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G-2945: Synthetic Seismogram Data for Correlation Between Seismic-Reflection Profiles and Well Data, Broward County, Florida


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Cunningham, K.J., Abbott, D.S., and Geokinetics Incorporated, 2017, Synthetic Seismogram Data for Correlation Between Seismic-Reflection Profiles and Well Data, Broward County, Florida: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The data set consists of time, depth, reflection coefficient synthetic, sonic velocity, density, and amplitude used to create synthetic seismogram for Water Treatment Plant RO, G-2945, DZMW-1 in Broward County, Florida.


Point of Contact :
Kevin J Cunningham
Originator :
Kevin J Cunningham, David S. Abbott
Metadata Contact :
Joann F Dixon
publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

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Fourteen synthetic seismograms were generated to relate geologic and geophysical well data to the respective seismic-reflection data.

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