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National Dam Removal Science Database Dam Removals


Publication Date


Wieferich, D.J. and Vittium, K., 2016, National Dam Removal Science Database Dam Removals: a constituent dataset of the National Dam Removal Science Database, U.S. Geological Survey Data Release, doi:10.5066/F77P8WGR.


This ScienceBase Item provides documentation and access to a dynamic query of the Spatial Feature Registry for dam removals that have been associated with a literature source describing the dam removal project and associated scientific studies. The Spatial Feature Registry is a dynamic collection in ScienceBase of geospatial features of importance as long-term, persistently identified items. Dam removal items in the Spatial Feature Registry provide part of the foundation for the National Dam Removal Science Database, a distributed data system with information on the science of dam removal and the basis for the Dam Removal Information Portal. Dam removals in this collection have been quality controlled to the hydrographic network, primarily [...]


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The removed dams in this collection are all associated with scientific literature and other reports that describe the types of scientific studies conducted with the dam removal projects. That synthesized information is used to help understand the science of dam removal and aid in future removal projects.


All dam removal information in this collection is produced by the USGS and is released in the public domain.

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Original dam removals were obtained from the Dam Removal Science Database produced through a USGS Powell Center working group. Dam removals in that collection were extracted from the database, quality controlled for spatial accuracy, aligned with the hydrographic network where possible, and added as ScienceBase Items to the Spatial Feature Registry. New dam removals are added to the Spatial Feature Registry through various human and algorithm-assisted processes.

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doi doi:10.5066/F77P8WGR

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