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Genetic, demographic, and environmental processes affect natural populations synergistically, and understanding their interplay is crucial for the conservation of biodiversity. Stream fishes in metapopulations are particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation because persistence depends on dispersal and colonization of new habitat but dispersal is constrained to stream networks. Great Plains streams are increasingly fragmented by water diversion and climate change, threatening connectivity of fish populations in this ecosystem. We used seven microsatellite loci to describe population and landscape genetic patterns across 614 individuals from 12 remaining populations of Arkansas darter ( Etheostoma cragini) in...
Habitat fragmentation and flow regulation are significant factors related to the decline and extinction of freshwater biota. Pelagic-broadcast spawning cyprinids require moving water and some length of unfragmented stream to complete their life cycle. However, it is unknown how discharge and habitat features interact at multiple spatial scales to alter the transport of semi-buoyant fish eggs. Our objective was to assess the relationship between downstream drift of semi-buoyant egg surrogates (gellan beads) and discharge and habitat complexity. We quantified transport time of a known quantity of beads using 2–3 sampling devices at each of seven locations on the North Canadian and Canadian rivers. Transport time was...
Stream fragmentation alters the structure of aquatic communities on a global scale, generally through loss of native species. Among riverscapes in the Great Plains of North America, stream fragmentation and hydrologic alteration (flow regulation and dewatering) are implicated in the decline of native fish diversity. This study documents the spatio–temporal distribution of fish reproductive guilds in the fragmented Arkansas and Ninnescah rivers of south-central Kansas using retrospective analyses involving 63 years of fish community data. Pelagic-spawning fishes declined throughout the study area during 1950–2013, including Arkansas River shiner (Notropis girardi) last reported in 1983, plains minnow (Hybognathus...
Categories: Data, Publication; Types: Citation, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: CATFISHES/MINNOWS, Colorado, Colorado, FISH, Federal resource managers, All tags...
Sediment accumulation in playa wetlands, such as those in the Rainwater Basin in south-central Nebraska, reduces the hydrologic functionality and alters the vegetative composition of the wetlands reducing their ability to provide forage and resting habitat for migratory birds. Most Rainwater Basin wetlands have intense agricultural production occuring within their watersheds that accelerate sediment accumulation within the wetland. This sediment accumulation reduced the abilty of the wetland to hold water which, in turn, allows invasive and upland plants to proliferate with the wetland footprint. Planting upland grassland buffers around wetlands reduces the sediment load entering the wetland reducing the need...
These data represent 1 sq. mile Hexagons and are derived from the Western Governors Association Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool. The hexagons have been attributed with summary values from the datasets described above. Field names correspond to the number datasets above as follows: {1:’wetland_deds’, 2:’wetland_ceds’, 3:’cropland_ceds’, 4:’lasp_grsp_casp_suit’, 5:’lasp_grsp_suit’, 6:’riparian_suit’, 7:’mean_sat_thick_ft’, 8:’tillage_suit’, 9:’wind_suit’, 10:’ann_aq_deplet_ft’, 11:’wetland_deds_2040’, 12:’wetland_ceds_2040’, 13:’lbgrasslands_2017’, 14:’lbgrasslands_2022’, 15:’lbgrasslands_2027’, 16:’mean_sat_thick_2050_ft’, 17:’tillage_suit_2050’}. Zonal statistic attribution methods are as follows: {1:’SUM’, 2:’SUM’,...
Genetic, demographic, and environmental processes affect natural populations synergistically, and understanding their interplay is crucial for the conservation of biodiversity. Stream fishes in metapopulations are particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation because persistence depends on dispersal and colonization of new habitat but dispersal is constrained to stream networks. Great Plains streams are increasingly fragmented by water diversion and climate change, threatening connectivity of fish populations in this ecosystem. We used seven microsatellite loci to describe population and landscape genetic patterns across 614 individuals from 12 remaining populations of Arkansas darter ( Etheostoma cragini) in...
Biodiversity in stream networks is threatened globally by interactions between habitat fragmentation and altered hydrologic regimes. In the Great Plains of North America, stream networks are fragmented by 19,000 anthropogenic barriers, and flow regimes are altered by surface water retention and groundwater extraction. We documented the distribution of anthropogenic barriers and dry stream segments in five basins covering the central Great Plains to assess effects of broad-scale environmental change on stream fish community structure and distribution of reproductive guilds. We used an information-theoretic approach to rank competing models in which fragmentation, discharge magnitude, and percentage of time streams had...
Categories: Data, Publication; Types: Citation, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: CATFISHES/MINNOWS, Colorado, Colorado, FISH, Federal resource managers, All tags...
The influence of recent climate change on the world’s biota has manifested broadly, resulting in latitudinal range shifts, advancing dates of arrival of migrants and onset of breeding, and altered community relationships. Climate change elevates conservation concerns worldwide because it will likely exacerbate a broad range of identified threats to animal populations. In the past few decades, grassland birds have declined faster than other North American avifauna, largely due to habitat threats such as the intensification of agriculture. We examine the effects of local climatic variations on the breeding performance of a bird endemic to the shortgrass prairie, the Lark Bunting (Calamospiza melanocorys) and discuss...
