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Data for effects of watershed and in-stream liming on macroinvertebrate communities in acidified tributaries to an Adirondack lake


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George, S.D., Baldigo, B.P., Lawrence, G.B., and Fuller, R.L., 2017, Data for effects of watershed and in-stream liming on macroinvertebrate communities in acidified tributaries to an Adirondack lake: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


In 2012, a program was initiated using in-stream and aerial (whole-watershed) liming to improve water quality and Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) recruitment in three acidified tributaries of a high-elevation Adirondack lake in New York State. Concurrently, macroinvertebrates were sampled annually between 2013 and 2016 at 3 treated and 3 untreated reference sites to assess the effects of each liming technique on this community. Macroinvertebrate communities were monitored at 6 study sites: T16, T8A (50 m upstream of lime application point), T8 (50 m downstream of lime application point), T6 (1230 m downstream of the lime application point), and at two unlimed reference streams, T24 and T20. T24 is of similar orientation, drainage [...]


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“Map of Honnedaga Lake sample sites”
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“CSV - Honnedaga Macroinvertebrate Data”
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“CSV - Honnedaga Site Data”
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Data for effects of liming on macroinvertebrates in tributaries to an Adirondack lake.xlsx
“XLSX - All Honnedaga Data”
76.43 KB application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet


Data were collected to determine the effects of in-stream and watershed liming on macroinvertebrate communities in small streams. Specifically, the data were used to generate metrics of macroinvertebrate community condition and compared between reference (unlimed) and treated (limed) streams.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F70K27HV

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