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Potential Wild Pollinator Habitat in the Southeast United States (2011)


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Warnell, K., 2019, Potential Wild Pollinator Habitat in the Southeast United States (2011): U.S. Geological Survey ScienceBase,


Wild insect pollination has significant positive effects on pollinator-dependent crop production. To assess the spatial distribution of potential wild insect pollination, we mapped the supply of potential wild pollinator habitat (forest, grassland, wetland, and shrubland land cover types) based on the 2011 National Land Cover Dataset.


Point of Contact :
Katherine Warnell
Originator :
Katherine Warnell
Metadata Contact :
Katherine Warnell
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey

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PollinatorHabitat.tfw 91 Bytes text/plain
3.19 GB image/geotiff
PollinatorHabitat.tif.ovr thumbnail 13 MB image/tiff
PollinatorHabitat.tif.vat.cpg 5 Bytes text/plain
PollinatorHabitat.tif.vat.dbf 158 Bytes application/unknown


This dataset was created as part of a project to identify priority areas for conservation and restoration of pollinator habitat in the southeast United States. Regional priorities at the county and subwatershed (HUC 12) levels are available. This dataset can be used to alter the criteria for identifying priority areas if a modified approach is more appropriate for your area of interest. When using these data, please keep in mind that they are designed for landscape-level assessments; due to inaccuracies in the national-scale input datasets, they should not be used to conduct field-level assessments of wild pollination. This information can be used to identify possible target areas for restoration or conservation of wild pollinator habitat, but field validation of potential project areas is necessary to confirm that potential habitat areas are providing wild pollinator habitat.
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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Southeast CASC



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DOI doi:10.21429/69zz-7f78

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