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Marine Geophysical Data Collected to Support Methane Seep Research Along the U.S. Atlantic Continental Shelf Break and Upper Continental Slope Between the Baltimore and Keller Canyons During U.S. Geological Survey Field Activities 2017-001-FA and 2017-002-FA


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Baldwin, W.E., Moore, E.M., Worley, C.R., Nichols, A.R., and Ruppel, C.D., 2020, Marine geophysical data collected to support methane seep research along the U.S. Atlantic continental shelf break and upper continental slope between the Baltimore and Keller Canyons during U.S. Geological Survey Field Activities 2017-001-FA and 2017-002-FA: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


In spring and summer 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey’s Gas Hydrates Project conducted two cruises aboard the research vessel Hugh R. Sharp to explore the geology, chemistry, ecology, physics, and oceanography of sea-floor methane seeps and water column gas plumes on the northern U.S. Atlantic margin between the Baltimore and Keller Canyons. Split-beam and multibeam echo sounders and a chirp subbottom profiler were deployed during the cruises to map water column backscatter, sea-floor bathymetry and backscatter, and subsurface stratigraphy associated with known and undiscovered sea-floor methane seeps. The first cruise, known as the Interagency Mission for Methane Research on Seafloor Seeps and designated as field activity 2017-001-FA, [...]

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9Y1MSTN

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