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Distribution of Niclosamide Following Granular Bayer Applications in Lentic Environments code


Bernardy, J.A., Kaye, C., Schloesser, N.A., and Schueller, J.R., 2020, Distribution of Niclosamide Following Granular Bayer Applications in Lentic Environments: Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Six R code files were used to analyze data for the study entitled: Distribution of Niclosamide Following Granular Bayer Applications in Lentic Environments. The R program files included: code to summarize the distribution of niclosamide in the water column outside of the studied treatment plot. code to summarize the distribution of niclosamide in the water column inside of the studied treatment plot. code to summarize the distribution of niclosamide in the sediment inside of the studied treatment plot code to summarize the depth, temperature and pH of the water column inside of the studied treatment plot code to summarize the temperature of the sediment inside of the studied treatment plot pre and post granular Bayluscide application [...]


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LenticNicPlotData.Rmd 2.76 KB text/plain
LenticNicSed.Rmd 2.7 KB text/plain
LenticNicWaterInside.Rmd 2.47 KB text/plain
LenticNicWaterOutside.Rmd 2.41 KB text/plain
readme file text for lentic rcode release .docx 17.46 KB application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
README.txt 7.31 KB text/plain
SedpHData.Rmd 1.16 KB text/plain
SedTempData.Rmd 1.3 KB text/plain


  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)


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