Playa wetlands on the west-central Great Plains of North America are vulnerable to sediment infilling from upland agriculture, putting at risk several important ecosystem services as well as essential habitats and food resources of diverse wetland-dependent biota. Climate predictions for this semi-arid area indicate reduced precipitation which may alter rates of erosion, runoff, and sedimentation of playas. We forecasted erosion rates, sediment depths, and resultant playa wetland depths across the west-central Great Plains and examined the relative roles of land use context and projected changes in precipitation in the sedimentation process. We estimated erosion with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE)...
With extraordinary resolution and accuracy, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)-derived digital elevation models (DEMs) have been increasingly used for watershed analyses and modeling by hydrologists, planners and engineers. Such high-accuracy DEMs have demonstrated their effectiveness in delineating watershed and drainage patterns at fine scales in low-relief terrains. However, these high-resolution datasets are usually only available as topographic DEMs rather than hydrologic DEMs, presenting greater land roughness that can affect natural flow accumulation. Specifically, locations of drainage structures such as road culverts and bridges were simulated as barriers to the passage of drainage. This paper proposed...
We developed multi-scale habitat suitability models for black-tailed prairie dogs (BTPD) in the southwestern Great Plains, corresponding to the western region of the Great Plains LCC. We used long-term (10-yr), high-resolution datasets on BTPD colony boundary locations collected at 7 study areas distributed across the region to develop resource selection functions based on colony locations and expansion patterns. Models are based on (1) soil maps and associated Ecological Sites (NRCS SSURGO database), (2) a topographic wetness index based upon water runoff and solar insolation patterns (TWIsi) that tests a priori hypotheses for topographic controls on BTPD, and (3) broad climatic gradients in temperature and mean...
We flew aerial line transect surveys between March 30 and May 3, 2012, to estimate the abundance of lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) and lesser prairie-chicken leks in four habitat regions in the Great Plains U.S. Estimates were supplemented with data from surveys conducted by Texas Tech University in two regions in the Texas Panhandle and surveys conducted by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation in Oklahoma. We also estimated the number of mixed species leks which contained both lesser and greater prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus cupido) and the number of hybrid lesser-greater prairie-chickens. The study area for 2012 included four regions containing the 2011 estimated occupied lesser...
Collections of fishes used for data analyses in the project:Historic and Current Habitat Use by Arkansas River Shiner in the South Canadian River in Central Oklahoma as Affected by River Flow: Predictions for Habitat Under Future Climate Scenarios”. Edie Marsh-Matthews and William J. Matthews. Funded and published by the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative.Collections were all made by seines of a variety of sizes and mesh widths (details for collections are in the appropriate section of the report). Fishes collected were either identified in the field and released or preserved in the field and returned to the laboratory for identification. Habitat data were recorded for each site at different spatial...
We used comparative landscape genetics to examine the relative roles of historical events, intrinsic traits and landscape factors in determining the distribution of genetic diversity of river fishes across the North American Great Plains. Spatial patterns of diversity were overlaid on a patch-based graphical model and then compared within and among three species that co-occurred across five Great Plains watersheds. Species differing in reproductive strategy (benthic vs. pelagic-spawning) were hypothesized to have different patterns of genetic diversity, but the overriding factor shaping contemporary patterns of diversity was the signature of past climates and geological history. Allelic diversity was significantly...
Categories: Data, Publication; Types: Citation, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: CATFISHES/MINNOWS, Colorado, Colorado, FISH, Federal resource managers, All tags...
This data is the Missouri River Basin subset of the National Anthropogenic Barrier Dataset (NABD) 2012 developed by USGS additional gauge data may exist in this dataset. Please refer to the complete dataset for use in other projects. A copy can be found at: follow is metadata from the source data:The main objective of this project was to develop a dataset of large, anthropogenic barriers that are spatially linked to the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) for the conterminous U.S. and the high resolution National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) for Alaska (1:63,000 scale) and Hawaii (1:24,000 scale) to facilitate GIS analyses based...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service, Shapefile; Tags: ANTHROPOGENIC/HUMAN INFLUENCED ECOSYSTEMS, Climate Change, Climate Change, Colorado, Colorado, All tags...
Priority and use segments for Sandhill Cranes (Antigone canadensis). Segments designated as use areas were utilized during annual spring surveys 2014-2016. Priority areas were determined using statistical modeling. The reduced model that best predicted use by Sandhill cranes included total area of trees, pits, crops and unvegetated sandbar habitats in each segments. Mean distance to conservation lands and roads and minimum distance to transmission lines and towers were also included in the model. Only distance to lines and total tree area had a significant (p < 0.05) relationship with priority core segments.
