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Pallid sturgeon free embryo drift and dispersal experiment data from the Upper Missouri River, Montana and North Dakota, 2019: Settled larvae data


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Braaten, P.J., and Holley, C.T., 2021, Pallid sturgeon free embryo drift and dispersal experiment data from the Upper Missouri River, Montana and North Dakota, 2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The data set contains sampling data, catch data, and biological data associated with a broad-scale experiment to examine free embryo dispersal and larval settlement of endangered pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) in the Missouri River of eastern Montana and western North Dakota. On 20190701, two age groups of pallid sturgeon including 771,707 1-day post-hatch (dph) free embryos and 200,786 5-dph free embryos were released in the Missouri River where dispersal in the water column was assessed through 150 miles. Following dispersal, beam trawl sampling of benthic habitats was conducted to verify settlement and quantify the spatial extent of settlement. Trawling was conducted for nine consecutive weeks from 20190716 to 20190911 in [...]


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Settled_pallid_sturgeon_larvae_data.txt 558.89 KB text/plain
Taxonomy.sgml 12.48 KB text/sgml


The data were collected as part of the Missouri River Recovery Program to enhance understanding of pallid sturgeon free embryo dispersal and larval settlement. The experimental release of pallid sturgeon free embryos and the subsequent transition to settled larvae was associated with evaluations of proposed flow changes to Fort Peck Dam operations. Knowledge of pallid sturgeon free embryo dispersal and settlement relate to fish population and hydraulic modeling efforts in the Upper Missouri River basin.

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