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Pesticides in polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) for 97 Midwest U.S. streams, 2013


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Alvarez, D.A., Sandstrom, M.W., VanMetre, P.C., Moran, P.W., Mahler, B.J., and Nowell, L.H., 2016, Pesticides in polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) for 97 Midwest U.S. streams, 2013: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


In 2013, the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency characterized water-quality stressors and ecological conditions in 100 wadeable streams across the Midwestern United States. The goal of the study was to determine the relative effects of multiple ecological stressors – contaminants, nutrients, sediment, and habitat – on ecological communities in the streams. The Midwest is an intensely agricultural region where pesticides in streams pose risks to aquatic biota, but temporal variability in pesticide concentrations makes characterization of their exposure to organisms challenging. To compensate for the effects of temporal variability, we deployed polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) in 100 [...]


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Table1_Data_Dictionary_Midwest_POCIS_data.csv 191.02 KB text/csv
Table2_Pesticides_in_POCIS.csv 91.6 KB text/csv
Table3_Pesticides_water_POCIS_compare.csv 49.93 KB text/csv


These data are generated as one aspect of a larger, long-term water quality monitoring program administerd by the USGS National Water Quality Program, as summarized here; This data release provides the data used in the journal article: Complex Mixtures of Pesticides in Midwest U.S. Streams Indicated by POCIS Time-Integrating Samplers, by Peter C. Van Metre, David A. Alvarez, Barbara J. Mahler, Lisa Nowell, Mark Sandsrom, and Patrick Moran; Environmental Pollution, (in review). Because of the extent of agricultural and urban development in the region, pesticides occur frequently in streams. The median number of pesticides and pesticide degradates detected in the polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS) was 62, and 141 compounds were detected at least once. These data also were used to develop stressor metrics – measures or variables indicative of stress to aquatic organisms- that were then used in ecological models (Waite and Van Metre, in review).


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  • National Water-Quality Assessment Project
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/F7KS6PQS

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