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Mores Creek Arm Bathymetric Survey, Lucky Peak Lake, Boise County, Idaho, May 11 - 13, 2021

Prepared in cooperation with Lucky Peak Power Plant Project


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Dudunake, T.J., Fosness, R.L., Nuckoles, W.P., and Murray, D.L., 2021, Mores Creek Arm Bathymetric Survey, Lucky Peak Lake, Boise County, Idaho, May 11 - 13, 2021: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


In 2004, about 90 migrating elk drowned after attempting to cross thin ice on the Mores Creek arm of Lucky Peak Lake upstream of the Highway 21 bridge. To better understand the depths over a range of reservoir pool elevations in the Mores Creek Arm, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Lucky Peak Power Plant Project, conducted high-resolution multibeam echosounder (MBES) bathymetric surveys on the Mores Creek arm on Lucky Peak Lake. The MBES data will assist reservoir managers and wildlife biologists with regulating reservoir water surface elevations (WSE) to support successful big game migration across Mores Creek on Lucky Peak Lake. Data collection provided nearly 100 percent coverage of bed elevations within the survey [...]

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Material Request Instructions

Ryan L Fosness

Hydraulic Engineer

Idaho Water Science Center

Phone: 208-387-1319
Fax: 208-387-1372

230 Collins Road
Boise, ID 83702


The purpose of this data release is to publish Mores Creek MBES bathymetric data, depth rasters and contours for select water surface elevations, and a tabular summary of depths. Bathymetry data were collected on Mores Creek from near the Highway 21 bridge to Dead Dog Creek within Lucky Peak Lake near Boise, ID on May 11-13, 2021. These data include bank-to-bank surveys except where structures or debris limited boat access, or where data was removed during post-processing. The data within the survey extent are used to support decision making for better management of WSE during big game migration.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P92KWCBP

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