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Developing High-Resolution Soil Moisture Projections for the Contiguous U.S.

Detailed soil moisture projections for scenario planning and ecological drought assessment
Principal Investigator
John B Bradford


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Ecological drought impacts ecosystems across the U.S. that support a wide array of economic activity and ecosystem services. Managing drought-vulnerable natural resources is a growing challenge for federal, state and Tribal land managers. Plant communities and animal populations are strongly linked to patterns of drought and soil moisture availability. As a result, ecosystems may be heavily altered by future changes in precipitation and soil moisture that are driven by climate change. Although this vulnerability is well recognized, developing accurate information about the potential consequences of climate change for ecological drought is difficult because the soil moisture conditions that plants experience are shaped by complex [...]

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WLCI field site in Carbon County.jpg
“Carbon County, Wyoming. Photo by Patrick Anderson, USGS.”
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projectStatusIn Progress

Carbon County, Wyoming. Photo by Patrick Anderson, USGS.
Carbon County, Wyoming. Photo by Patrick Anderson, USGS.


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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • North Central CASC




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