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Velocity of ground vibrations at Mammoth Cave National Park, 2016


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Adams, R.F., Morrow, W.S., and Koebel, C.M., 2018, Velocity of Ground Vibrations at Mammoth Cave National Park, 2016: U.S. Geological Survey,


These data were collected to characterize the vibration signature of individual pieces of construction equipment (jackhammer, plate compactor, and hammer drill) from human activities during a simulated bat survey and from ambient levels during a period of limited manual construction activities from within Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky. Mammoth Cave National Park was chosen because it is home to an Indiana bat roost and the activities associated with the construction of a new walkway caused vibrations to be felt in the cave. Geophones and accelerometers were used to measure ground velocity and acceleration, respectively. Vibrations were measured for approximately 10 seconds during each triggering of the source and each source [...]


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The purpose of this study was to understand the possible relation of vibrations to the operation of specific construction equipment, ambient manual construction, and footfall sources to determine if the vibrations were disturbing the hibernating bats.


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