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Paleoecological data from sediment collected in 2020 from Santa Fe Lake, New Mexico


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Shampain, A., Baron, J.S., Leavitt, P.R., and Spaulding, S., 2023, Paleoecological data from sediment collected in 2020 from Santa Fe Lake, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset contains carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values, percent carbon and percent nitrogen, algal pigment data, and diatom taxonomy from lake sediment layers dating back to 1749 Common Era (CE) for Santa Fe lake, New Mexico. Subalpine and alpine lakes are typically sensitive indicators of anthropogenically driven global change. Lake sediment records in the western United States have documented increases in percent carbon (%C), percent nitrogen (%N), and primary productivity during the 20th century. Eutrophication of mountain lakes reflects the influences of atmospheric nutrient deposition and warming. We analyzed a short (49 cm) sediment core from Santa Fe Lake, NM to investigate patterns of change in lake biogeochemistry [...]


Point of Contact :
Jill S Baron
Originator :
Anna Shampain, Jill S Baron, Peter R. Leavitt, Sarah A Spaulding
Metadata Contact :
FORT Data Management
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Fort Collins Science Center
USGS Mission Area :

Attached Files

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paleo_isotopesandpigments_SF_dataonly.csv 13.04 KB text/csv
SantaFe_Lake_diatoms2023-02-24.csv 115.87 KB text/csv


Chemistry, pigments, and diatom taxonomy preserved in lake sediments were used to explore the origin and magnitude of changes caused by local, regional, or global scale drivers in the southernmost subalpine lake within the Rocky Mountain Range from the Little Ice Age in the mid 1700’s to 2020.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9P659GU

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