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Molecular and distributional data used to investigate misidentifications, population genetic diversity, and spatiotemporal trends in distribution for Pleurobema riddellii to help guide ESA listing decisions


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Johnson, N.A., Beaver, C.E., Kiser, A.H., Duplessis, M.A., Wagner, M.D., Ellwanger, R.J., Robertson, C.R., Kinney, S.D., Gregory, B.B., Wolverton, S., Randklev, C.R., Hartfield, P.D., Williams, J.D., and Smith, C.H., 2023, Molecular and distributional data used to investigate misidentifications, population genetic diversity, and spatiotemporal trends in distribution for Pleurobema riddellii to help guide ESA listing decisions: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


We provide genetic and distribution data for the Louisiana Pigtoe, Pleurobema riddellii, to guide decisions related to federal protection for the species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Our final dataset includes 125 COI sequences generated as part of our study representing P. riddellii from eight North American river basins. This includes the COI sequence we generated from a museum specimen collected from the Trinity River in the late 1900s, which is the first genetic confirmation of P. riddellii in the Trinity River basin. Also included are sequences from specimens initially identified as Fusconaia cerina (n=3) Fusconaia flava (n=1), Fusconaia sp. (n=5), Pleurobema sintoxia (n=10), and Pustulosa pustulosa (n=1) that were genetically [...]


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Freshwater mussels are a highly imperiled group of animals that are difficult to collect and identify. The Louisiana Pigtoe, Pleurobema riddellii, is proposed to be listed as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. We compiled historical and contemporary distribution records for P. riddellii using field surveys and museum collections, confirmed identifications using DNA sequences to validate records, evaluated spatiotemporal changes in the distribution, assessed phylogeographic structure and genetic diversity within and among extant populations.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9VGXMGN

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