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Approaches to Evaluate Actionable Science for Climate Adaptation


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Science produced by the National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC) network must ideally be scientifically sound, relevant to a management decision, fair and respectful of stakeholders’ divergent values, and produced through a process of iterative collaboration between scientists and managers. However, research that aims to produce usable knowledge and collaborative approaches that boost usability are not common in academia or federal research programs. As a result, neither the process of creating such research nor the impacts to stakeholders are well understood or well documented. This lack of attention to the processes and impacts of collaborative scientist-stakeholder knowledge production also limits our ability [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Aparna Bamzai
Co-Investigator :
Renee McPherson
Funding Agency :
North Central CASC, South Central CASC
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program

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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • North Central CASC
  • South Central CASC



Additional Information

Data Management Plan Extension

descriptionDescribe any custom software or code developed or used, and/or any web tools being developed as part of the project.
sourceIf the custom software or code can be accessed via an online repository, provide a link.
webToolMaintenanceAndSupportIf a web tool is developed as part of the project, is there a strategy for the ongoing support and maintenance of the web tool after the project is complete? If so, briefly describe it.
languagesIdentify the computing language/framework that was used (e.g., Java, .Net, Ruby, Rails, SQL, etc.)
restrictionsIdentify any limitations on access or reuse.
environmentIdentify the operating system environment (e.g., Windows, Linux, MacOS X, etc.)
name[Name of Software or Other Need]
metadataIdentify the metadata standard that will be used to describe the data and products (FGDC, ISO, EML, etc.)
exclusiveUseProject data and associated products should be available publicly at the end of the project. If a request to limit access for a period of time after project completion is needed, please identify the length of time and the reason for the extension. (Request cannot be more than one year.)
descriptionDescribe the information that will be produced, including its characteristics, temporal scope and scale, and geographic scope and scale, when available.
repositoryIn addition to the NCCWSC repository (ScienceBase), identify any other repositories where you plan to share your data.
dataLifespanAt some point, datasets may be archived. Choose one of the following options to indicate how long you anticipate this data will be of value to other researchers. Less than 5 years, 5-10 years, 10-20 years, 20-50 years, 50+ years.
qualityChecksIdentify the procedural steps for ensuring data quality during the project.
citationSpecify how the project’s data should be cited.
formatIdentify the formats in which the data will be generated, maintained, and made available.
restrictionsIdentify any limitations on access or reuse (e.g., sensitive data, restricted data, software with license restrictions, etc.) and provide justification for restriction. Provide citation or documentation describing limitations if due to policies or legal reasons.
backupAndStorageDescribe the approach for backup and storage of the information associated with the research project during the project.
dataManagementResourcesDescribe the proposal resources allocated for data management activities for the data products as a level of effort, total dollars allocated, or as a percentage of the total project’s cost. Resources could include people’s time or proposal funding.
volumeEstimateEstimate the volume of information generated: megabyte (MB), GB, TB, or PB.
dataProcessingDescribe data processing steps or provide a scientific workflow you plan to use to manipulate the data, as appropriate.
name[Name of Data Product]
doiProvide a digital object identifier (DOI)/link to the project when available publicly.
feesIdentify any fees associated with acquiring the data.
descriptionDescribe the information that will be used, including its characteristics, temporal scope and scale, and geographic scope and scale, when available.
sourceIdentify the source for the data; include a link and digital object identifier (DOI) if available.
qualityChecksIdentify the procedural steps used to evaluate the existing data, including verification, validation, and an assessment of usability.
citationProvide citation for data product. If the data product can be found online, provide a URL.
formatIdentify the formats in which the data are maintained and made available.
restrictionsIdentify any limitations on access or reuse (e.g., sensitive data, restricted data, software with license restrictions, etc.) and provide justification for restriction. Provide citation or documentation describing limitations if due to policies or legal reasons.
backupAndStorageDescribe the approach for backup and storage of the information associated with the research project during the project.
volumeEstimateEstimate the volume of information that will be generated: megabyte (MB), GB, TB, or PB.
dataProcessingDescribe any data processing steps or provide a scientific workflow you plan to use to manipulate the data, as appropriate.
name[Enter Name of Existing Collection]
history2023-04-14 09:03:04 MDT: phase Approved DMP
modelVersionIdentify the version of model used.
descriptionProvide a brief description of the model and its purpose.
sourceProvide a link or a source for the model.
modelInputsEnter the types of input data required for driving, calibrating, or validating the model. For proposals, summary information is all that is needed. For funded projects, these should be described in detail in the existing or new collection, data inputs section.
calibrationDetailsBriefly describe the calibration/validation approach being taken.
modelOutputsEnter the types of output data the model will produce. For proposals, summary information is all that is needed. For funded projects, provide more details as known. If the model output is a generated dataset that is a project deliverable, describe it in detail in the data product section.
name[Name of Model]
metadataIdentify the metadata standard that will be used to describe the document (FGDC, ISO, EML, etc.)
exclusiveUseProject data and associated products should be available publicly at the end of the project. If a request to limit access for a period of time after project completion is needed, please identify the length of time and the reason for the extension. (Request cannot be more than one year.)
descriptionDescribe the information that will be collected, including its characteristics, temporal scope and scale, and geographic scope and scale, when available.
repositoryIn addition to the NCCWSC repository (ScienceBase), identify any other repositories where you plan to share your data. Indicate if data will be integrated into an existing collection or offered as a new collection.
dataLifespanAt some point, datasets may be archived. Choose one of the following options to indicate how long you anticipate this data will be of value to other researchers. Less than 5 years, 5-10 years, 10-20 years, 20-50 years, 50+ years.
qualityChecksIdentify the procedural steps for ensuring data quality.
protocolsIdentify any standard protocols or methodologies that will be used to collect the data, if available.
citationSpecify how the project’s data should be cited.
formatIdentify the formats in which the data will be generated, maintained, and made available.
restrictionsIdentify any limitations on access or reuse (e.g., sensitive data, restricted data, software with license restrictions, etc.) and provide justification for restriction. Provide citation or documentation describing limitations if due to policies or legal reasons.
backupAndStorageDescribe the approach for backup and storage of the information associated with the research project during the project.
dataManagementResourcesDescribe the proposal resources allocated for data management activities for the new data collected as a level of effort, total dollars allocated, or as a percentage of the total project’s cost. Resources could include people’s time or proposal funding.
volumeEstimateEstimate the volume of information generated: megabyte (MB), GB, TB, or PB.
dataProcessingDescribe data processing steps or provide a scientific workflow you plan to use to manipulate the data, as appropriate.
name[Provide a brief name to describe new data collection]
doiProvide a digital object identifier (DOI)/link to the data when available publicly.
phaseApproved DMP
templateNameNCCWSC DMP v3

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