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Conservation and Restoration Priorities for Wild Pollinator Habitat


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Warnell, K., 2019, Conservation and Restoration Priorities for Wild Pollinator Habitat: U.S. Geological Survey ScienceBase,


Wild insect pollination has significant positive effects on pollinator-dependent crop production. While managed honeybees are often used to provide pollination to pollinator-dependent crops, visits by wild insect pollinators have been shown to be more effective in increasing fruit set than managed pollinators, and wild insect pollination increases fruit set even when managed pollinator visitation is high (Garibaldi et al. 2013). The total value of the pollination services provided by wild, native insects has been estimated at $3.07 billion annually (2003 dollars) in the United States (Losey & Vaughan 2006). To assess the spatial distribution of potential wild insect pollination, we mapped the supply of potential wild pollinator habitat [...]

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The priority county and subwatershed shapefiles can be used to identify where, at the regional level, conservation of existing pollinator habitat or restoration of pollinator habitat will provide the greatest benefit in terms of wild pollination of pollinator-dependent crops. These can also be overlaid with other data sources at the appropriate scale, including other ecosystem services maps, to find areas where conservation or restoration would provide multiple benefits. The additional fields in the datasets have the necessary information to make slight changes to the identification of priority restoration and conservation areas, and the raster datasets can be used to alter the priority criteria or recalculate metrics for different levels of aggregation. When using these data, please keep in mind that they are designed for landscape-level assessments; due to inaccuracies in the national-scale input datasets, they should not be used to conduct field-level assessments of wild pollination. This information can be used to identify possible target areas for restoration or conservation of wild pollinator habitat, but field validation of potential project areas is necessary to confirm that potential habitat areas are providing wild pollinator habitat and that nearby pollinator-dependent crops exist.


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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Southeast CASC



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DOI doi:10.21429/69zz-7f78

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