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Evaluation of Network Tools to Advance Climate Adaptation in the Southwest

Principal Investigator
Amanda Leinberger


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The complex challenge of adapting to climate changerequires collaborative solutions that can be enhanced by connecting individuals to each other and to essential information. This project will evaluate the effectiveness of online decision information tools designed to aid adaptation, that are supported by the development of a network of practice. Networks can aid adaptation by improving the quantity and quality of professional relationships, mobilizing leadership, enhancing the flow of information and generating more actions that lead to adaptation breakthroughs. Many new networks in the Southwest have developed online tools to inform adaptation planning and natural resource management. In this project, we will evaluate five network [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Amanda Leinberger
Co-Investigator :
Gregg Garfin
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program
Funding Agency :
Southwest CASC
Cooperator/Partner :
Gigi Owens, Ari Sahagún

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“Poppies dot Sierra Nevada, CA. Photo Credit: Bob Wick, BLM.”
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Project Extension

projectStatusIn Progress

Poppies dot Sierra Nevada, CA. Photo Credit: Bob Wick, BLM.
Poppies dot Sierra Nevada, CA. Photo Credit: Bob Wick, BLM.


Spatial Services

ScienceBase WMS


  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Southwest CASC



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