Model archive: Two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the North Santiam, River, Oregon
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Legleiter, C.J., Harrison, L.R., and Overstreet, B.T., 2024, Remotely sensed data acquired from an Uncrewed Aerial System (UAS) and field measurements of flow depth and velocity from the North Santiam River, Oregon, collected in July 2022: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
This model archive contains the data and software application used to develop a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of a 1.2 kilometer reach of the North Santiam River in Oregon. The Delft3D-Flexible Mesh modeling system was used to simulate flow conditions at a baseflow discharge of 25 cubic meters per second and thus provide spatially distributed predictions of depth and velocity throughout the reach. This model archive consists of four individual components: (1) information on the hydrodynamic model software application; (2) the topographic data used to construct the model grid and field measurements of water depth used to calibrate the model; (3) complete Delft3D model runs, including both the required inputs and the resulting output, [...]
This model archive contains the data and software application used to develop a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of a 1.2 kilometer reach of the North Santiam River in Oregon. The Delft3D-Flexible Mesh modeling system was used to simulate flow conditions at a baseflow discharge of 25 cubic meters per second and thus provide spatially distributed predictions of depth and velocity throughout the reach. This model archive consists of four individual components: (1) information on the hydrodynamic model software application; (2) the topographic data used to construct the model grid and field measurements of water depth used to calibrate the model; (3) complete Delft3D model runs, including both the required inputs and the resulting output, for various values of the ks parameter used to represent hydraulic roughness. The model was calibrated by choosing the ks value that minimized the error in model predictions of water depth relative to depth measurements made in the field. A file listing the depth mean error and root-mean-squared error associated with the model run for each of the ks value is provided as a summary of the calibration; and 4) the input parameters used for the final model run used in the main study this model archive is intended to support, along with the final, complete Delft3D model run, including both the required inputs and the resulting output. All of the files listed below are available for download in the "Attached Files" section of this page.
The Delft3D hydrodynamic model application can be obtained from Deltares via this link:
The topographic data used to construct the model grid are provided in the file "NsrBedLevel.csv" and the field measurements of water depth used for model calibration are provided in the file "NsrDepthData.csv".
Complete Delft3D model runs, including both the required inputs and the resulting output, for various values of the ks parameter used to represent hydraulic roughness. These model runs are provided in the files "", "", "", and "", which correspond to simulations based on ks values of 0.09, 0.12, 0.15, and 0.18 m, respectively. Each of these zip files contains a *.dsproj project file that can be opened in the Delft3D hydrodynamic model software application. The corresponding *dsproj_data folders have separate subfolders for model input and model output. Please refer to the metadata for further information. The model was calibrated by choosing the ks value that minimized the error in model predictions of water depth relative to depth measurements made in the field. The file "delft3d_Calibration.csv" lists the depth mean error and root-mean-squared error associated with the model run for each of the ks value and is provided as a summary of the calibration.
The input parameters used for the final model run used in the main study this model archive is intended to support are provided in the file "Nsr_Delft3D_inputs.csv". The complete Delft3D model for the final run, including both the required inputs and the resulting output, is in the file "". In addition, a simple text file "FinalModelOutput.csv" with the output extracted from the Delft3D model run, with columns for the x and y coordinates, u (x-direction) and v (y-direction) velocity vector components, and depths. Units are meters for coordinates and depths and meters per second for velocity vector components.
For questions concerning this data set, please contact:
Dr. Carl J. Legleiter -
Observing Systems Division
United States Geological Survey
This model archive is intended to support a study focused on developing and testing uncrewed aricraft system (UAS)-based salmon habitat mapping techniques using: (1) particle image velocimetry (PIV) for estimating surface flow velocities from remotely sensed data; and (2) two-dimensional (2D) flow modeling based on remotely sensed topography and bathymetry (topo-bathymetry).
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