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Two-dimensional Electrical Resistivity Model from San Pablo Bay, California

Model and response of 2D electrical resistivity model


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Peacock, J.R., Ponce, D.A., Watt, J.T., and K.M., Denton, 2020, Magnetotelluric data from San Pablo Bay, California: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Included here are the model, data, and reponse files used to create the 2D electrical resistivity model. Plots of the data and model response are provided as well as one of the model. The data, model, mesh, regularization, and response files are provided in Occam2D format. See for details on file format. This data product includes Occam2D data, model, response, and mesh files such that anyone can reproduce the model results. To produce the 2D model the data are rotated to principle strike direction estimated from the phase tensor azimuth, which was nominaly geomagnetic north. The station locations are projected onto a profile line N66E. Bad data points are removed by hand. [...]


Attached Files

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“2D electrical resistivity model”
thumbnail 122.13 KB image/png
“Occam2D files”
80.32 KB application/zip
SP01_resp.png thumbnail 216.35 KB image/png
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SP13_resp.png thumbnail 208.85 KB image/png
SP14_resp.png thumbnail 207.17 KB image/png
SP15_resp.png thumbnail 172.2 KB image/png


To provide 2D data and model files for use in interpretations or future work.

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