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Hydrogeologic Framework of the Treasure Valley and Surrounding Area, Idaho and Oregon; Well Data


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Bartolino, J.R., 2020, Hydrogeologic Framework of the Treasure Valley and Surrounding Area, Idaho and Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


A three-dimensional hydrogeologic framework model (3D HFM) of the westernmost western Snake River Plain (WSRP) aquifer system was prepared to represent the subsurface distribution and thickness of four hydrogeologic units. The primary source of data for the 3D HFM was lithologic data from a total of 291 well-driller reports. These data were then processed using Rockware Rockworks17 three-dimensional modeling software. This dataset consists of five comma-delineated CSV files containing well information: location, lithology, well construction, aquifer, and comments. It is one of three related datasets.


Point of Contact :
James R Bartolino, Water Resources
Originator :
James R Bartolino
Metadata Contact :
James R Bartolino
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Data Owner :
Idaho Water Science Center
SDC Data Owner :
Idaho Water Science Center
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

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The purpose of this data release is to provide the well information used to generate the 3D HFM in CSV format which allows it be imported into a variety of three-dimensional modeling or geographic information system software. SIR 2019-5138 (Hydrogeologic Framework of the Treasure Valley and Surrounding Area, Idaho and Oregon by J.R. Bartolino) contains more detailed information on model construction and limitations.

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File Identifier file identifier 5d83a0e2e4b0c4f70d066778

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