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National Hydrologic Model Parameter Database: 2017-05-08 Download


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Driscoll, Jessica M., Markstrom, Steven L., Regan, R. Steven, Hay, Lauren E., and Viger, Roland J., 2017, National Hydrologic Model Parameter Database: 2017-05-08 Download: U.S. Geological Survey,


Parameter values for the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) using the National Hydrologic Modeling (NHM) infrastructure. The contents of the attached zip folder are a direct download from the USGS bitbucket repository titled National Hydrologic Model Parameter Database (NhmParamDb) ( The NhmParamDb is stored using a Git version control system, which tracks modifications to the master dataset through 'commits'. Each commit has a unique code to allow for retroactive identification of any given component of the repository. The specific attributes of the download contained in this release are: Date: May 8, 2017 Commit: 6ccc41d5688 Filename:

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“FDGC-format metadata”
Potential Metadata Source

8.28 KB application/fgdc+xml
dprst_flow_coef.png thumbnail 5.76 MB image/png
op_flow_thres.png thumbnail 5.52 MB image/png
dprst_et_coef.png thumbnail 5.13 MB image/png
dprst_depth_avg.png thumbnail 5.1 MB image/png
carea_max.png thumbnail 5.1 MB image/png
wrain_intcp.png thumbnail 4.81 MB image/png
srain_intcp.png thumbnail 4.83 MB image/png
snow_intcp.png thumbnail 4.57 MB image/png
sro_to_dprst_perv.png thumbnail 4.34 MB image/png
soil_rechr_max_frac.png thumbnail 4.45 MB image/png
soil_rechr_init_frac.png thumbnail 4.18 MB image/png
soil_moist_max.png thumbnail 4.22 MB image/png
soil_moist_init_frac.png thumbnail 4.16 MB image/png
rad_trncf.png thumbnail 4.46 MB image/png
dprst_seep_rate_open.png thumbnail 4.4 MB image/png
smidx_exp.png thumbnail 4.05 MB image/png
dprst_seep_rate_clos.png thumbnail 4.4 MB image/png
covden_sum.png thumbnail 4.38 MB image/png
spring_frost.png thumbnail 3.92 MB image/png
dprst_frac_init.png thumbnail 3.86 MB image/png
gwflow_coef.png thumbnail 3.69 MB image/png
sro_to_dprst_imperv.png thumbnail 3.37 MB image/png
smidx_coef.png thumbnail 3.34 MB image/png
jh_coef_hru.png thumbnail 3.23 MB image/png
hru_deplcrv.png thumbnail 3.26 MB image/png
hru_elev.png thumbnail 3.16 MB image/png
fall_frost.png thumbnail 3.45 MB image/png
covden_win.png thumbnail 3.42 MB image/png
ssr2gw_rate.png thumbnail 2.87 MB image/png
hru_slope.png thumbnail 2.94 MB image/png
hru_segment.png thumbnail 2.47 MB image/png
ssstor_init_frac.png thumbnail 2.13 MB image/png
hru_lat.png thumbnail 2.4 MB image/png
hru_lon.png thumbnail 2.02 MB image/png
soil_type.png thumbnail 1.97 MB image/png
nhm_deplcrv.png thumbnail 1.98 MB image/png
snarea_thresh.png thumbnail 1.53 MB image/png
hru_segment_nhm.png thumbnail 1.68 MB image/png
dprst_frac.png thumbnail 1.81 MB image/png
gwstor_init.png thumbnail 1.94 MB image/png
hru_percent_imperv.png thumbnail 1.53 MB image/png
cov_type.png thumbnail 1.71 MB image/png
soil2gw_max.png thumbnail 1.38 MB image/png
hru_area.png thumbnail 1.43 MB image/png
slowcoef_lin.png thumbnail 828.03 KB image/png
fastcoef_lin.png thumbnail 828.99 KB image/png
snowpack_init.png thumbnail 807.72 KB image/png 102.43 MB application/zip


To provide static parameter values for the NHM (or a subset of the NHM) with PRMS.


This database, identified as National Hydrologic Model Parameter Database: 2017-05-08 Download, has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, the database is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.
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Spatial Services

ScienceBase WMS


  • USGS National Hydrologic Model (NHM)

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Type Scheme Key
DOI 10.5066/F7NS0SCW

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