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Groundwater and Tidal Time-Series Data, Bremerton Naval Complex, Bremerton Washington


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Opatz, C.C., Peterson, N.T., Conn, K.E., and Huffman, R.L., 2019, Groundwater and Tidal Time-Series Data, Bremerton Naval Complex, Bremerton Washington: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release includes time series data collected at the Bremerton Naval Complex, Bremerton WA. Groundwater levels and water quality parameters in two monitoring wells were recorded every 15 minutes during a 7-month deployment. Time series data were collected from June 29, 2018, to February 26, 2019. Field deployment details and quality assurance methods are included in the following paragraphs. Groundwater monitoring well MW-709 was monitored using two data loggers. The first data logger is a non-vented pressure transducer (In-Situ Rugged TROLL 100) that was deployed resting on the well bottom (BOT). The well measurement point (MP) elevation is 16.86 feet above NAVD88 with a total depth from MP of 30.00 feet and the transducer [...]


Point of Contact :
Kathleen E Conn
Originator :
Chad C Opatz, Norman T Peterson, Kathleen E Conn, Raegan L Huffman
Metadata Contact :
Chad C Opatz
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Washington Water Science Center
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources

Attached Files

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Original FGDC Metadata

23.63 KB application/fgdc+xml
MW-709_BOT_time_series_data.txt 655.87 KB text/plain
MW-412_BOT_time_series_data.txt 656.47 KB text/plain
MW-412 TOP_time_series_data.txt 784.4 KB text/plain
MW-709_TOP_time_series_data.txt 398.21 KB text/plain
Tidal_WL_Altitude_time_series_data.txt 592.69 KB text/plain
Barometric Pressure.txt 613.79 KB text/plain


This data was collected in support of on-going investigations by the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Navy to assess potential transport pathways of contaminants including mercury from the Bremerton Naval Complex to Sinclair Inlet, Washington. The monitored wells are located in an area with known historic soil contamination. The data provides new information regarding groundwater-seawater exchange over various tidal and hydrologic regimes between June 2018 and February 2019.



  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9IKD5FW

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