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Larval and Young of Year Walleye Diets in Western Lake Erie during 2014 and 2019


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Yang, T., DeBruyne, R.L., Roseman, E.F., and Castle, D.K., 2024, Larval and Young of Year Walleye Diets in Western Lake Erie during 2014 and 2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Lake Erie walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) recruitment fluctuates annually and depends partially on their diet and growth during their first year of life. To determine how age-0 walleye have responded to changes in prey species and abundance, larval and young of year walleye were collected from western Lake Erie in 2019 and 2014. Larval and young of year fish stomachs were extracted and dissected, with prey contents removed for later identification. All prey contents were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level using a dissecting microscope and counted, with up to 20 prey items from each taxa per fish measured (0.01 mm) using a digital computer image analysis system. Zooplankton prey items were identified to order, family, [...]


Point of Contact :
Robin L DeBruyne
Process Contact :
Touhue Yang
Originator :
Touhue Yang, Robin L DeBruyne, Edward Roseman, Dana K Castle
Metadata Contact :
Touhue Yang
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
SDC Data Owner :
Great Lakes Science Center
USGS Mission Area :
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

Attached Files

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2014Diets.csv 63.67 KB text/csv
2019Diets.csv 424.25 KB text/csv
2019FishInfo.csv 68.96 KB text/csv
2019Tows.csv 109.22 KB text/csv


It is unknown as to how the changes in western Lake Erie's food web have affected the diet and growth of walleye, therefore, pelagic larval stage and demersal young-of-year walleye were collected to evaluate feeding habits within the lake to understand how prey type might relate to growth and ultimately, to survival. These data can be used to evaluate age-0 walleye food consumption in western Lake Erie.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9A4NK3J

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