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Use of Alternating and Pulse Direct Current Electrified Fields for Zebra Mussel Control Data


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Luoma, J.A., Dean, J.C., Severson, T.J., Wise, J.K., and Barbour, M.T., 2017, Use of Alternating and Pulse Direct Current Electrified Fields for Zebra Mussel Control Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Alternatives to chemicals for controlling dreissenid mussels are desirable for environmental compatibility, but few alternatives exist. Previous studies have evaluated the use of electrified fields for stunning and/or killing planktonic life stages of dreissenid mussels, however, the available literature on the use of electrified fields to control adult dreissenid mussels is limited. We evaluated the effects of sinusoidal alternating current (AC) and square- wave pulse direct current (PDC) exposure on the survival of zebra mussels at water temperatures of 10, 15, and 22°C. Peak voltage gradients of ~ 17 and 30 Vp/cm in the AC and PDC exposures, respectively, were continuously applied for 24, 48, or 72 h. Peak power densities ranged [...]


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Done MD Applied Voltage Data.csv 5.85 KB text/csv
Done MD Exposure Tank Voltage Mapping.csv 2.86 KB text/csv
Done MD Exposure Water Chemistry.csv 16.38 KB text/csv
Done MD Mortality and Length.csv 26.67 KB text/csv
Done MD Post-Exposure Water Chemistry.csv 20.14 KB text/csv
Done MD Test Animal Daily Care.csv 7.25 KB text/csv


The purpose of the study was to assess the use of electrified fields for controlling zebra mussel populations. The data were collected to quantitate electrical exposures, measure rates of mortality, monitor water quality throughout, and to ultimately determine how to induce mortality in zebra mussels using electrified fields.


  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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DOI doi:10.5066/F7V40T31

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