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River-channel topography on the Elwha River, Washington, 2006 to 2017


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East, A.E., Logan, J.B., and Mastin, M.C., 2018, River-channel topography and sediment grain size on the Elwha River, Washington, 2006 to 2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This portion of the data release presents topographic data collected at 5 study sites along Elwha River, Washington between 2006 and 2017. Elevations along channel-perpendicular transects were surveyed using a total station and prism rod. Initial geodetic control was established using static global positioning system (GPS) occupations. A total station was subsequently used to expand and maintain the survey control network at each site. All survey data were referenced to the NAD83 datum, using the UTM, zone 10, coordinate reference system. All elevations were referenced to the NAVD88 vertical datum. Based on repeat measurements of points with known positions, we estimated the horizontal and vertical accuracy of the topographic measurements [...]


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Topo_ElwhaRiver_2006to2017.csv 1.22 MB text/csv
“Image map showing locations of study reaches and transects along the Elwha River”
thumbnail 802.04 KB image/jpeg
Elwha_CrossSectionPlots_FallSurveys_2006-2017_CONTROL_REACH.png thumbnail 253.15 KB image/png
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Elwha_CrossSectionPlots_Grid_FallSurveys_2006-2017_CONTROL_REACH.png thumbnail 242.55 KB image/png
Elwha_CrossSectionPlots_Grid_FallSurveys_2006-2017_REACH_1.png thumbnail 225.8 KB image/png
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Elwha_CrossSectionPlots_Grid_FallSurveys_2006-2017_REACH_3.png thumbnail 274.04 KB image/png


Data were collected to study sediment in the Elwha River before and after the removal of the Glines Canyon and Elwha dams at four reaches along the Elwha River, with five or six transects at each reach.
Image map showing locations of study reaches and transects along the Elwha River, Washington
Image map showing locations of study reaches and transects along the Elwha River, Washington



  • Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center



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