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Soil particle size as a function of burn severity for 2013, 2015, and 2017 in the area affected by the 2013 Black Forest Fire, Colorado USA


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Ebel, B.A., Moody, J.A., and Martin, D.A., 2019, Soil-physical and soil-hydraulic properties as a function of burn severity for 2013, 2015, and 2017 in the area affected by the 2013 Black Forest Fire, Colorado USA (ver 2.0, June 2021): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Wildfire can impact soil-physical and soil-hydraulic properties, with major implications for hydrologic and ecologic response. The durations of these soil impacts are poorly characterized for some forested environments. This dataset sheds light on the first four years of recovery of soil-physical properties of bulk density, loss on ignition (measure of soil organic matter), ground cover, and soil particle size distribution and of soil-hydraulic properties of sorptivity and field-saturated hydraulic conductivity. The dataset also includes a simple infiltration model used to examine infiltration as the sites recover from fire. Sample locations within the 2013 Black Forest Fire study area are: BF1, UTM-Easting (m) 532027, UTM-Northing [...]


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“2013 soil particle size analysis”
1.7 KB text/csv
“2015 soil particle size analysis”
5.65 KB text/csv
“2017 soil particle size analysis”
3.17 KB text/csv


This project investigated recovery of soil properties that influence flash flood generation in the area affected by the 2013 Black Forest Fire in Colorado, USA. Data were collected for three temporal snapshots (2013, 2105, and 2017) during a time period of four years following the wildfire to assess remaining flood hazards. Data include bulk density, loss on ignition, ground cover, soil particle size, soil-hydraulic properties, and simple infiltration modeling..



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