Rasmussen, C.G., Gonzalez, E., and Shafroth, P.B., 2018, Spatial data sets to support conservation planning along the Colorado River in Utah: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P927I36K.
Final model for Cost of Restoration. For more detailed information, please visit this project's ScienceBase landing page at https://doi.org/10.5066/P927I36K, or the final report for this project at https://www.coloradomesa.edu/water-center/documents/rasmussen_shaftroth_2016_watercenter_cmu.pdf.
Final model for Cost of Restoration.
For more detailed information, please visit this project's ScienceBase landing page at https://doi.org/10.5066/P927I36K, or the final report for this project at https://www.coloradomesa.edu/water-center/documents/rasmussen_shaftroth_2016_watercenter_cmu.pdf.