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Datasets used to evaluate the effects of antecedent streamflow and sample timing on trend assessments of fish, invertebrate and diatom communities across the United States, 2002-12 (output)


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Zuellig, R.E. and Carlisle, D.M., 2018, Datasets used to assess the effects of antecedent streamflow and sample timing on trend assessments of fish, invertebrate and diatom communities (2002-12): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Detecting trends in biological attributes is central to many stream monitoring programs; however, understanding how natural variability in environmental factors affects trend results is not well understood. We evaluated the influence of antecedent streamflow and sample timing (covariates) on trend estimates for fish, invertebrate, and diatom taxa richness and biological condition from 2002 to 2012 at 51 sites distributed across the conterminous United States. This data release contains all of the input and output files necessary to reproduce the results presented and discussed in the associated journal article.


Point of Contact :
Robert E Zuellig
Originator :
Robert E Zuellig, Daren M Carlisle
Metadata Contact :
Robert E Zuellig
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources
SDC Data Owner :
Office of Planning and Programming

Attached Files

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CombinedTrendResults.csv 51.99 KB text/csv


The purpose of this dataset is to document the output files containing fish, invertebrate, diatom, and environmental variables used to asses the effects of antecedent streamflow and sample timing on trend assessments of fish, invertebrate and diatom communities.

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