracted with the Conservation Biology Institute (CBI) to release the first version of the Conservation Blueprint using the Data Basin ( platform. The South Atlantic LCC seeks to iteratively refine the Conservation Blueprint and release future versions as necessary to achieve their mission. The Conservation [...]

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md_metadata.json 78.79 KB application/json
mdeditor-20171107-101196_Frost2014.json 320.3 KB application/json


Project staff will work closely with the staff of the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SALCC) to: 1. Provide additional capability to the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative’s Conservation Planning Atlas (SALCC CPA; This will allow stakeholders, land managers, project staff, and the public to interactively explore the products of the SALCC Conservation Blueprint. This functionality will enhance the effectiveness of SALCC by promoting enhanced communication and understanding of the Blueprint’s framework, regional priorities, key drivers, and integration with existing landscape conservation plans. 2. Provide technical guidance to South Atlantic LCC staff to support future versions of the Blueprint. This project is part of a larger effort to support and improve a “Conservation Blueprint” for the South Atlantic LCC region and effective integration of this project into the larger assessment effort will require close collaboration with and regular involvement of staff of the Service. Therefore, the objectives of this agreement entail a relationship of assistance rather than one of ordinary procurement

Project Extension

typeShort Project Description
valueThe purpose of Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) is to inform the management of natural and cultural heritage resources in response to shifts in climate, habitat fragmentation and loss, and other landscape level challenges. The South Atlantic LCC’s mission is to “create a shared blueprint for landscape conservation actions that sustain natural and cultural resources” (South Atlantic LCC 2014) and to this end, has contracted with the Conservation Biology Institute (CBI) to release the first version of the Conservation Blueprint using the Data Basin ( platform. The South Atlantic LCC seeks to iteratively refine the Conservation Blueprint and release future versions as necessary to achieve their mission. The Conservation [...]

Budget Extension

recipientConservation Biology Institute
sourceU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Spatial Services

ScienceBase WMS


  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative

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