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Tops file for the Niobrara interval of the Upper Cretaceous Cody Shale and associated strata in the Wind River Basin, Wyoming


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Finn, T.M., 2019, Tops file for the Niobrara interval of the Upper Cretaceous Cody Shale and associated strata in the Wind River Basin, Wyoming: U.S Geological Survey data release,


The Wind River Basin is a large Laramide (Late Cretaceous through Eocene) structural and sedimentary basin that encompasses about 7,400 square miles in central Wyoming (fig. 1). The basin is bounded by the Washakie Range and Owl Creek and southern Bighorn Mountains on the north, the Casper arch on the east, the Granite Mountains on the south, and Wind River Range on the west (fig. 1). Many important conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources have been discovered and produced from reservoirs ranging from Mississippian through Tertiary in age (Keefer, 1969; Fox and Dolton, 1989, 1996; De Bruin, 1993; Johnson and others, 1996, 2007). It has been suggested by numerous authors including: Keefer, 1969; Meissner and others, 1984; [...]


Point of Contact :
Thomas M Finn, Southwest Region
Originator :
Thomas M Finn
Metadata Contact :
Gregory Gunther
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
USGS Mission Area :
Energy and Minerals
SDC Data Owner :
Energy Resources Program

Attached Files

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WRB Niobrara_tops_Data.xls
“Tops Data Excel Spreadsheet”
260.5 KB application/
WRB Niobrara_tops_Data.csv
“Tops Data Comma Delimited Text”
113.95 KB text/csv
WRB_Niobrara_tops_Data.cpg 5 Bytes text/plain
WRB_Niobrara_tops_Data.dbf 3.7 MB text/plain
WRB_Niobrara_tops_Data.prj 168 Bytes text/plain
WRB_Niobrara_tops_Data.sbn 12.64 KB x-gis/x-shapefile
WRB_Niobrara_tops_Data.sbx 828 Bytes x-gis/x-shapefile
WRB_Niobrara_tops_Data.shp 34.52 KB x-gis/x-shapefile
WRB_Niobrara_tops_Data.shx 9.93 KB x-gis/x-shapefile
Fig. 1_Rocky Mountain basins.jpg thumbnail 239.52 KB image/jpeg
Fig. 1_Rocky Mountain basins.pdf 301.46 KB application/pdf
Fig. 2_Regional Cretaceous X section.jpg thumbnail 396.06 KB image/jpeg
Fig. 2_Regional Cretaceous X section.pdf 644.27 KB application/pdf
browse_graphic.jpg thumbnail 33.82 KB image/jpeg


Depths for the Niobrara interval of the Upper Cretaceous Cody Shale and associated strata are given here for 723 wells in this data release. The purpose for this data release is to provide the database created to characterize the geologic framework used to assess the potential undiscovered continuous (unconventional) oil and gas resources of the Niobrara interval of the Upper Cretaceous Cody Shale in the Wind River Basin. All picks were made by the author from borehole geophysical logs drilled for oil and gas exploration and production.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F7BZ65CN

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