Stopover use by migrating shorebirds is affected by patch-level characteristics of habitat, but the relative influence of broadscale factors is poorly understood. We conducted surveys of ten 10-km-radius landscapes in north-central Oklahoma from 2007 through 2009 to examine the influence of the amount and composition of wetland habitats and surrounding land cover on shorebird use during migration. We used generalized linear modeling and an information-theoretic framework to identify factors that best explained species richness, total abundance, and abundance of four groups of shorebirds classified by breeding status and migration distance. Total abundance and richness both increased with the area of wetland...
Man-made water sources have been used as a management tool for wildlife, especially in arid regions, but the value of these water sources for wildlife populations is not well understood. In particular, the value of water as a conservation tool for Lesser Prairie-Chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) is unknown. However, this is a relevant issue due to a heightened conservation concern for the species and its occupancy of an arid landscape anticipated to experience warmer, drier springs and winters. We assessed if Lesser Prairie-Chickens would use commercially available wildlife water guzzlers and if there was any apparent selection between two design types. We confirmed that Lesser Prairie-Chickens would use bird...
Holocene environmental change is poorly characterized throughout much of the High Plains. Playa wetlands are sites with appreciable potential for reconstructing environmental change because of their environmental sensitivity. Radiocarbon, litho- and magneto-stratigraphic, and stable carbon isotope (δ13C) data for four playas on the Kansas High Plains indicate significant change occurred throughout the Holocene, which had profound impacts on playa ecosystem functions (e.g. groundwater recharge, surface water storage, and habitat). Minimum δ13C values and buried soils observed during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition suggest sufficient moisture to support vegetative cover and promote pedogenesis. Low magnetic susceptibility,...

map background search result map search result map Dataset: Results of the 2012 Range-wide Survey of Lesser Prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) Modeling sediment accumulation in North American playa wetlands in response to climate change, 1940–2100 Broad-scale Relationships Between Shorebirds and Landscapes in the Southern Great Plains Interacting Effects of Discharge and Channel Morphology on Transport of Semibuoyant Fish Eggs in Large, Altered River Systems Analysis Data: Conservation status, genetics, and population vulnerability of Arkansas darter (Etheostoma cragini) in Colorado Species Data Collections: Minnow species collections for the South Canadian River in Central Oklahoma Stream Barriers for the Missouri River Basin RUSLE2 Soil Erosion Model for the Rainwater Basin Region of Nebraska Sandhill Crane Priority Use Cores Publication: Holocene records of environmental change in High Plains playa wetlands, Kansas, US Drainage Structure Datasets and Effects on LiDAR-Derived Surface Flow Modeling LiDAR Derived Watershed Boundaries for Rainwater Basin Wetlands Publication: Fragmentation and dewatering transform Great Plains stream fish communities Publication: Fragmentation and drying ratchet down Great Plains stream fish diversity Publication: Comparative riverscape genetics reveals reservoirs of genetic diversity for conservation and restoration of Great Plains fishes Final Report: Assessment of Lesser Prairie-Chicken Use of Wildlife Water Guzzlers Model GeoTiffs: Black-tailed Prairie Dog Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Southern Great Plains: Cross-scale Analysis of Soils, Topography and Climate Publication: Water availability strongly impacts population genetic patterns of an imperiled Great Plains endemic fish Weather effects on avian breeding performance and implications of climate change Conservation Parcels Scored - Rio Mora Crucial Habitat Assessment Drainage Structure Datasets and Effects on LiDAR-Derived Surface Flow Modeling RUSLE2 Soil Erosion Model for the Rainwater Basin Region of Nebraska Sandhill Crane Priority Use Cores LiDAR Derived Watershed Boundaries for Rainwater Basin Wetlands Publication: Water availability strongly impacts population genetic patterns of an imperiled Great Plains endemic fish Analysis Data: Conservation status, genetics, and population vulnerability of Arkansas darter (Etheostoma cragini) in Colorado Publication: Holocene records of environmental change in High Plains playa wetlands, Kansas, US Broad-scale Relationships Between Shorebirds and Landscapes in the Southern Great Plains Interacting Effects of Discharge and Channel Morphology on Transport of Semibuoyant Fish Eggs in Large, Altered River Systems Species Data Collections: Minnow species collections for the South Canadian River in Central Oklahoma Conservation Parcels Scored - Rio Mora Crucial Habitat Assessment Final Report: Assessment of Lesser Prairie-Chicken Use of Wildlife Water Guzzlers Dataset: Results of the 2012 Range-wide Survey of Lesser Prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) Modeling sediment accumulation in North American playa wetlands in response to climate change, 1940–2100 Publication: Fragmentation and dewatering transform Great Plains stream fish communities Publication: Fragmentation and drying ratchet down Great Plains stream fish diversity Publication: Comparative riverscape genetics reveals reservoirs of genetic diversity for conservation and restoration of Great Plains fishes Model GeoTiffs: Black-tailed Prairie Dog Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Southern Great Plains: Cross-scale Analysis of Soils, Topography and Climate Weather effects on avian breeding performance and implications of climate change Stream Barriers for the Missouri River Basin