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Peak-flow frequency analysis for U.S. Geological Survey streamgage 06810000 Nishnabotna River above Hamburg, Iowa, in the Nishnabotna River Basin, Iowa, based on data through water year 2020


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Fiala, S.G., and O'Shea, P.S., 2021, Peak-flow frequency analysis for U.S. Geological Survey streamgage 06810000 Nishnabotna River above Hamburg, Iowa, in the Nishnabotna River Basin, Iowa, based on data through water year 2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release presents a peak-flow frequency analysis (Eash and others, 2013) for U.S. Geological Survey streamgage 06810000 Nishnabotna River above Hamburg, Iowa. These methods are used to provide estimates of peak-flow quantiles for 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs). Annual peak-flow data used in the peak-flow frequency analysis for this streamgage was retrieved from the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System database (U.S. Geological Survey, 2021) and used with USGS flood-frequency analysis software PeakFQ (Veilleux and others, 2014). This data release contains annual peak-flow data (nishnabotna_2020_WATSTORE.txt), PeakFQ specifications (nishnabotna_ffa_2020.psf), [...]


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Nishnabotna_ffa_2020.psf 508 Bytes application/x-font-linux-psf
Nishnabotna_2020_WATSTORE.txt 6.96 KB text/plain
Nishnabotna_ffa_2020.xlsx 129.17 KB application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet


The purpose of this dataset is to provide a peak-flow frequency analysis and results for U.S. Geological Survey streamgage 06810000 Nishnabotna River above Hamburg, Iowa, based on data through water year 2020. Estimates of peak-flow quantiles for 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent AEPs are reported. The methods used for the peak-flow frequency analyses are documented in Eash and others (2013).


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ScienceBase WMS


  • USGS Central Midwest Water Science Center



Annual peak-flow data were retrieved from the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System database (USGS, 2021).

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9VMZOOG

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